Met wifey in college 15 years ago. Saw her in the cafeteria and bugged out. Luckily some friends knew her and I had them introduce me. Been with her ever since. College is a good place to meet someone because they are working on an education. I love well educated women!
I saw her when she was just 19, me 29. I was playing records in a practically empty club one night when I see this cute as hell girl practicing some fly moves, I was like, yo, that's marrying material right there. Only time I ever thought that.
I guess being a resident DJ doesn't hurt. Keeps you in a place where hotties congregate weekly. It also lets you clock scandelous behavior. I waited a year before I made a move (I was in another relationship). I saw nothing I wouldn't approve of and in that club you would see some shit. LOL
three years ago, i saw my girlfriend at seattle community college, i was dating another girl (engaged actually), and pointed her out to one of my best homies, that was going to the same school. a week later he asked her out, and they dated for about 9months. during that time, she broke up with him several times, and i was his "ear" for all of it. i thought she was some hott shit and really cool, so i tried to remain objective through all of his craziness (crying/blubber talk). finally they broke up, and she and i became friends. i had in the meantime broken up with my girlfriend, and had been told by my buddy to not speak to her. a year later he went on a 3month roadtrip, during which time, the girl and i hooked up. i tried to think of the most diplomatic way to explain the situation, but i/we were fucked. we ended on the worst terms (i invited him to come to my work to let me beat him up on the clock, after he called up the girl i was previously engaged to, asking her out. she said no, and called me up, fucking pissed). he moved to NY, and still tells everyone how badly i fucked him over.
my boyfriend mike is one of my roommate's good friends. i had known him as just an acquaintance for a few years but i always thought he had a nice face and had a minor crush on him on a purely superficial level. he had always been really quiet around me so i didn't know him too well. actually i was intimidated by him because he always looked so serious and shit. then i start hanging out with my roommate more and his friends and i'd hear all these amusing stories about how strange, outgoing and funny he is. i couldn't believe it was the same guy, so i was intrigued but was still too scared to give out any indication i was attracted to him. yadda yadda yadda, time goes by and i'm in a relationship with some other dude.
time goes by and i am single again. i run into mike & my roommate at a bar right before going to check out some corny 70s 3-D porn at some rep house with serg, stef, diane and om and i sneak up behind him and scare him. he is flirting and what not, but i had to peace out to make the movie time. when i got home after the movie, he is at my place hanging out with the roommate and my roommate's girl in the living room. they turn in but i wanted to hang out with mike more and he did too. this was during some crazy 90 degree heatwave, so we ended up looking for a basketball court at like 2am in the morn. no luck, went back to my place and something happened where he grabbed my hand and we ended up making out for like 2 hours like a bunch of junior high kids. it was one of the sexiest and satisfying things i've experienced mostly because of all this pentup attraction i guess, and we didn't even uh trade mixtapes
At my wife's job! No fucking lie. I went to pick up wifey one day and seen this dime piece at the desk in the back. Well a few years later I was divorced and ran into the girl again and got to doin' what I do. She is the best, and holds me down like no other. 2 years now and I'm not even close to getting tired of her.
At my wife's job! No fucking lie. I went to pick up wifey one day and seen this dime piece at the desk in the back. Well a few years later I was divorced and ran into the girl again and got to doin' what I do. She is the best, and holds me down like no other. 2 years now and I'm not even close to getting tired of her.
My friends ex-girl...
Golden Rule : don't turn your back
this is the reason %50 of parents send their daughters to college
to get married?
to meet "marriage-material men"
*these stats may not be accurate
i am so in the dark about these things. i will be questioning my parents about this.
I guess being a resident DJ doesn't hurt. Keeps you in a place where hotties congregate weekly. It also lets you clock scandelous behavior. I waited a year before I made a move (I was in another relationship). I saw nothing I wouldn't approve of and in that club you would see some shit. LOL
It must have been the bookshelf riddim I was cuttin over.
i don't remember what was playing when our eyes met, but Pamoja's "Ooh Baby" and "The St. Louis Breakdown" were rocking that evening.
good lookin' out Dante.
Our actual first date was terrible.
Our first date after talking on the phone for awhile was 7 years ago this December and we have been together ever since.
time goes by and i am single again. i run into mike & my roommate at a bar right before going to check out some corny 70s 3-D porn at some rep house with serg, stef, diane and om and i sneak up behind him and scare him. he is flirting and what not, but i had to peace out to make the movie time. when i got home after the movie, he is at my place hanging out with the roommate and my roommate's girl in the living room. they turn in but i wanted to hang out with mike more and he did too. this was during some crazy 90 degree heatwave, so we ended up looking for a basketball court at like 2am in the morn. no luck, went back to my place and something happened where he grabbed my hand and we ended up making out for like 2 hours like a bunch of junior high kids. it was one of the sexiest and satisfying things i've experienced mostly because of all this pentup attraction i guess, and we didn't even uh trade mixtapes
There's someone with a head on their shoulders.