Beerstrut Fall 2011 edition

Was having dinner with some friends this weekend and peeped a beer called Hennipin on the menu...was described as a Saison and since I dig the Belgian stuff decided to give it a try. Great! Awesome brew. Just as good as Duvel white label but at half the price. Highly recommended. What are you drinkin' this autumn?
also been feelin' Sam Adams stuff!
how much beer do you all drink per week?
apparently more than 14 beers a week is considered "high risk" drinking.
so if i enjoy a few beers a night, and on a weekend night have 3, im now considered a heavy drinker?
EDIT - this picture was not taken in my place
And yes! Black Creek Pioneer Village has its own brewery!
Became a fan of porter after drinking this recently.
But then I had one last night that had coffee in it and tasted like ayass.
why do growlers full of brew always look so damn delicious
This is true. I was told to consume it within 48 hrs for freshness. No problem!
From left to right:
Breckenridge Brewing Co. Lucky U IPA =
Schlafly Pumpkin Ale =
Grain Belt Nordeast = :coolsmile:
Great River Brewery Roller Dam = :hard_as_fuck:
Peacetree Brewing Co Hop Sutra = :holygrail:
If you're anywhere near Iowa and can get your hands on Roller Dam or Hop Sutra, you best do it!
This has been rocking my world this year, kinda hard to get unless you're in QC.
A friend is opening a brewpub on the Ossington strip this winter, been lucky enough to be receiving growlers of recipe testers.
Don't listen to any of that crazy talk. Beer isn't alcohol, it's a grocery.
Having more than 4 corn sirup based sodas a week is what I would consider "high risk drinking".
Had a couple other Imperial IPAs from specs that were awesome.
I really like getting the Shiner Octoberfest beer too.
My friend Eduardo did the painting for the label! I have this at the house right now but I haven't tried it yet. Will crack tonight.
Let Eduardo know he did a great job. I love everything about the beer, label included. Let me know how you liked that...It's currently my favorite beer of all time.