klezmer electro-thug beats

klezmer electro-thug beats


Last Active
Member, Real Head
  • Rap You're Liking

    ketan said:
    Danny x JPEGMAFIA album goes hoard - hard to pick just one song...

    I really like this kind of fucked up noisey almost psychedelic rap production - it kinda reminds me of a tiny norcal release called Motel Crew that I semi-firmly believe to be one of the best rap albums ever made. JPEGMAFIA's verses are kinda washing over me though, like not bad or good, just not remarkable compared to Danny who sounds as nuts as the beats.


    OK is this one harder or easier? 15 seconds to get this one

  • Is it going to be like ...

    In fairness, there's one other purpose I've heard of that seems semi-valid: apparently you can ask it to program shit, like spit out code in whatever coding language that will maybe function once you make a pass over it to fix things/integrate it into whatever you're coding. So it saves programmers some typing and thinking time, and they can just read it over to fix it and get it working. As it gets better I guess they should be able to not know the programming languages so well and basically code in plain English. I guess that'd kind of make their expertise and jobs worth a lot less, so not great. But AI is already fucking some jobs over - artists etc.

    That side of things basically just depends on how badly run our economies are. You could have a more equitable society where people whose jobs are transformed by AI aren't fucked, or, for example, CEOs don't decide that plagiarized computer imagery is good enough for whatever project because CEOs don't exist or don't benefit directly from fucking every penny out of their workers.

    Still, I'll say again that none of this is to give credit to any content, imagery or text or whatever, that AI creates. It's not art and it's not worth your time. Hopefully future iterations of AI will train themselves on the increasing morass of AI-generated crap that will pollute the internet to the point that they stop improving and actually get worse.

    Happy International Workers' Day.
  • Is it going to be like ...

    Nah it's bullshit. People are mistaking what is basically a google search put through an almost-decent predictive text model for actual "artificial intelligence" basically due to a conflation in terminology. Surprise, ask a chatbot that uses human phrases as its learning model if it's alive and it says it's alive. Woooooooooo scary. Credulous-ass NYT journalists and tech guys who should know better but really really wanna believe beware. There's a lot of money in rooking people over this so there's a lot of wild-ass language flying around about it.

    That said there's a lot of pointless commercial and boilerplate language that a robot might as well be writing - real estate listings, for example.

    What confuses me the most is that people have any patience at all for reading/consuming media generated by these things. I'm not into "images", I'm into art, because humans are my culture and that's what we make. I want to see things that were consciously created. Trying to pay attention to a GPT sample is, for me, harder than listening to somebody's long, convoluted dream. I physically can't do it.

    Keep in mind these are worse quality than it gives you, though not by that much. I'm too lazy to figure out how to record it off my system audio as it plays in the free site, so I literally record off my laptop speakers into my laptop mic lol

    33 seconds for this one. harder?
