L13 got banned again?!?!



  • I for sure as hell didn't PM RAJ about zigzag. What I did do is crack a little and totally non-offensive joke complete with face and he blew snot all over me, in response. I thought it was pretty ridiculous, and then when I saw him doing the same thing to other people, I told him to settle down. Nobody needs that.

    I agree, he was way out of line. I'm not saying anyone was wrong in having beef with him - it just seemed like he could have been dealt with without people bothering the owner of the website.

    I enjoy seeing people more than seeing them catch a

    I had dude be pretty nasty to me yesterday; but I didn't ask for him to be banned. I just figured his juvenile behaviour would speak for itself. He was on qite a rampage of rudeness though. I kind of feel bad for him if he really does have Tourettes. But he is probably just one of those hyper defensive people that take any kind of criticism as a personal challenge.

    By the way, that Dizzy vs L13 mp3 is the most creative I have heard in a while.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    would tourettes really transfer over to your writing though?

    Mahmoud Abdoul-Raouf never really barked on the basketball court

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts

    Brilliant. All future beef must be resolved this way, or with choreography.

  • would tourettes really transfer over to your writing though?

    Mahmoud Abdoul-Raouf never really barked on the basketball court

    Ask this Kid:

  • would tourettes really transfer over to your writing though?

    Mahmoud Abdoul-Raouf never really barked on the basketball court

    my boss has tourrettes and looks like ann coulter and her breath smells

    thats all

    carry on

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    would tourettes really transfer over to your writing though?

    Mahmoud Abdoul-Raouf never really barked on the basketball court

    my boss has tourrettes and looks like ann coulter and her breath smells

    thats all

    carry on

    GodDAMN, W***!!! Talk about "WELCOME TO HELL!"

  • would tourettes really transfer over to your writing though?

    Mahmoud Abdoul-Raouf never really barked on the basketball court

    my boss has tourrettes and looks like ann coulter and her breath smells

    thats all

    carry on

    GodDAMN, W***!!! Talk about "WELCOME TO HELL!"

    iam so serious, she is a first rate bitch, talks to me like iam 2, she wears french hooker fishnet stockings with bowed legs (i mean come on, know your flaws) and yes she has tourrettes, which she takes meds for so they end up sounding like shes clearing her throat all the time and its goddam annoying as hell, dont get me wrong she would have my sympathy if she wasnt a bitch yo

    and drew if you holla at m**k tell him to call me, that terd aint returning my calls

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts

    I enjoy seeing people more than seeing them catch a

    True, but some people still don't catch a clue, despite what people throw at them (Relic from Dizzy_Bull vs L13, round 1)

    As entertaining as they are, I find beef posts to get pretty boring after a while.

    [color:white]Of course, it's a reeeeeeally loooong while. [/color]

    Dizzy Bull just became my favorite SoulStrutter!

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    But when I get PMs and e-mails complaining

    Jesus Christ ...are you people still PMing Raj and other moderators complaining and requesting bans etc..? ....get a Goddamn life people...I'm sure Raj has better things to do with his time than rub ointment on your sore pussy....

    i dont really care if dude was banned or not ...but some of you really need to get some fresh air...Good Lord !

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    It was me he got upset with originally. I didn't PM the Raj but what was pissing me off was not the abuse but him following me round the site like a drunk trying to pick a fight.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    yeah, he did the same shit to me.

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts

    This is awesome and we do need to see more of these.

    I must have missed this the first time it was posted...

    Are there more?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Oh... I guess I had better point out that it wasn't me that PM'd RAJ asking for a ban...

    If you look back through my posts it should be obvious that I thought it was rad that L13 and would bug out on me any time I would respond to one of his posts.

    In the end it was too easy, I guess, which almost makes you wonder if he was faking it? I guess not since he did it to other people and not just me.

    comma comma comma comma comma chameleon,,,,, he comes and gooooes,,,,, he comes and gooooooooooooes,,,,,,,,
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