...all in all, how do YOU feel about G.A.Z.A.?



  • It doesn't bode well for the future when you see 5 yr old palesinian kids throwing stones at israeli soldiers.

    It's been Jewish settlers throwing the rocks and the Israeli soldiers lately. Heard from an ex-Israeli citizen that many if not most of the setters are American in origin and that moderate Israelis are fucking tired of them coming over and acting badly.

    I think this whole 'eviction', which involves shuttling settlers from one settlement to newer settlements down the coast, is little more than a ruse to alleviate international pressure and will change little.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    To be honest, I don't see where they had to give up an inch of land. Palestinians are squatters on Israeli property. They have no right to anything. Jewish people have done in Israel what Africans did in South Africa. They expelled people who are tresspassing on their ancestral homeland. I commend the government of Israel for their compassion. By giving land to the Palestinians, they are helping them preserve their culture & heritage. This is more than Gentiles ever did for us. As evidenced here, they would still deny us the rights to our home, a place which has shaped Jewish identity for thousands of years.


    As a fellow Hebrew, I must disagree with Haz. Even if one took this view of Palestinians (as trespassers), which I believe is not historically accurate, it is my opinion that it will only create deeper problems. A political solution is the only real morally acceptable long-term solution and that ultimately means co-habitation. Sadly, I agree with many here that peace will be a long-time coming. I remain hopeful though. Change is possible and I hope to be part of a making that possible.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    I thought this thread was about GZA

  • Fucking religious freaks. Weak.

    I don't think being Jewish/Israeli has very much with being religious. I haven't been to a synagogue in years & don't believe in God, but I know I'm Jewish enough to get gassed or shot. They don't ask you if you had pork recently before blowing your brains out.

    I'm not talking about you nor any of the innocent victims in Palestine. Interesting you felt I was talking about Isrealis only. BTW, do you live in Isreal or do you "look" "jewish" *sarcasm* You could get your brains blown out on my street for no reason.

    I have a Jewish friend that was shot at by Isrealis and called a self loathing Jew just for visiting Palestine. It's religious extremism that permiates these complex situations and BOTH PARTIES ARE GUILTY with innocent victims. There will never be healing 'till the denial ends.

  • Heard from an ex-Israeli citizen that many if not most of the setters are American in origin and that moderate Israelis are fucking tired of them coming over and acting badly.

    Yes this has been a very vaild claim made by many Israeli citizens who live here as well.

    To be honest i've heard that the reason that the Israelis are pulling out from Gaza is that it has become too much of a headache for them & that they would rather concentrate on other areas that don't have as much resistance or less trouble. Like The West Bank. The settlers are just making it even more hectic. And when did Palestinians ever get compensated when their houses were bulldozed?

    Don't even think for a minute that the Israeli govt are being compassionate. If so they'd tear down the 'security' wall in a flash.

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts

    It's been Jewish settlers throwing the rocks and the Israeli soldiers lately. Heard from an ex-Israeli citizen that many if not most of the setters are American in origin and that moderate Israelis are fucking tired of them coming over and acting badly.

    Neutral observation status here -

    It's 8000 or so settlers holdin' the rest of the nation hostage in the eyes of some w/ their adamant desire to remain in Gaza; part of the drivin' concern here though is that in the nation of Israel itself, the Palestinians of Israeli citizenry have a higher birth rate than their Israeli Jewish counterparts - if the number exceeds 50 %, then it will indeed resemble an apartheid-like state and will no longer be a democracy in name nor definition -> this has been the impetus for the drive for immigration recruitment from Russia, the Ukraine, Argentina, France, U.S., etc. to head to Israel and keep the Jewish population @ least @ homeostatic levels...

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Pulling out of Gaza is a pragmatic political decision by the conservatives. They don't want to be there. They know that there is little international support for further occupation and they are trying to create momentum for a political solution that doesn't necessarily rely on a strong working relationship with the Palestinians. Gaza is essentially throwing the Arabs and Euros/Americans a bone. The wall also seems part of a developing plan to make a two state policy a reality whether the PLO is in agreement about the terms or not. This doesn't seem like it will ultimately work for the long-term but we will see.

