Channel 4 calls out Banksy in Graffiti Wars documentary



  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Mr_Lee_PHD said:
    The Robbo piece was actually pretty illegible by the time Banksy did his piece:

    This was my main gripe with the doc: whilst they did show this picture for the briefest of moments they repeatedly showed a far more pristine shot that gave the impression that Banksy had been the first to go over the piece.

    Not that I think he was in the right, nor should being the last in a long line minimise the disrespect shown but I do think it was a sloppy piece of 'journalism' that only served to further their already apparent stance.

    B/W Zoe Kravitz - Damn I feel old.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    My boy took some photos of writers at work. He tends to favour b&w and he does a lot of portrait shots, so this is something a little different for him. I think the pictures are really good.

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