Chilli Recipe Strut

fishmongerfunkfishmongerfunk 4,154 Posts
edited March 2012 in Strut Central
i make a decent chilli but i feel like i'm stuck in a bit of a rut and i'd like to take it to a new level. perhaps, the strut can offer some culinary advice.

my baisc recipe includes:
-lean ground beef
-kidney beans
-jalapeno peppers
-diced tomatoes
-tomato paste
-beef stock
-paprika, cayenne, chilli powder, salt, pepper, sugar


-mirepoix: carrots in there, yay or nay?
-black beans?
-crushed or diced tomato or both?
-do some hot peppers work better than others?
-mexican chocolate?
-any secret spices/ingredients i should be considering?
-at whar point in the process do you add your spices for greatest effect?

-cheese, sourcream, and fresh cilantro or parsley is a given but what else


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    -any secret spices/ingredients i should be considering?

    coffee - I prefer it to chocolate

  • Never considered sugar. Any good?

    Did a batch of chilli yesterday & I changed up where I add the spice. Usually I add my spice mix after I add the tomatoes. I wondered if adding it in before the mince to leave the spices cook through for a minute or so might add something, unfortunately not, very bland, I'll be going back to adding the spice after the tomatoes.

    I like to add in a little garlic also, not too much though. I know some folks like to add a cinnamon stick aswell, I'm not a fan of that though

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    My basic recipe is almost the same.

    Cook ground beef. I like to drain out the liquid grease.

    Add onions, garlic, beans, diced tomatoes, tomato paste, salt, pepper, LOTS of Cumin. That's my secret ingredient, which is actually quite basic for a lot of Mexican dishes.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Yea, I am definitely not into the cinnamon taste in chili and I never add sugar to anything - personal taste again.

    Cumin is a must imo

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:

    -lean ground beef

    Try varying this a bit--maybe split between beef and pork. If you have the ability to grind meat yourself, you can really get creative with it. The last batch of chili I made used brisket, chuck, and pork shoulder. It came out quite delicious

    -mirepoix: carrots in there, yay or nay?


    -black beans?

    This topic of chili in general is going to be pretty contentious (I can't wait to see the nerdfury), but this might be the most contentious part. Some people will say you can only use kidney beans; some people will say real chili doesn't have any beans at all. I sometimes use black beans, and they work out just fine.

    -crushed or diced tomato or both?

    Depends on what sort of texture you're going for, I'd say. I generally use crushed, but that's mostly because that's what we tend to have on-hand in the pantry as our general-purpose canned tomatoes.

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    Put some dried porcinis in a coffee grinder and make mushroom powder. Add a tablespoon or two to the chilli. You won't notice any mushroom taste, but it will make the chilli taste better. Mushrooms can have an enhancing effect similar to MSG.

  • i've been using this recipe for a while. if you're not down with lamb, you can cut up a chuck roast (or roast of your choice).

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Take out the granulated sugar and use either a pinch of brown sugar or blue agave.

    Jalenenos are boring. Try some smoked ones and add one habenero for heat.

    Swap the ground beef for Stew cubes.

    Black and kidney beans mix.

    Bay leaf in your chicken or beef stock.

    Toasted Cumin seeds and then crushed or grinded.

    No celery and carrots. None. Fuck vegetables.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    stew cubes and smoked pork butt, plus ancho chili powder is a nice touch.

  • strataspherestratasphere Blastin' the Nasty 1,035 Posts
    Anybody here besides me use masa flour?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    stratasphere said:
    Anybody here besides me use masa flour?

    yes as a thickener.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    -cheese, sourcream, and fresh cilantro or parsley is a given but what else

    Lime, shreddded cheese, bacon, yogurt, crema, whatevs.

  • some very interesting suggestions in this thraed. thanks folks.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    cumin and lime, chipotle tabasco, ancho powder
    i use both black and kidney

    not down for celery but ''sofrito'' (garlic+red bell peper+carrots) is a my mirepoix-ish base
    then i deglaze with dark stout beer with a chocolate/coffee taste (london porter, trois-pistole)

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    thanks, will check out these tips

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    as far as the masa goes - tried it once but didn't really work out for me. I don't use canned beans so the cooking time is longer anyway, but you can always use the beans as a thickening agent. Once they're cooked through just mash some of it up against the side of the pot, then let it cook a while longer, it'll thicken the broth.

  • DanteDante 371 Posts
    if you dudes can, try not using jalape??o (or chipotle). there's a huge variety of chiles worth trying; also, demand of jalape??o is pushing some chiles near extinction. fight the power!

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    what's the deal with the chocolate/coffee? at what point does one throw that in? Good unsweetened chocolate is hard to come by where I live (all the good chocolate gets exported), but coffee is no problem. A dark beer seems like a good idea too, I think some Xingu would work nicely.

    also, do people have suggestions for alternatives to sour cream/crema? The only thing close I can find is creme fraiche, and there are recipes saying you can mix cream with lime juice and salt, but that doesn't seem like it would make something close to sour cream to me.

  • we do steeped black tea but have done coffee before and it's pretty tasty as well.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Any "dark n toasty" liquid would do. Ive seen plenty of Guiness Chilli and regular Coke Cola.

  • Been dying to try my hand at some chili - gonna try some of the things mentioned in this thread.
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