
Please break dow nhe Lizard People for me again..

GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
edited April 2005 in Off Topic (NRR)
...so I'm talking with AP right now and we got on David Icke and the Lizard people...we needs some irrefutable evidence that the lizard folks are indeed amongst us.


  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,149 Posts
    White people do have replitian elbow skin...

  • david icke

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    just think about it. look at our world leaders and the obvious plans they have to control and manipulate our lives. Look at all the snake type imagery you see everywhere. its only natural. snake people run the game.

  • Just sit down at Borders and leaf through Tales from beyond the Time Loop.
    He talks about taking ayahuasca and astral traveling and shit. There is alot of other good stuff in there. If you want to see some shit watch conspiracy of silence. You can get it at Free Press International. Its a suppressed documentary about government involvement in the trafficking of sex slaves, and the subsequent cover-up. Its the most damning thing I've seen to date cospiracy wise.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    I don't know much about lizard people but chearleading the blowed comes to mind.

  • Please don't take Archaic as representative of the views of all who take interest in this topic. I know you were kidding, I'm just saying. And I don't really care for the Blowed either.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    They are rumored to inhabit a secret base under the Denver Aiport, waiting to feast on stolen babies.


    Peep all the MKULTRA trigger imagery in this insane mural at the airport:

    "Commentary by Hans Kammler Jr.:

    I had seen these images years ago.

    I saw the imagery but at the time did not quite understand what was presented.

    The past few years of research as well as the knowledge gained from moderating this group have provided me with an insight I would like to share with you and the rest of the group regarding these images, that you will find nowhere else, therefore it would be good for all of you to spread this information far and wide.

    My friends and fellow travellers.... This last image is the key to deciphering the mystery of the mural. The German boy with the Anvil. It's an obscure reference to a passage in the work of Aryanist Luciferian Occultist, Alice Bailey called "The Destiny of Nations". In this work, she describes various 'mystical forces', 'cosmic rays' and planetary infuences that guide the destiny of nations. Pay particular attention to what she says of Germany and "fourth ray" also known to newagers as "the white ray" who's atrributes include "purity" and "discipline":


    1. Ray 4. - Harmony through Conflict, via the Moon, veiling in this case the planet Vulcan. Vulcan here "forges on his anvil, through fire and blows, that linking network which covers all the nation and makes it hold together." This ray produces the condition which brings together Germany and the States, for the fourth ray is the German soul ray and the first ray, which Vulcan transmits via the Moon, links the German soul and personality to the United States. Hence the vast numbers of Germans who come to the States in order to escape from the personality activity of Germany as it expresses itself through its first ray destroyer aspect.

    In her work she talks of the "coming of the new age" and the discipleship of the "Great White Brotherhood" and the "Avatar" or Messiah who was said to be by her and her predecessors the incarnation of the Lightbearer, Lucifer and Christ. These tenants mirror her other work called "The Externalization of the Hierarchy" in which she outlines a plan to bring about a New World Order and New World Religion.

    When understanding the relationship of the german boy and the anvil and the philosophy and works of Ms. Bailey, the symbolism of the murals becomes rather evident. Particularly grusome are the images of the Jew, the American Indian (or is it latino?) and the African in the coffins, especially when one considers the theosophic aryanist luciferian tenant that the 'old root races' must make way for the 'newer, higher evolved race".

    Kind of makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    Sleep well.

    Hans Jr."


    Masonic Keypad?

    More on DIA revealed:


    "Don't believe everything that you read??

    The Queen of England has reportedly been buying up property in Colorado under a proxy.

    There is a lot of "secret society" symbology at the airport, an AWFUL lot in fact

    The symbolism apparent in the layout of the new Denver airport, some feel, says that it may be a control center for world control

    Specifically, those involved in some very unusual government projects in the past, have remarked that the Denver area is where the establishment of the Western sector of the New World Order will be in the United States.

    Denver is of very high altitude and ideal for safe underground building

    The dedication or capstone of the new Denver Internation Airport is a masonic symbol.

    If you visit the airport's south eastern side of the terminal you will find the Masonic Capstone in Granite.

    This part of the terminal is called The Great Hall, which is known in Masonic lingo as their meeting hall.

