Steve Bartman Documentary on ESPN

downtownrobbrowndowntownrobbrown 446 Posts
edited September 2011 in Strut Central
Anyone watching this? This is so LOL heartbreaking.


  • oh man, i would have liked to see that. i saw a commercial for it and the look on his face after he fucks the play up was so sad and classic

  • It is on right now. They have everyone around Bartman recounting the events. You can really tell how deep this cuts.

    These documentaries are the only redeeming factor of ESPN these days.

  • I feel awful for this guy and it is only half over.

  • I caught the last few minutes of it right where they interviewed Buckner and his experience during the 86 World Series. I'm going to have to catch the repeat, because just the look on Bartman's face made me feel sad for him again.
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