[color:faux_rillz]pure poptartism. It takes more than a ten-point wantlist, a $2000 credit line, and a high speed internet connection to play this game. No, you're not on my level - get your breaks tweaked. [/rillz]
I just nabbed wild wind. I was surprised, not expensive. Can't wait til it gets here.
I was watching that & forgot to bid. Good Score!
VG+ and shipping from germany =
...but it should work out. It's hilarious I have to mail order something from the state I live in. But that one is a pretty hard pull. I wish I was around in the 80s before it was re-released/hyped and when this stuff was cut out like mad. Most of em are probably in a landfill.
I'll play. I just got a digicam...want to see if I can figure out how to do this. Here's a sampling of what I like; these rarely make it back to the shelves.
its pretty good
What's that Micki Collins all about??
[color:faux_rillz]pure poptartism. It takes more than a ten-point wantlist, a $2000 credit line, and a high speed internet connection to play this game. No, you're not on my level - get your breaks tweaked. [/rillz]
for a second there i thought this was the weekend finds thread and was about to loose my shit. nice records though.
I was watching that & forgot to bid. Good Score!
VG+ and shipping from germany =
...but it should work out. It's hilarious I have to mail order something from the state I live in. But that one is a pretty hard pull. I wish I was around in the 80s before it was re-released/hyped and when this stuff was cut out like mad. Most of em are probably in a landfill.