    On the Masonic Capstone is inscribed NEW WORLD AIRPORT COMMISION.

    An eyewitness who has since "committed suicide" named Phil Schneider was a whistle blower re: Denver International Airport's underground facilities

    He helped build the underground facilities and reportedly "killed" himself via a double tie catheter behind his own neck strangling himself. It goes without saying that it appears that he was MURDERED.

    In the same general area as the Masonic capstone, there are Masonic designs inlaided in the floor, such as the expression DZIT DIT GAII, [anyone know EXACTLY what that means?]

    Phil Schneider's father was a U-boat captain during the NAZI regime.

    Apparently DZIT DIT GAII refers to the BLACK SUN some sort of NAZI symbology.

    NAZI's apparently were into "BLACK SUN" worship, i.e. Saturn, i.e. Satanism, should not surprise us, I suppose

    There are many murals at the airport of an EXTREMELY grotesque and apocalyptic nature.

    After looking at the murals many come away saying that they may represent what the elites plan to do with us and world

    One of the murals depicts 3 caskets containing dead people, each person representing people who the elites may want dead

    Black woman, a Jewish woman, and an American Indian Woman

    The casket ritual is common in the Skull & Bones Club whose members include George Bush

    In the same mural is shown the destruction of city and forest, a little girl holding a Mayan Tablet that predicts destruction of Civilization

    Another Mural depicts a green giant "Darth Vader" like figure wearing a gas mask destroying a city

    In this mural women can be seen carrying DEAD BABIES

    Another mural depicts a German boy collecting from all the other children of the world, all of the worlds weapons

    the German boy has a HUGE IRON FIST and is pounding all the weapons into plowshares on an anvil

    Operation Paperclip was a plan wherein NAZI's were brought into the US to be brought back into power after being financed and appearance alter ed

    Many German nationals have been seen along Americans in more sensitive areas of the airport's underground facilities on a regular basis

    The LUFTWAFFE has long had an EXTENSIVE base in New Mexico complete with towns where all signs are in GERMAN

    The Artists who made the murals etc in DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT have been interviewed wherein they first claimed that guidelines WERE provided for their work

    Upon further investigation, they appear to have forgotten that they previously said guidelines were given

    Another mural depicts nothing but mind-altering or poisonous plants and animals all of which are recognized as Masonic symbols worldwide

    Most people are shocked by this weird art and are bewildered that such strange stuff is in the airport at all [not unlike the bizarre propaganda/art at the new IRS HQ]

    Phil Schneider claimed during the last year of constuction that the underground airport system was being connected to a deep underground base

    At least 8 levels deep

    4.5 square mile underground city

    88.5 square mile base underneath the airport [HARD to BELIEVE, huh] Your tax money at work ?

    Rodney Stitch, author of Defrauding of America, claims to have a copy of a tape of a CIA agent paying off the mayor of Denver to get the airport built [$1.5 million payoff]"

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    Whoa indeed

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    I posted this in another thread about skull and bones, but its also relevant here.

    skull and bones is a secret society that consists of certain yale students with influential families. They meet and do really bizarre rituals north of san francisco and worship the skull of geronimo. They also hook eachother up in high political or corporate positions and participate in a veritable circle jerk of manipulative abuses of power.

    They also hunt virgins on this island that bush owns, and they sustain their human form by drinking virgin blood....you see, they are all decendents of an ancient race of aliens that had sex with our bitches back in the day(it says so in the bible). From this unholy union was born a super race of alien white people that were also half lizard.

    These snake people were equiped with "secret knowledge" passed down through genetics that allowed them the power to manipulate the minds of pure bred humans into letting them control the world. Thats why they invented shit like checking accounts and the stock market. Their objective is to control all of the world and create a world prison in which no one is aware of their own enslavement and everybody works without their knowledge to benefit the snake people, so the snake people can get more stuff. They love stuff.

    They are also obsessed with symbolism. Basicly they love to put shit with snakes on it in places where big important shit goes down. Sort of so they can have a private laugh at us while they fuck our virgin daughters and drink their blood.

    And yet we have no hope of fighting these snake people on conventional terms. Their ownly weak point is love. They hate love. And they also hate stuff thats good and not evil. So we must all learn to love more, and also be better people.

    hope that explains some things.

