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Member, Real Head


  • 1. praha 2. paris 3. london 4/5 basel/freiburg tie thanks for the vote i come from/still live in BASEL! must say it's not at all the best place for record diggin' but it's a relaxed & fantastic small city, with all parts a city needs! some n…
  • beeing a small fish in the buyer/seller world but anyway i have some words to say (sorry in advance about the typos): maybe i'm just a lucky bastard but in all these years of record hunting i bought/sold records from/to all over the globe (really …
  • from "GraySlak, Linco, Cobra, ... " fame? remember some shady business action few years ago
  • i never wanted tons of records at home, really! personally i prefer to have a small collection with the best sounds (for my personal taste of course) instead of digging through piles & piles of records... for the LPs i have one of these IKEA EX…
  • i agree, this is possible... of course! a friend of mine had/bought several copies over the years and all had these non-metallic labels... i told him to look out for a metallic one & let me know if he get one of these... i'll post a pic later
  • did someone else notice that there are 2 issues of B.W. Souls... they're both on styrene but the label colors are different... mine has a shiny golden-metallic label. those hundred copies on ebay have a gold/brown-(non-metallic)colored label... wil…
  • "Edzayawa - Pojection One" was sitting in the shelf for a while but is getting daily spins since one week or so...
  • where do you get ultra-sonic cleaning bath and how much does it run? i have one at work aswell. during the breaks i clean my records but try ebay for example: no idea where to …
  • ultra-sonic cleaning bath is the best/safest way to get all the dirt/dust off your record! did this with most of my records/45's in the past years, especially with the really bad ones like african stuff or for example the "slippin into darkness" 45 …
  • sorry.. didn't realize that this should be only in the 'announcments' section as it's about sharing music. won't post it here next time! hope some people enjoy it anyway. peace
  • Schoggi, that's first time I've heard someone else play the Echomen 45 at 45:00. when's the J'Ace 45 play at? i like it a lot, have/play it since many years but also didn't see/hear it often on playlists but on the other hand i dunno if my musical…
    in Super-raers? Comment by schoggi May 2006
  • fabulous fugitives on j'ace it's just what i think, not sure! but for sure is that almost all people who didn't know it loved it after they listened a couple of times to the mp3 i've send them... Shoggi, any chance of posting up that MP3? hi down…
    in Super-raers? Comment by schoggi May 2006
  • anyone else? click here (sorry can't post the pic directly into the message, will do later) cheers, r.
    in Super-raers? Comment by schoggi May 2006
  • i'd say not more than a handful of this are around ...
    in Super-raers? Comment by schoggi May 2006
  • fabulous fugitives on j'ace i think there are more than a handful of this around! anyway a massive record and i'd say it didn't reach its peak in terms of demand yet... yeah i figured but i wasnt sure. thanks for the tip. and yes, the record is …
    in Super-raers? Comment by schoggi May 2006
  • fabulous fugitives on j'ace i think there are more than a handful of this around! anyway a massive record and i'd say it didn't reach its peak in terms of demand yet... yeah i figured but i wasnt sure. thanks for the tip. and yes, the record is …
    in Super-raers? Comment by schoggi May 2006
  • fabulous fugitives on j'ace i think there are more than a handful of this around! anyway a massive record and i'd say it didn't reach its peak in terms of demand yet...
    in Super-raers? Comment by schoggi May 2006
  • Lee Austin - Screwdriver / Clarence Reid - Miss Hot Stuff
  • truly incredible & what a great idea! don't want to imagine how many hours it takes to record all these tunes (mostly from comps?) and after to search for the scans in the web... Considering the amount and rarity of 45s available, I doubt they…
  • don't want to imagine how many hours it takes to record all these tunes (mostly from comps?) and after to search for the scans in the web... haha, this type of thing always sounds like fun to me! depends how many spare time you have after work, f…
  • truly incredible & what a great idea! don't want to imagine how many hours it takes to record all these tunes (mostly from comps?) and after to search for the scans in the web...
  • more soundfiles added... both 45s & LPs: (click on "LP" or "45" and not on the pics ) thanks for looking
  • added 45's for trade (maybe offers) and a couple for sale! incl. a few soundfiles (more to come tomorrow have to sleep now... got to go to work in 4 hours ) LP's section is updated aswell... check all out here:…
  • --> moved to the 'sale classifieds' section with a new link & new stuff added! check it out there... thanks to all!
  • This should really be in the classified section okay, newbie got the point! as soon as i've sold (not traded) a record this whole post will be moved to the sales section... thanks for looking... more soundclips & records will be added in the n…
  • added some soundclips... will add more if i find the time... click HERE check out the rest of our site HERE thanks for looking.
  • here's a clip of GENTE
  • What's the year of the French release of Ginger Johnson. To my understanding the Canadian Stone came out the same time as the OG. International Cavaliers is a Canadian record. K in canada. hi k, hmm, no release date mentioned... only the record…