Why Are Some Record Collectros So...........



  • dude needs to buy a cd, pronto.

  • ether? I didn't realize ether is a offensive odor. I didn't realize it had an odor at all

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    odors that I find especially offensive

    HAHAHA, I wish with all my heart to live a moment with this dude!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    odors that I find especially offensive

    HAHAHA, I wish with all my heart to live a moment with this dude!

    Plaese explain what this means to this newbie??

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    ether? I didn't realize ether is a offensive odor. I didn't realize it had an odor at all

    I always thought ether had a sweet smell???

  • mordecaimordecai 2,204 Posts

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    odors that I find especially offensive

    HAHAHA, I wish with all my heart to live a moment with this dude!

    Plaese explain what this means to this newbie??

    Well, I wasn't even here when this Salma thing originated, but sometime a certain strutter talked about some real life person and later this person started posting on here. Another strutter began the "Salma Hayek, Salma Hayek" chant, hoping for Salma to appear.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    odors that I find especially offensive

    HAHAHA, I wish with all my heart to live a moment with this dude!

    Plaese explain what this means to this newbie??

    Well, I wasn't even here when this Salma thing originated, but sometime a certain strutter talked about some real life person and later this person started posting on here. Another strutter began the "Salma Hayek, Salma Hayek" chant, hoping for Salma to appear.


    When I was first turned on to ebay by a buddy back in '98 his quote to me about it was..."This will put you in touch with every idiot on the face of the earth"

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    maybe he's already here: could be that aggro dude that was moaning about some dust on his AP jazz raer.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Jazz and Prog collectors seem to be the most finicky when it comes to condition.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Jazz and Prog collectors seem to be the most finicky when it comes to condition.

    it's kinda odd that collectors of music-to-take-drugs-to are so anal.

    paradoxical I should say.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    I hate dog-eared corners

    Everybody: post your most hated cover deffect or you are soft.

  • I hate dog-eared corners

    Everybody: post your most hated cover deffect or you are soft.

    Mold, I hate mold. I don't care how good the record is if it has mold on it I don't want it.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

    Mold, I hate mold. I don't care how good the record is if it has mold on it I don't want it.

    But mold can be killed, a dog-eared corner is irreversible and can haunt my dreams at night forever.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    "I will not buy this record. It is scratched"

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Everybody: post your most hated cover deffect or you are soft.

    Pressing dimples....a perfect, untouched, unplayed LP can be fucked by those cheap ass pressing dimples(bumps, warts, bubbles, whatever you wanna call them)

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts

    Most important can you please tell me what the record and jacket smell like. Do they have an odor? I am very particular about the odors that enter my home and am hesitant to put a 50 year old item into my collection if it smells bad. The odors that I find especially offensive seem to be very common with records. Please confirm that the LP does not smell like any of the following bad odors.

    Pet odor especially Cats
    Smoke of any kind
    Mildew or Mold even if not visible
    Cooking odors like garlic or curry
    Any medical or drug odor
    Perfume or deodorizers
    Any other odor you think I should know about

    I also would like to be assured that no pet hair or feathers can be found anywhere on the record. Spider webs or other insect bodies or waste. I know these requests may sound unusual but by allergic reactions in the past make it necessary to determine these things before I allow a record into my home.

    If the LP in question does have any of these odors can you pleasde identify which ones and tell me how strong you would rate them on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 representing the most foul odor.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts

    Smoke of any kind
    or drug odor

    Smoke of any kind
    or drug odor

    Smoke of any kind
    or drug odor

    Smoke of any kind
    or drug odor

    Smoke of any kind
    or drug odor

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    I visited Salvador in Bahia, Brazil a few years ago - when I stepped out of the plane a nice humid earthy smell hit me - "ah, this is what those Brazilian record jackets smell like!"

    Now I just sniff a Gal Costa lp when I want to remember my trip.

  • Everybody: post your most hated cover deffect or you are soft.

    i hate buying a reissue and when i play it there's a nasty pop throughout the song (my lynn collins re even had a skip i had to dig out. not cool).

    i'm pretty anal about record grading...if i'm paying more than 10 for it, i'd rather not have anything more than surface noise. beat up covers don't bother me though.

  • Jazz and Prog collectors seem to be the most finicky when it comes to condition.

    it's kinda odd that collectors of music-to-take-drugs-to are so anal.

    paradoxical I should say.

    Clicks and pops are a buzzkill dude.

  • Jazz and Prog collectors seem to be the most finicky when it comes to condition.

    it's kinda odd that collectors of music-to-take-drugs-to are so anal.

    paradoxical I should say.

    Clicks and pops are a buzzkill dude.

    Which is why I ain't mad when I get a nice title and the cover is a bit worn -- long as the record is clean, it was a good day.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Jazz and Prog collectors seem to be the most finicky when it comes to condition.

    it's kinda odd that collectors of music-to-take-drugs-to are so anal.

    paradoxical I should say.

    Clicks and pops are a buzzkill dude.

    Dudes around here need to man-the-fuck-up, ya'll are whining like little girls: "there's dust on my record! my corner is crinked! this record is cracked!"

  • Anal Retentive

    I just received a 3 page note asking me to describe what an LP that I currently have on ebay smells like.....dude gives me a list of the smells he doesn't want in his house and asks me to rate the odor of the LP on a scale of 1 to 10!!!

    I would let the dude pick what kind of odor he wants. Wintergreen, Alpine Mist, New Car...etc.

  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts
    Jazz and Prog collectors seem to be the most finicky when it comes to condition.

    it's kinda odd that collectors of music-to-take-drugs-to are so anal.

    paradoxical I should say.

    Clicks and pops are a buzzkill dude.

    Dudes around here need to man-the-fuck-up, ya'll are whining like little girls: "there's dust on my record! my corner is crinked! this record is cracked!"

    "...The 1st 3 grooves are chipped off! There's a cigar burn on track 3! I can eat cereal in this record!"

    Babies, man. Gotta deal with those minor flaws. They are USED, you know....

  • Jazz and Prog collectors seem to be the most finicky when it comes to condition.

    it's kinda odd that collectors of music-to-take-drugs-to are so anal.

    paradoxical I should say.

    Clicks and pops are a buzzkill dude.

    Dudes around here need to man-the-fuck-up, ya'll are whining like little girls: "there's dust on my record! my corner is crinked! this record is cracked!"

    "...The 1st 3 grooves are chipped off! There's a cigar burn on track 3! I can eat cereal in this record!"

    Babies, man. Gotta deal with those minor flaws. They are USED, you know....

    USED? Wait... People actually buy used records? I thought I was amongst fellow re-issue diggers here at Soul Strut.

    I mean, come on... Re-issues are CLEARLY the way to go in '06.

  • USED? Wait... People actually buy used records? I thought I was amongst fellow re-issue diggers here at Soul Strut.

    I mean, come on... Re-issues are CLEARLY the way to go in '06.
    Yeah, all non-anal-retentive people, please stay away from valuable used records, you'll just mess them up.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,159 Posts
    I don't have a sense of smell so I can't relate but I know I can't stand split seams.
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