  • d_wordd_word 666 Posts
    I thought this thread was about GZA
    I thought this thread was about GZA
    I thought this thread was about GZA
    I thought this thread was about GZA
    I thought this thread was about GZA
    I thought this thread was about GZA

  • It wasn't funny the first time.

  • It's been Jewish settlers throwing the rocks and the Israeli soldiers lately. Heard from an ex-Israeli citizen that many if not most of the setters are American in origin and that moderate Israelis are fucking tired of them coming over and acting badly.

    Neutral observation status here -

    It's 8000 or so settlers holdin' the rest of the nation hostage in the eyes of some w/ their adamant desire to remain in Gaza; part of the drivin' concern here though is that in the nation of Israel itself, the Palestinians of Israeli citizenry have a higher birth rate than their Israeli Jewish counterparts - if the number exceeds 50 %, then it will indeed resemble an apartheid-like state and will no longer be a democracy in name nor definition -> this has been the impetus for the drive for immigration recruitment from Russia, the Ukraine, Argentina, France, U.S., etc. to head to Israel and keep the Jewish population @ least @ homeostatic levels...

    Thats a very interesting analysis. Food for thought & would make a lot of sense.

    & Dr Wu, agreed. Spot on.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    I remember talking wih a friend & we said thay they should create a new national identity in Israel, essentially create a new country encompassing Palestine & Israel & come up with a new name for it. Its a romantic idea & I doubt it would work. It makes for interesting dicussion, tho.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    To be honest, I don't see where they had to give up an inch of land. Palestinians are squatters on Israeli property. They have no right to anything. Jewish people have done in Israel what Africans did in South Africa. They expelled people who are tresspassing on their ancestral homeland. I commend the government of Israel for their compassion. By giving land to the Palestinians, they are helping them preserve their culture & heritage. This is more than Gentiles ever did for us. As evidenced here, they would still deny us the rights to our home, a place which has shaped Jewish identity for thousands of years.


    The issue for me is not who has a right to what land. As far as your ancestral land, why don't you move there and engage with the community. If over time, it's God's will for the Jews to occupy that land, then it will happen...over time. I don't know what you mean by as evidenced here? But this gentile fully supports Israel, (and any other peaceful nation) but would prefer they pay their own way.

    That South African comparison is about as weak is Vitamin's "the insurgents are like the KKK in the Jim Crow American South" bullshit.

    American tax payers should not be paying for this. There is no medicare in the US. They need that money. I've thought about moving to Israel recently. Its something that has become more important to me. Don't see it has a fufillment of god's will, though. I'm not so religious! I thought the south africa comaprison was valid because the dutch/english lived there for nearly 400 years & they were asked to relinquish the reins.



    the SA comparison is not valid IMO because, like most crackers you lump many diverse African tribes into one group "the Africans". also when you start talking about ancestral land you are on slippery slope. What about the USA? It's not my ancestral land, but I call it home and respect the natives and regret what was done to them in the past.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Fucking religious freaks. Weak.

    I don't think being Jewish/Israeli has very much with being religious. I haven't been to a synagogue in years & don't believe in God, but I know I'm Jewish enough to get gassed or shot. They don't ask you if you had pork recently before blowing your brains out.

    I'm not talking about you nor any of the innocent victims in Palestine. Interesting you felt I was talking about Isrealis only. BTW, do you live in Isreal or do you "look" "jewish" *sarcasm* You could get your brains blown out on my street for no reason.

    I have a Jewish friend that was shot at by Isrealis and called a self loathing Jew just for visiting Palestine. It's religious extremism that permiates these complex situations and BOTH PARTIES ARE GUILTY with innocent victims. There will never be healing 'till the denial ends.

