

Haut de la Garenne


Last Active
Member, Real Head
  • New Controller 7 psych mix

    Damn, after mixtape #6 or #7 there must have been a hiatus or you forgot to spam teh Strut, 'cos I forgot you guys existed (even though I have a Six Tonne Armour sticker somewhere - dope) and suddenly you're on mix #48! This means a shit-load of old ones to catch-up with. Great!
  • Donald Trump for President!

    Say what you like about Trump, but the man paid a Russian prostitute to pee on him, and then married her. I think that takes a level of class above skull-fucking a severed pig's head.
  • multi jungle/dnb vibez of all eras (raer-r)

    <iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=1093071679/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=false/artwork=small/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="http://exoticdancerecords.bandcamp.com/album/deejay-xanax">deejay Xanax by Exotic Dance Records</a></iframe>
  • If a Tree Falls on Soul Strut

    Jimster said:

    Meanwhile, in another tab, I am watching Chrome kill off all my FB content.  Every like, comment, share for the last 10 years.  FB are notoriously cagey about their API (as it is their entire financial steez) so the process is slow, even when automated.  Taking about an hour per year and I'm not a big sharer...
    Could you post an idoit'n'foll's step-by-step guide? I want off teh book.
  • Best Music of 2016

    For me it hasn't been a stellar year, and nothing really stood out as amazingly fresh and exciting, but if I had to pick one it would be Dream Takes by Luis on the excellent 1080p label:


    A Tribe Called Quest... ?
    Unable to hear this without downloading an app or iTunes (fuck that). Online stores that are selling it have no sound clips. Nothing but the one single on youtoob. WTF. It might be the album of the year, but if they're going to make it this fucking difficult to listen to before buying, I'll never know.


    Phineus II - The Dreamcatcher EP

    Quality, authentic oldskool Jungle sounds... and oldskool vinyl only!

    Tourist - Run (Lil Silva remix)

    Lush vibe on this, not been a huge fan of Lil Silva's grime influenced music for Night Slugs, but really enjoyed what he's done with this track.

    Fracture - Makin' Hype Tracks

    The man like Fracture knows how to make a banger. Oldskool flavour but still up to date.

    Epoch - Glock Jump

    Meditative trap dubstep hybrid.

    Fantastic Man - Rhythm Algorithm

    Balearic vibe, balearic video!

    Iyer & Mushroom Buttons - Lotta Kush (unreleased  )

    Really goes to work around the 2:00 minute mark. Love it.

    What have I missed?
    There have also been some great reissues this year (Skanna and early Photek).

    EDIT: late additions

    Taso - Bussin'

    Overlook - Misty
