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  • Post random /record culture stuff from your phone

    caiFrancois Von Pierre Parkerbillbradley
  • Fines of October

    As always, drooling over the everyone's finds here motivates me to keep diggin'!  Been ages since I've posted but after this morning's flea market I felt inspired to show off some 2015 finds.  The thermometer might have been below freezing but there was plenty o' heat on that field today:

    Most but not all of the above were from this morning and the past week or so.  I've built up quite a backlog of "finds" photos going back to April/May...these don't come close to everything but most of the highlights are below:

    Best part of finding this one was when I brought my stack up to the proprietor he prices up my LPs but says, hold on, I need my buddy to go through and price these 45s.  He's the expert--he's sold 45s for over $1000!  The "expert" looked through 'em and let this one go for a few bucks.

    My rap game is weak but even I knew enough to snag these for $1 a pop when an entire DJ collection appeared at the flea back in August.  36 Chambers and one copy of Forever were sealed.

    Love that Family Connection...probably the best Connecticut soul record I've come across.

    The photos pretty much go in reverse chronological order and it's funny to see the stuff I got excited over back in the spring doesn't come close to the stuff from July on.  I didn't think I'd ever be able to top 2014, when I found Whatnauts On the Rocks and that ridiculous psych/prog rock DJ collection with 2 Archie Whitewaters, but after the Bobby Reed I think '15 may have closed the gap.