    I quoted your comment because religion is not important in the way I view myself, but, as your friend's plight illustrates, sometimes you get pulled into shit unwillingly. I wish there wasn't an Israel. I wish I could live where ever & people wouldn't notice or care about the Mezuzah on my door or the Yarmulke on my head that I wear to family functions or temple or the star of david around my neck. These things identify me a Jew. They make me "look" Jewish. I wish Jewish peple didn't need a country of their own & that we could blend in or be accepted. People who aren't Jewish say there's no problem, but I don't think they know. Have you ever heard of a "pogrom"? Pogrom is a Russian word meaning "wreck havok". What would happen during a pogrom is russian peasants would go to jewish settlements outside of the cities where jews were forbidden to live and attack them. Thousands died in these killing sprees. They were a reality of life in Tzarist Russia. This lasted for hundreds of years. There were silmilar "pogroms" in Arab countries where Jews lived. I can picture the same things happening in america & canada easily. My uncle became a golden gloves boxer because he learnt how to fight in the streets - he'd get jumped by people waiting for him outside his hebrew school. Israel will give us sanctuary when no place else will take us, when we a deemed expendible again. This is a great thing. I'll be prepared to dismiss the need for the existance of Israel, only if Taza promises to hide me in his basement with his raers when the witchhunts start again

  • LamontLamont 1,090 Posts

    As a fellow Hebrew, I must disagree with Haz. Even if one took this view of Palestinians (as trespassers), which I believe is not historically accurate[/b], it is my opinion that it will only create deeper problems. A political solution is the only real morally acceptable long-term solution and that ultimately means co-habitation. Sadly, I agree with many here that peace will be a long-time coming. I remain hopeful though. Change is possible and I hope to be part of a making that possible.

    why isn't anybody backing up this statement ?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Good points all around. I to was wondering Gaza or GZA.

    Some thoughts:

    Israel is also ready to make a left bank pull out when politically feasible. The big sticking point will be Jerusalem. Israel has systematically shrunk the Arab neighborhoods, and created a ring city around the historic boundaries. Jerusalem has always been the most difficult problem.

    Israel says they just want the right to exist. Palestinians say they just want a homeland. Then Israel says they want to keep Jerusalem. Then the Palestinians say they want right of return. And so on and so on. So if each side would stick to their bottom line, existence and homeland, a solution would be much easier.

    Historically Zionist have not been religious Jews. Until recently the Palestinian resistance has not used religious language. Arafat never did.

    An interesting (simplistic) thought I heard recently: Germany killed 6 million Jews. To punish the Germans for their crime they took the Palestinians land.


  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Good points all around. I to was wondering Gaza or GZA.

    An interesting (simplistic) thought I heard recently: Germany killed 6 million Jews. To punish the Germans for their crime they took the Palestinians land.


    Whats funny is, for me, the holocost is just the tip of the iceberg, the most recent crime perpetrated against the Jewish people. The university I work for had a quota on Jews admitted as recently as 40 years ago. This is in post holocost Canada. The subway stop next to my office is named for a a famous nazi supporter. The holocost stands out because of its enormity, because of the openess of animosity demonstrated. There have been things forgotten or ignored by others that are just as outrageous. We have been hounded and attacked for thousands of years, despite the fact that we have tried to intergrate with the gentile community. Israel is a place where we will not be told that you cannot go to school here, you cannot build a home here, you do not need to hide here. It is for this that we want/need a home. 6 million is a drop in the bucket of tears. Never again.



  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Good points all around. I to was wondering Gaza or GZA.

    An interesting (simplistic) thought I heard recently: Germany killed 6 million Jews. To punish the Germans for their crime they took the Palestinians land.


    Whats funny is, for me, the holocost is just the tip of the iceberg, the most recent crime perpetrated against the Jewish people... There have been things forgotten or ignored by others that are just as outrageous.

    HAZ, can you elaborate?


    D. Notknowin'

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Good points all around. I to was wondering Gaza or GZA.

    An interesting (simplistic) thought I heard recently: Germany killed 6 million Jews. To punish the Germans for their crime they took the Palestinians land.


