Something to get the kids (stuffed animal related)
202 Posts
$??Welcome to GIANTmicrobes!We make stuffed animals that look like tiny microbes???only a million times actual size! Now available: The Common Cold, The Flu, Sore Throat, Stomach Ache, Cough, Ear Ache, Bad Breath, Kissing Disease, Athlete's Foot, Ulcer, Martian Life, Beer & Bread, Black Death, Ebola, Flesh Eating, Sleeping Sickness, Dust Mite, Bed Bug, and Bookworm (and in our Professional line: H.I.V. and Hepatitis).Each 5-to-7 inch doll is accompanied by an image of the real microbe it represents, as well as information about the microbe.
i was looking for a 'I (45 adaptor) 45's' shirt for it so my godson could grow up to be like DJ muro but couldnt find one.
come on and check out what's cool and hot (most surprisingly good website intro rap song ever)
Now now little Johny, cuddle up with The Clap and fall asleep..
"here honey I got you the genital warts plush toy"