Sampling the Dap or not?

has anyone heard this new Jurassic 5 single "Red Hot?" It's credited as "featuring the Dap Kings," but the song used in it sounds familiar to me. I'm not like a huge DK fan, so I don't know the song off hand, but i feel like i've definitely heard it before. The guy at the record store says it was an already existing DK song that Nu-Mark sampled. Do any of yall know? i can't decide if this is
or not. If they had done a brand new song with the Kings, that would be one thing. but doesn't Nu-Mark have endless amounts of raer breaks he could be sampling instead of reaching back, like, a year? is this fallout from Rhymefest's "Brand New?"

I dont care when ish came out, that song is alright.
you are definitely in their targetmarket
Two hot tracks, no doubt!
if its hot its hot.
im bout to sample the budos band, shit.
*not K-to Tha
it's definitely cool that S&DK can get royalties now instead having to wait 20-30 years like some funk artists.
you obviously aren't a producer.
shit! I sample stuff that isn't even out yet.
no, "Nervous" is no doubt hot. and J5 beat is pretty nice too (imagine the original with bigger drums). i guess my thing is that any little dude could sample the Dap Kings. I could sample the Dap Kings. I just expect more from Nu-Mark, that's all.
there you go.
you shoulda edited your first try.
It wasn't Kanye but Heavy D who used Arco Arena for Guns & Roses on the Jay-Z record
everything on Sugarhill Records! lthough that was more like interpolation but still.
Gee ! Thanks Mr. Marl !
Insert picture of eyes rolling back into head.
I think thats what makes them so unique is that they got that old hard sound..
Thats not unique at all... there are thousands upon thousands of old records that sound old
A badass, hard-as-nails funk group recording with a nice big sound, THAT would be something special...
EDIT> plus there are eleventeen other nufunk groups that record with that same old tinny sound, plenty more out there to sample for the "REAL SCHITT" headz...
I think a big part of the reason they got sampled is because they record the way they do.
Have you ever heard funk recorded digitally and over-produced? I shudder just thinking about it. And no one samples those records, I mean, cds.
Think of that "JB Horns" cd on Instinct - yuk!
What "big sound" are you talking about?
They've been sampled all of TWICE because of the way they record...
If they had well-recorded drums & horns, that shit would be jacked to hell
I am NOT talking about slick, technologically shiny, surgically clean recordings... there is a happy medium. Mainstream rock sounded really shitty in the 80s because the technology was not applied properly, but eventually folks realized how to reign in some aspects and things improved...
If their shows weren't so amazing I would've gotten tired of them long-ago, self-consciously retro shit doesn't have much longevity...
I'd love an example of "well-recorded" drums and horns...
I don't feel the need to bother listing any of the dozens of AMAZING sounding rock, jazz, go-go, disco, Latin, etc records released over the past 20+ years (the digital age)
Hell, TX has been putting out rap records with beautifully produced live band soul backing tracks for several years now...
I'm EXTREMELY dissappointed folks aren't stepping up and doing it THE RIGHT WAY with soul/funk bands... I'd love to hear it, and I'm sure I'm not the only one...
I convinced a friend of mine who's a studio engineer and budding rap producer to check out SJ&tDKs a while back... he loved the show and bought a CD. He immediately sold the disc cuz he thought it sounded terrible...
I dunno, I'm down with the 'shitty is pretty' sound, and as are a lot of folks on this list. I mean, I don't have 4K to shell out for Salt, but I still like the track. Also, what seperates something like Daptone from older labels is they know exactly what they want. Where as some older labels have some heat, and then some mediocre records, Daptone exists in the now, and all those mofos collect ill shit, they KNOW what to make and have it sound tight. No crossover! I think the last Sharon Jones rekkid was a masterpiece, they really have stepped up the songwriting game, and their production is always on point. Their sound ain't broke at all and they shouldn't be trying to fix it, and Gabe is a genius, everything strictly analog, down to the efx, and he knows what he's doing. I think their stuff sounds better then a lot of other Nu-school funk groups for that reason.
If you are looking for something with a little more bottom check that Sharon Jones collab with Greyboy that came out a minute ago on Ubiquity, I think there was a dope paul nice mix. Its kinda like what you're describing. Definitely a good track, but it doesn't make it better or worse in my opinion...just different.
As for Nu-mark sampling that 'Nervous' Track, I think that song is pretty bangin', and who cares if something is old or not to sample. How old was that Edie Brickell joint around the time Brand Nubian sampled it, a few years old? When Cut Chemist played at the Bump Shop (Chairman Mao's fine shindig at APT) he dropped this track via a white label. Neal Sugarman was in the house, and he was BUGGIN', saying 'They better not be putting that out before talking to us!', he was seeing dollar $igns on some Flo and Eddie/De La shit. I was like dude, its a white label, I'm sure they'll talk to you mofos. Anyways glad it out cos I def. need to cop that shit.
Also the Herbaliser sampled some Daptone shit a minute ago, I think it was before they were as known as they are now, so I think they thought it was an old rekkid. Gabe didn't know them, and called them up, not even on some attitude shit, but to work it out, and got hung up on. So he was like
Foxy Kim or Lil' Brown (forget which one) sampled something from the fake library record Neal Sugarman and the Desco people did back in the day (Nino Nardini--Rotonde Musique). They actually got kinda paid for that one. Supposedly Kayne West also jacked some Daptone shit. I don't know if that one's been werked out or not.
Don't need a list, just one will do.
I don't think I'd want funk drums sounding like rock or modern jazz drums.
I think the Brand New Heavies attempted to record in the modern style, and I also think their records would sound a lot better if they didn't.
yeah I love their stuff, from the early Funky N. Carolina to the Whitfield Bros. to the shit they did for Quannum...what's up with them these days?
I do, however, love some of the Rap-A-Lot and R Kelly releases of recent years and think they'd be a good place to start checking for well-recorded live instruments... D'Angelo's VOODOO has its moments as well...