    Whats funny is, for me, the holocost is just the tip of the iceberg, the most recent crime perpetrated against the Jewish people... There have been things forgotten or ignored by others that are just as outrageous.

    HAZ, can you elaborate?

    D. Notknowin'

    Yo, Day,

    This is a quote from another post of mine:

    Have you ever heard of a "pogrom"? Pogrom is a Russian word meaning "wreck havok". What would happen during a pogrom is russian peasants would go to jewish settlements outside of the cities where jews were forbidden to live and attack them. Thousands died in these killing sprees. They were a reality of life in Tzarist Russia. This lasted for hundreds of years. There were silmilar "pogroms" in Arab countries where Jews lived.

    I got a meeting, but I'll post more later.



  • I'll be prepared to dismiss the need for the existence of Israel, only if Taza promises to hide me in his basement with his raers when the witchhunts start again

    Yeah man, just put the raers back in order when you play them.

    Will you do the same for me when la migra comes?

    I never said dismantle Israel. I also like the idea of a new Israel/Palestine state. I think if things are to be healed, Israel needs to do some major charity for the Palestinians and help them with hospitals and education. Aren't we (USA) doing that for Israel. Aren't we paying for the relocation of these settlers? Yeah, it's romantic, and unlikely at this point but C'MON!!! The religious extremism, xenophobia, and class discrimination needs to end, going both ways.

    That is my uneducated, spoiled, privileged American, opinion. Since my tax money goes over there I'm entitled.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Good points all around. I to was wondering Gaza or GZA.

    An interesting (simplistic) thought I heard recently: Germany killed 6 million Jews. To punish the Germans for their crime they took the Palestinians land.


    Whats funny is, for me, the holocost is just the tip of the iceberg, the most recent crime perpetrated against the Jewish people... There have been things forgotten or ignored by others that are just as outrageous.

    HAZ, can you elaborate?


    D. Notknowin'

    Yo, Day,

    This is a quote from another post of mine:

    Have you ever heard of a "pogrom"? Pogrom is a Russian word meaning "wreck havok". What would happen during a pogrom is russian peasants would go to jewish settlements outside of the cities where jews were forbidden to live and attack them. Thousands died in these killing sprees. They were a reality of life in Tzarist Russia. This lasted for hundreds of years. There were silmilar "pogroms" in Arab countries where Jews lived.

    I got a meeting, but I'll post more later.



    Pograms existed in many forms through thousands of years. The pograms in Russia and Poland (which my great grandparents fled to America from) were widely sanctioned pacifying events meant to keep "the jews down" and in line. The jews of Russia and Poland came to those countries after leaving The Netherlands (from pograms) where they went to after leaving Portugal... which they went to after escaping the Spanish Inquisition... where they were at in the first place after settling all through the Meditteranian rim after the Roman Empire kicked them out of Israel during their reign over Israel. 2000 years of history in a nutshell which basically comes down to the same thing: Let's fuck with the Jews, and they will either die, convert, or move.

    Posting from the Connecticut Estate,


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Good points all around. I to was wondering Gaza or GZA.

    An interesting (simplistic) thought I heard recently: Germany killed 6 million Jews. To punish the Germans for their crime they took the Palestinians land.


    Whats funny is, for me, the holocost is just the tip of the iceberg, the most recent crime perpetrated against the Jewish people... There have been things forgotten or ignored by others that are just as outrageous.

    HAZ, can you elaborate?

    D. Notknowin'

    Yo, Day,

    This is a quote from another post of mine:

    Have you ever heard of a "pogrom"? Pogrom is a Russian word meaning "wreck havok". What would happen during a pogrom is russian peasants would go to jewish settlements outside of the cities where jews were forbidden to live and attack them. Thousands died in these killing sprees. They were a reality of life in Tzarist Russia. This lasted for hundreds of years. There were silmilar "pogroms" in Arab countries where Jews lived.

    I got a meeting, but I'll post more later.



