1,475 Posts
Hey, did I miss the 5-pager on the WI labor protests ?? Never seen anything like this before, in my lifetime at least. I've got mixed feelings on the whole issue but its good to see people finally standing up for themselves. I just wonder if the energy can be sustained once this gets resolved. There are much, much larger issues at stake than just the union rights of public employees in one state. The fight shouldn't end here.
What is happening in Wisconsin reminds me of the Air Traffic Controllers Strike.
Regan took office. Wanted to destroy unions in America. ATCs were the first target.
Today Public Employees represent the last largely unionized work force.
this, coupled with the cut in funding for public broadcasting, suggests that while people are quick to criticise government involvement in their lives they are more than happy to be governed by unelected corporations.
That's not generally true. It's just the major portion of the right-wing that hates unions.
You have to keep in mind that these are the same kinds of people who say that slavery wasn't so bad and that gays are going to hell.
There is a whole lot of stupid in this country.
Yeah, they had a "niceness schedule" all worked out. Workplace beatings would have been phased out by 2525. That would have been a nice start, but goddamn activists ruined it for everyone.
I'm sure this reaction has been building for a long time. Although the rest of the state has become increasingly more conservative, Madison has always taken their left wing politics seriously and is the birthplace of the progressive movement.
The fact that the state unions have made all the financial concessions, yet the Governor still wants to take away their bargaining rights is ridiculous.
KOCH problem. :oh_snap:
this is the beauty of unrestricted corporate money in politics(that bill that ends the limit to corporate donations seems like it might be the end of hope for "change we can believe in") wisconsin now has the koch brothers as their governor. those dudes bought this shit outright. YAY!!
"maybe we should get some troublemakers in the crowd" - gonzo journalist posing as a Koch dude
"yeah, we thought about that" - governor walker
nail on the head
you sound republican
I don't know what impresses me more. The depth of knowledge that lies behind your authoritative opinions or the poetic heft of your wordplay? I just can't decide.
But what is this stuff about getting ID, the DMV looks at your banking activity?
More dirty voter supression tricks:
Wisconsin???s unemployment rate was 7.6%, up 0.2 from the previous month.
The U.S. unemployment rate was 9.2%, up 0.1 from the previous month.
No doubt. You guys have a strangle hold on the country and are determined to destroy it.
2 pick-ups and 4 good fights, mostly in heavily red districts might I add .. I wonder what this means in the long term, and in the big picture.. if anything at all.
That's what it means.
-- Capt. Obvious