  • HamHam 872 Posts
    what about the huuuuge military base under new mexico where aliens control shit and grind people into an amber fluid wich they drink. that guy Bob Lazar was talking about it. and John Lear. cool stuff. the OH-Krill papers and all that. majestic 12. Nibiru. Nibiru is coming in 2012 right? where the lizard people comes form, oooh. read "the twelfth planet" by zacharia zitchkin

  • BlightyBlighty 225 Posts
    ...so I'm talking with AP right now and we got on David Icke and the Lizard people...we needs some irrefutable evidence that the lizard folks are indeed amongst us.

    If you're genuinely interested you need to read one of his books ('The Biggest Secret', 'Children Of The Matrix' and 'Tales From The Time Loop' all cover the 'lizard people'). There's no way anyone is going to convince you of anything with a few words on a forum. Obviously you can visit www.davidicke.com and read some decent articles there but I'd grab one of his books, read it with an open mind and see what you think. They're certainly very interesting regardless of whetehr you think this is ridiulous or not.

    Lots of video stuff to download here btw.


  • Nibiru is coming in 2012 right?

    Man, I can't wait!!! I've already got like 3 different tee-shirts designs ready for that isht. I'm waaaay ahead of y'all on that. Pre-orders? Hit me up.

  • HamHam 872 Posts
    Nibiru is coming in 2012 right?

    Man, I can't wait!!! I've already got like 3 different tee-shirts designs ready for that isht. I'm waaaay ahead of y'all on that. Pre-orders? Hit me up.

    word. i thought it was in 2003 first. had a special pennant made and everything. felt kinda stupid standing there when nothing happened.

  • ArchaicArchaic 633 Posts
    Nibiru is coming in 2012 right?

    Man, I can't wait!!! I've already got like 3 different tee-shirts designs ready for that isht. I'm waaaay ahead of y'all on that. Pre-orders? Hit me up.

    word. i thought it was in 2003 first. had a special pennant made and everything. felt kinda stupid standing there when nothing happened.

    2003 marked the time when we could start feeling the effects (changing weather patterns, seismic activity, etc.) of an approaching Nibiru. December 23, 2012 is the day it's supposed to actually "arrive". The Mayan calendar happens to end on that very day.

  • AaronAaron 977 Posts
    I was born in Denver.

    That's right, Denver.

  • ArchaicArchaic 633 Posts
    I was born in Denver.

    Denver is for sassafras sippers.

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts

    Denver is for thassafrath thippers.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts

    Denver is for thassafrath thippers.

    I think that's lizard speak

  • what about the huuuuge military base under new mexico where aliens control shit and grind people into an amber fluid wich they drink. that guy Bob Lazar was talking about it. and John Lear. cool stuff. the OH-Krill papers and all that. majestic 12. Nibiru. Nibiru is coming in 2012 right? where the lizard people comes form, oooh. read "the twelfth planet" by zacharia zitchkin

    Dulce NM. You're killing it, you should post more. And 2012 is a shift in consciousness, not the arrival of Nibiru, from what I've read. Have you heard about the genetic experiments at that place? FUCK. Ditto with Denver. i never read that particular Alice Bailey connection before, but I am fully aware of that evil bitch. Cool article, dude. This is the best stuff relating to these topics I've seen on here. I'll try to find some other stuff.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    That mural site is crazy. That mural is way too fucked up to not mean anything. Scary! The endless article it links does get a little out their for sure. But one thing that their is no doubt about is that the government collects a shit load of tax every year and it's not going to schools or roads or much good at all. So where is it going? SECRECT UNDERGROUND MIND BLOWING SHIT I CAN'T HANDLE RIGHT NOW!

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    "They appear to attach to humans by two of the lower chakras."

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    "They appear to attach to humans by the backdoor chakra."

    is right

  • when i was working for the home office in the uk i actually issued a passport to david icke... i know this isn't any help with the lizard people question, but it's a useless/interesting piece of information for you anyway...

  • here are a few quotes, figured I'd just put them in here...

    "In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. . . . The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves. This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth[/b] ."

    --Alan Greenspan, 1966

    "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws." Mayer Amschel Rothschild

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