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"Obama 'The Wealth Spreader'"So is this their newest line of attack? Drudge posted this "BOMBSHELL" audio yesterday of Obama mentioning redistribution of wealth and it looks like…
roll? sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyat. he's polling behind. -
"Obama 'The Wealth Spreader'"So is this their newest line of attack? Drudge posted this "BOMBSHELL" audio yesterday of Obama mentioning redistribution of wealth and it looks like…
Meanwhile... Zero news coverage on something like this. -
Palin Scares MeI think if she were ever to make it to the White House we would end up in a Swedish style socialistic system.<b, 21<b, 21The woman is a flat out soci…
i have a friend voting for mccain who said he'd move to canada if palin became president. there seems so much wrong with that that i left it alone. -
Palin Scares MeI think if she were ever to make it to the White House we would end up in a Swedish style socialistic system.<b, 21<b, 21The woman is a flat out soci…
sarah palin drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls. -
Hanging A Political Figure In Effigy Is A CrimeAnd the perpetrators should be arrested.....<b,121<b,121Yay or Nay??
Even though I thought the Palin this WAS kinda funny I have say its not cool. I don't know if it should be illegal... maybe.... I'm not sure. -
Hanging A Political Figure In Effigy Is A CrimeAnd the perpetrators should be arrested.....<b,121<b,121Yay or Nay??
yes, there are obscenity laws that would probably prohibit a naked sarah palin hung in effigy, but i don't see how her situation is illegal. the obama effigy is a different story because of the noose, and the obvious racism. -
Hanging A Political Figure In Effigy Is A CrimeAnd the perpetrators should be arrested.....<b,121<b,121Yay or Nay??
this is sarah palin's ass-backwards take on the first amendment: -
Hanging A Political Figure In Effigy Is A CrimeAnd the perpetrators should be arrested.....<b,121<b,121Yay or Nay??
Excellent comment from Chuck Hagel on Palin's dangerous anti-intellectualism: -
If McCain wins, you will......a) move to canada<b,121<b,121b) lose all faith in this country, but move on with your life<b,121<b,121c) burn & loot<b,121<b,121d) _____________
Hope McCain isn't assassinated by domestic christian terrorists to get Palin in office. -
If McCain wins, you will......a) move to canada<b,121<b,121b) lose all faith in this country, but move on with your life<b,121<b,121c) burn & loot<b,121<b,121d) _____________
d. I will grab all the free condoms available on my university campus. When the McCain-Palin administration makes birth control illegal, I will sell those rubbers for profit to Sarah Palin's other daughters.