European free music (improvisation related)

Can anyone hook up some info on this niche of musicpeter brotzmannevan parkerderek bailywillem bruekeradd on...I'm looking for info and albums of these people w/comments.I know some of you weird fuckers have got to be into this shit like I am...
~ weird fucker
I have a dozen or so classical records from European artists. It's free music, but definitely not from an heritage of jazz music. One of them is a Swedish orchestra working with a Swedish radio station performing an extended work about space travel, which uses some primitive radio effects. It's pretty crazy. I also have some Musique Concrete joints on the same label that you'd probably like.
Don't know if it fits in this category (I don't know any of these artists), but Futura label is the most sought-after free jazz label from France, with people like Jef Gilson, Siegried Kessler or Michel Portal..
I'm feeling this one. Edward Vesala, Brotzmann, etc. going all out.
the 'Gateway to Joy' with host/DJ Donna on FMU definitely goes into that territory. I think she interviewed Derick Bailey on her show at one point. Donna, the host/DJ, doesn't post playlists but there are many archives at: