KONY 2012

I'm curious what people here have to say about Invisible Children's "KONY 2012" campaign. For those who haven't caught it elsewhere, here's the film:
Personally, this sort of shit gets my blood boiling. Kony is clearly a despicable human being and should have been stopped long ago -- but this is less about Kony and more an unabashed attempt to harness the good intentions of the ignorant masses for personal gain. It seems to me that the real beneficiary of the campaign is Invisible Children. But maybe I'm just being cynical...
Personally, this sort of shit gets my blood boiling. Kony is clearly a despicable human being and should have been stopped long ago -- but this is less about Kony and more an unabashed attempt to harness the good intentions of the ignorant masses for personal gain. It seems to me that the real beneficiary of the campaign is Invisible Children. But maybe I'm just being cynical...
WD you're correct: The charity is shady and the facts are screwed up.
Posting this shit is one step up from those mindless misspelled inspirational quotes people post.
Look at me im so PC by posting this. Right on. Now im off to mickey d's in my suv with my new ipad.
Get a grip people.
Dont let these OMG emoticon virals waste your time - youre not doing anyone any favors.
BOUNCING CATS film trailer from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.
I don't have a great idea about the cause. But the fact is, Kony is one of the most wanted men in the world who has done unspeakable things. This has brought more awareness to who this guy is than almost any thing for the last 20+ years.
Ask the west for what they knew about Uganda and you might have got Kamala the wrestler.
Stop being so salty because you're seeing this stuff everywhere. Unless you have something more positive to offer.
But what happens then ? This video is corny and grossly oversimplifies very complex matters.
Whats worse, people look at this and come away feeling they've accomplished something, by looking at or sharing some self serving CRAP.
Exploiting the plight of the victims for a fucking viral campaign - that's a problem.
The guy isn't even in Uganda anymore, for fucks sake.
But I guess sharing some bs on facebook is easier than actually trying to understand the real issues. Don't let that rain on your parade.
While there's certainly an argument for things like KONY 2012 being worthwhile in that it puts the issue in front of millions in a way that a more detailed, nuanced approach wouldn't have a hope of doing - and there's absolutely no question it's done that - it's nonetheless guilty of a vast over-simplification by (amongst many things) painting an inaccurate picture of what's actually going on in Uganda right now, and reducing an incredibly complex issue to a matter of simply getting the bad guy. I don't think there's anything wrong in pointing that out, nor in suggesting that people take the trouble to find out a bit more about the situation for themselves rather than cough up thirty clams for a wristband that allows them to create the impression that they've Done Something without a thought as to whether or not that something is going to have any real or lasting value.
I understand that, and I somewhat agree. But I'm of the opinion of OK great... You fucking took the organization to task. What the fuck are you (Not directed to anyone in particular) going to do. Sit on the sidelines and criticize a major portion of people who do give a fuck and truly want to be positive and do something. Shit talk people who do care and try and bring awareness? Call them hipster white saviors who don't really care about black kids in Africa?
And what the fuck does where he is now have to do with the shit he's done in the past? Like if Hitler had moved to a different country and gone under the radar for a couple of years everyone should stop giving a fuck?
I believe that the overall message and awareness is the most important thing. Unless you can give me something bigger, I think it's somewhat negative to offer nothing more than criticism.
First question, are these guys strutters?
Second question, they believe in giving the money to the Sudan Army or the Ugandan Army to catch/kill Kony because they believe that they are best equipped to take him out. Do they know what these two armies are responsible for, nearly the same level of atrocities that Kony has committed. It's all fucked all around.
Third question, anyone read A Long Way Gone? http://www.alongwaygone.com/ It is the book that introduced me to this whole mess.
This guy must be stopped.
I personally wont rest until the next thing comes along to get all worked up about.
That's 2 clicks of the mouse of giving a shit more than some have ever given a fuck about one of the worst human beings on the planet.
But yeah, you're right. Everyone should stop talking about it. Sorry your fb gets clogged up with such bullshit. I guess you have much more important matters on your feed...
I honestly don't get this meme. But then again...
If the Ugandan army actually wanted to catch and kill Kony they would've by now, but then they'd loose all the funding given to them to aid his capture.
But what the hell! We're AWARE of Kony! WHOOPTIE DOO! share share share
Way to make the world a more vapid place.
Just another tool allowing the fat fucks of the western world to continue sucking down their soda pop and fiddle on their mobile devices, sharing inspirational videos. Lets donate money that will disappear into the Ugandan system, make some viral video makers rich, and think we've made a change while we continue to crush the life out of the rest of the world with our lifestyle. Because Steve Jobs is so totally awesome and so is facebook.
just look at these dicks
So i know who he is, AND?
The thing is. I have zero problem with anyone criticizing. But just bring something else to the table. Give positive alternatives for people who do care to look to. And shit talk the organization all you want. But why bash people who want to truly help?
In all honesty. Do you guys really wish nobody was talking about this stuff?
It makes them feel good about their politics while lulling everybody to sleep.
Like Batmon says, there will be some new inspirational bullshit distraction craze served up next week/month.
Which everyone will share.
Meanwhile, Rick Santorum is a candidate for the US presidency.
Well, file that under "Things I Never Thought I'd See on Soul Strut".
ha! love that this picture has been popping up around different places and drawing unironic comments.
critical faculties at an all-time low.
There's plenty of money and genuine concern to go around.
Kony 2012: This is a very good initiative that is a few years too late! The real weapons of mass destruction in Sub Saharan Africa are Malaria & interest rates which then turn into poverty, deaths etc. These are unfortunately solvable!
It shouldn't be them [US, the world] caring in the first place. It should be us caring before they can come in to complement "if" they choose to. [] my problem is with the hypocrisy ugandans are showin on this topic, on the one hand they're shouting why are they comin here and on the other hand they are saying they should have come there. Closing one begging hand and opening another, not a good sign. We have an army, we have docs, we have hospitals and labs. These are issues that should be handled by us but we havent. What if we we got the Japan tsunami?
All that said, I agree that this is good that some people now at least know where Uganda is. Or maybe not?
Also, suggesting you shouldn't give to an organization or charity because there are more important causes to give to, is pretty short sighted too. Charity is not a zero sum game. Giving to this organization, for example (I'm not suggesting you should), doesn't mean malaria research will suffer, a whale won't be saved, etc.
A good organization will advocate well, get some effective endorsements and be persuasive in selling their cause, which clearly, as the response to this video demonstrates, this organization did pretty well. Probably far better than it was prepared for. Obviously, it is responsible for the accuracy of the content it presents. And maybe it is having a Wyclef moment and is not equipped to handle the huge influx of funds. But it has a pretty niche cause, and it does sound like it is helping people (the conflict in Northern Uganda real) -- obviously there are organizations that are doing things on a grander scale that help more people, perhaps even in Northern Uganda, but faulting this one for what it is doing is pretty silly. There are probably more efficient ways for it to achieve its goals, but the same can be said of any organization in the world.
Anyway, I am kind of just rambling about this based on what I have read in this thread and on the internet this week about KONY 2012 -- just my 2 cents.
Also, check out the movie War Dance -- a great great documentary about a school in Northern Uganda competing in a country wide dance competition