    Pograms existed in many forms through thousands of years. The pograms in Russia and Poland (which my great grandparents fled to America from) were widely sanctioned pacifying events meant to keep "the jews down" and in line. The jews of Russia and Poland came to those countries after leaving The Netherlands (from pograms) where they went to after leaving Portugal... which they went to after escaping the Spanish Inquisition... where they were at in the first place after settling all through the Meditteranian rim after the Roman Empire kicked them out of Israel during their reign over Israel. 2000 years of history in a nutshell which basically comes down to the same thing: Let's fuck with the Jews, and they will either die, convert, or move.

    Posting from the Connecticut Estate,


    Our culture is based on Remember The Historical Event Where They Tried To Kill Us But We Survived, followed by, Let's Eat!


  • 2000 years of history in a nutshell which basically comes down to the same thing: Let's fuck with the Jews, and they will either die, convert, or move.

    damn to me, it seems like thats what we in the US are trying to do with the Arabs in the Middle East.

    can i get a yay! for humans?


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    2000 years of history in a nutshell which basically comes down to the same thing: Let's fuck with the Jews, and they will either die, convert, or move.

    damn to me, it seems like thats what we in the human race have done to each other since the beginning of time.[/b]

    can i get a yay! for humans?



  • such savages (no Fred) we be.

  • American tax payers should not be paying for this. There is no medicare in the US. They need that money. I've thought about moving to Israel recently. Its something that has become more important to me. Don't see it has a fufillment of god's will, though. I'm not so religious! I thought the south africa comaprison was valid because the dutch/english lived there for nearly 400 years & they were asked to relinquish the reins.



    Without US support, Israel would be wiped out of the middle east in a heartbeat. I don't necessarily agree with everything that the Israeli government does, but they do have a right to exist and I think the eviction of the Gaza settlers is a step (hopefully) in the right direction.

  • American tax payers should not be paying for this. There is no medicare in the US. They need that money. I've thought about moving to Israel recently. Its something that has become more important to me. Don't see it has a fufillment of god's will, though. I'm not so religious! I thought the south africa comaprison was valid because the dutch/english lived there for nearly 400 years & they were asked to relinquish the reins.



    Without US support, Israel would be wiped out of the middle east in a heartbeat. I don't necessarily agree with everything that the Israeli government does, but they do have a right to exist and I think the eviction of the Gaza settlers is a step (hopefully) in the right direction.

    Israel is a major (yet undeclared) nuclear power with a huge, well-traine/ outfitted millitary. They're not going anywhere.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    The holocost stands out because of its enormity, because of the openess of animosity demonstrated.

    Don't forget cameras. The images from this are unprecedented (in)human records.

    Imagine if they had cameras during middle passage where an estimated 30 million Africans died? Where's their Israel? BTW.

  • The holocost stands out because of its enormity, because of the openess of animosity demonstrated.

    Don't forget cameras. The images from this are unprecedented (in)human records.

    Imagine if they had cameras during middle passage where an estimated 30 million Africans died? Where's their Israel? BTW.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    Imagine if they had cameras during middle passage where an estimated 30 million Africans died? Where's their Israel? BTW.

    Wouldn't their Israel be Africa? I don't know. I'm afraid I don't know much about African history, but wouldn't Africa or the countries within the African continent be considered their homelands? I don't understand.


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    Imagine if they had cameras during middle passage where an estimated 30 million Africans died? Where's their Israel? BTW.

    Wouldn't their Israel be Africa? I don't know. I'm afraid I don't know much about African history, but wouldn't Africa or the countries within the African continent be considered their homelands? I don't understand.


    I don't know much either. African slaves were not allowed to use their language, or to drum, make African music and other aspects of African culture were outlawed. One view is that because of this they have no connection to Africa today. Some believe that only a country carved out of the American landscape would be a just homeland for the decendents of slaves. Kansas is often mentioned.

    My own belife is that survivors of slaves should be given the intrest on 40 acres and mule that their forebarers should have been given after the civil war.

    Liberia in Africa, was founded as a homeland for exslaves.

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