best way to get rid of unwanted records?

other than throwing them away that is...i do a majority of my digging at thrift stores and swap meets. mainly because the digs are pretty good at the places i go, but mostly because i wouldn't know what the hell to pick up at a record fair or specialty shop. i guess i'm what you could call a "luck of the draw" kind of digger. anyways, because of the rock bottom prices at the thrifts and meets, i tend to take risks on records i know nothing about. so while i do get lucky from time to time, i have litteraly hundreds of records i don't want.i mean, if i had a decent sized house it wouldn't be a big deal. but i live in a cramped-ass studio, and its become pretty obvious that i'm gonna have to get rid of some records if i want to be able to walk around in here. plus i'm hella broke these days. so what can/should i do? i'd love to get rid of a bunch of records and make some cash at the same time, but how should i do it?i've tried pawning some off at amoeba and arons (pre-closing), but they're understandably selective. and to be honest, most of the records i'm trying to get rid of are pretty crappy, music- and condition-wise. i've thought of donating them all or even just throwing them all away, but i could really use at least a little bit of cash. the only thing i've thought of so far is putting a posting up on craigslist, something along the lines of "200 records for 100 bucks" or something like that. or maybe doing the ebay thing. but what do yalls think? whats the best way to get rid of a shitload of unwanted records quick, and still make some money off it?also, this question applies to the boxes of vintage clothing and hundreds of dvds i have... i accumulate so much shit in here its ridiculous.

Or sell them in lots with a couple nice records. Someone might bite
Ugh - I hate it when people do desirable 45 lumped in with
every piece of Salvation Army trash imaginable:
"Lot of 50 soul, psych & funk 45's" (ps only 49 of them are worthless!)
But try a used book store or used cd/dvd store who also sell a few records. You can get some good "store credit" sometimes. And like dude said, they never really check for condition.
Other than that, throw the shit away. You'll forget about em real soon after that.
I have done a few lps in the oven but my fruit bowls look rough and i sold them for $5 at my market stall ( I also sell non melted lps). The dude who makes the stuff pictured must have a heat press with metal forms to get the shapes he does
yeah the craigslist thing seems to be the only reasonable thing to do, next to throwing them all away. probably will do both. thanks for the advice everyone.