real set sales at reasonable prices, not links to ebay auctions and bs online shops. there are few things i love more than buying records from other strutters. shooterali, karlo and age (amongst others) used to do killer set sales on the regular. here's to hoping those dudes and others can step up and that we can revive that aspect of the site. It's an incentive to check the strut more regularly.
real set sales at reasonable prices, not links to ebay auctions and bs online shops. there are few things i love more than buying records from other strutters. shooterali, karlo and age (amongst others) used to do killer set sales on the regular. here's to hoping those dudes and others can step up and that we can revive that aspect of the site. It's an incentive to check the strut more regularly.
so what the hell do the green numbers next to sales posts mean?? I thought they meant replies to the original post but posts that have numbers have no replies ... ?
so what the hell do the green numbers next to sales posts mean?? I thought they meant replies to the original post but posts that have numbers have no replies ... ?
on your cel phone, right? I'll fix that. (laziness related)
I'm putting together a mixed bag for ya'll, but shit's tiring, what with the pictures and the records in and out of the bags, and the condtion and the paper cuts and the should I include soundfiles or not and the doIreallywanttosellthisallantewthemesoronyeabororblo wtf
I may just sell them to my neighbour.
billbradleyYou want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,917 Posts
I'm down.
Ohhh....I got records to sell folks
You have access now. Thanks!
Do it, Do it.
on your cel phone, right? I'll fix that. (laziness related)
More coming over the next few weeks...
holy canoli
puta madre caramba
wow skel don murdedred it
needed that har you
I may just sell them to my neighbour.
please holleur
peace, stein. . .
More on the medium rare tip with some bigger bits hidden away