Why does no one post set sales?

GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
edited October 2011 in Strut Central
I'm always refreshing hoping some dude will say "Fusk Ebay" I'm just going to sell these LP's at this price, but it never happens.

I got money to burn and no patience to try to bid with Dieter n'them

just saying


  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    no one buys anything, i think thats why

  • shooterali does some fantastic lists from time to time...

  • double.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    shooterali does some fantastic lists from time to time...

    Shooterali is dude!

    I post some and get nibbles, I thought dudes on here were mostly linked y loving vinyls.

    I'm old and out of touch with you people

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    no one gives a fuck about trades either, Mannix, Keni Burke and 1971 Milton Nascimento get no love. alls I want is a Pete Jolly "Seasons", Some General Crook and a ceramic statue of Pam Grier, but instead I get an empty feeling that is accompanied by lonliness

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    Everyone sales on Waxidermy now. Set Sales on there popping off every hour almost.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    yeah I was thinking that as a buyer it's great there are so many SS on Waxidermy now, but also wondered if I might make less with a SS on there than I used to, with 2 or 3 set sales popping up there a day sometimes lately. I haven't done a big list in a couple of years, but always did well with them when I would make the effort.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Set Sales on here don't move. It's depressing. If you want records, PM me for hot steamy action Ad*m!

  • esskayesskay 221 Posts
    See you Sunday Adam-I got bits!

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts
    crabmongerfunk said:
    shooterali does some fantastic lists from time to time...

    Word! I just got a Lafayette Afro Rock Band + extras in the mail today, from one of his set sales. Top notch like a swatch watch.

    I get a good record every month or two from the set sales. You just have to keep an eye out and be quick when there are reasonable deals up.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Honestly, after the format change here it seems like the sales section here gets very little action. If I post something here and on Waxidermy, I get ten times the views over there (So far I've only posted auctions, though).

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    Aleit used to have some good ones. Wha happen to that guy?

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    Honestly, after the format change here it seems like the sales section here gets very little action. If I post something here and on Waxidermy, I get ten times the views over there (So far I've only posted auctions, though).

    I was gonna say the same. Ever since the new format, for whatever reason, set sales have fallen way off here. Used to be some crazy stuff for sale. Not sure if it's the fact that all sales are moved to the Classifieds ??? makes them feel more like ads. I don't know. But I think it's something subtle that has changed people's interaction with the site that make sales less attractive for some reason.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    I've said the same immediately after the changeover and it fell on deaf ears. Plus people putting words like "sale" "list" and using the literal term "set sale" w/out the word "ebay" and having the posts be links to ebay and people's websites does not help. At. All.

  • jjfad027 said:
    Aleit used to have some good ones. Wha happen to that guy?

    He still deals records; I think he just got disenchanted with lackluster response to set sales so he doesn't do them all that often anymore. It sucks putting time into a big list with clips and pictures and whatnot and sell 35% of it for a grand total of $143. It's a buyer's market, though. whaddayagonnado

    Just to echo what others have posted above: with the site redesign I don't really notice the sales classifieds anymore. From my perspective as a seller, waxidermy had already been edging out soulstrut w/r/t buyer response. And waxidermy doesn't charge sellers a fee to post in the sales forum. So that's where most of the action is.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    actually, a quick search shows Aleit did his usual set sale lists in Feb, March, April, June & August of this year, so he hasn't really slowed down all that much. he and Mike Zero (on Waxi) put up great lists and I always get that sick feeling when I come home from work and see they posted a SS 7 hours ago, knowing I have already missed out on SOMETHING I would want, without fail.

  • SoulOnIce said:
    actually, a quick search shows Aleit did his usual set sale lists in Feb, March, April, June & August of this year, so he hasn't really slowed down all that much.

    I dunno. According to him he has. *shrugs*

    I get private dealer-on-dealer action so it's not like I care one way or another.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    Is it really the site redesign? I mean, now you see the classifieds on every single forum page and the listings still get hundreds of views. Overall this place is way less vinyl orientated than it was when I signed up. If anyone on here is talking about records, its normally to say that they never pay more than $5 for anything. I'm not saying thats a good or bad thing overall, but its probably the main culprit for slower sales.

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts
    button said:
    Is it really the site redesign? I mean, now you see the classifieds on every single forum page and the listings still get hundreds of views. Overall this place is way less vinyl orientated than it was when I signed up. If anyone on here is talking about records, its normally to say that they never pay more than $5 for anything. I'm not saying thats a good or bad thing overall, but its probably the main culprit for slower sales.

    Yeah, that surprised me that so many people mentioned the site layout. I would say I look at the sales section more often now, because I see them on the right all the time. I click on every set sale I see. In the past, I would only remember every now and again to make a point to go to the sales section.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    It's definitely true that the site is way less record-collecting-centric than it was before.

    now it's more like thebreaks.com

    and yeah, when there are set sales the new design ensures that I see them right away every time.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    and Jonny, I wasn't trying to get all Sleuther Vandross on you, I just knew I had still been seeing sales from Aleit somewhat regularly ... lord knows I check for them.

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    too many looky loos

  • jjfad027 said:
    too many looky loos


  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    SoulOnIce said:
    It's definitely true that the site is way less record-collecting-centric than it was before.

    I remember awhile back being openly flamed for admitting that I oogle expensive records on ebay. And another time for saying I liked obscure soul music more than famous soul music. Thats when I knew something had changed.

    Although I'm still here and not really planning to sign up for a Waxidermy :p

  • aleit has over 1,000 set sales up now on discogs!

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,697 Posts
    ive been planning a set sale here for a long time but havent made the time (because you always have time, its just what you do with it) to get the list and pics together. it will be a huge list and i will price the shiz to move, i got no space could really use some $ in the paypal acct.

    i hope im not disappointed - my last set sale (was that 2 years ago? shit) i think i cleared like $900 and that was all $3-20 prices i think. i guess i will have to find out the hard way if the Strut doesnt bring it no more.

    so yeah - watch the classifieds later in october... ive got stacks and stacks of stuff that must find new homes, holmes.

  • gazgaz 232 Posts
    would have put all of my posts in the trades section as set sales but because the classifieds (set sales) cost , and as I'm not a big wheeler dealer its just not worth bothering

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    The Classifieds pay my hosting bill which it was designed to do by the people almost 10 years a go.

    With the redesign, I tried to make that section as easy to sign up for and automate as possible and increase visibility. Instead I got a lot of backlash... which I can understand. People were used to it a certain way for so many years. But I had to it because the admin was killing me.

    It seems like a lot of the record nerds on here headed over to Waxidermy in 2006-2008 which I can't blame them for. and the fact that their section is a free for all makes it a no-brainer for some.

    I have had hip hop set sales off and on the past year and sold out of everything. So, I'm confident the shit still is viable. You just need to price your shit accordingly. No one is paying Poopsike prices these days.

    2 cents.

  • Jonny_Paycheck said:
    i get private dealer-on-dealer action so it's not like I care one way or another.

    trolling the d4d
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