klezmer electro-thug beats

klezmer electro-thug beats


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Member, Real Head

    Thanks man! I'd never heard the Della Reese, that's a really cool track.
    And Mr. Slowly of course
  • Music to MOOG by?

    Checking it now, the mix is sounding great so far! Nicely done.
    If you're doing a vol. 2:

    also this guy is in the Natural Yogurt Band with another dude, a potential track along the heavy-drums-and-moog line is "Space Echo"
  • Music to MOOG by?

    Dick Hyman age of electronicus has a moog "give it up or turn it loose" which is pretty ridiculous. He also covered green onions...

    Bill Watrous had a track with a ridiculous drums/synth solo... I think it's "Ayo" off Manhattan Wildlife Refuge. The track is kind of mild jazz funk and then there's a sudden 3 minute moog freakout.

    I had a moog compilation that had an Armando Trovaioli track called "I Apologize Mr Rossini" which I really liked. Not sure what it's on originally. It's like a Rossini opera tune, but it builds and builds with some really nice drums. It shouldn't work but I really like it myself. Obviously Trovaioli also did Kinky Peanuts on the Sesso Matto soundtrack which is ludicrous too.

    Something more recent to look into is the MRR-ADM 10 inch which will make you shit
  • Instagram Ads. Out of control.

    Sometimes I want to communicate without sharing a photo or video I took on my phone and without limiting my character count. I believe one day there will be a platform that can accommodate this. Unfortunately that day was in like 1996 and now everything has to be owned and monetized by either google or facebook. I'd much rather ad money came to some schmoe running a small website or whatever
    DuderonomyScuba Steve
  • Barcelona, now

    I've been watching the referendum stuff in Spain a bit, surely not as closely as Duder though. I'm in two minds about nationalist/self determination movements. I think the concerns of the people who want independence are often valid, like having some different societal values from the government that rules them (Scotland, Basque) or historical fucked-ness (like Ireland). But at the same time I'd rather the UK became a more just place than only Scotland getting the better governance, and so on internationally. But we don't live in that world. And if anything, the re-emergence of nationalist movements is a symptom of greater problems with the structure of these societies.

    Anyway down to brass tacks: what's this shit about a cat zoo in Barca?? Is that like the cat boat in Amsterdam?