"WTF are all of these records doing in my house?" moments

Does it happen to you? The moment you stare at your collection and think "how did this happen?" "what was I thinking?" "Do I NEED this in my life?"
Let's talk
Let's talk
for sure, i keep telling my self "oh yea im gonna rip that Rawkus deadstock instrumental jawn gold, then i'll sell to Cheapo" but it never happens, not enough time in the day....
I had people over after I played on Saturday and was showing them the house. One of the girls laughed and said "You have a record room."
One forgets the whole world does not have record rooms when everyone they know has a record room or is an enabler/supporter/family member of those with record rooms.
yeah, but you caught me in of of those "I'm not into records anymore. I will ignore them" times
Yes. Especially the moving. God damn.
During these moments, I usually end up thinking a 4x4 expedit is the MOST amount of records that one can reasonably have, although even that is pushing it. Of course, my "reasonable amount" is completely subjective and borderline arbitrary, but it feels like an amount I'd be OK with. Just need to get rid of about 5-600 records. And the 7"s..... given my current listening setups in the living room and kitchen, listening to 7"s just doesn't work logistically most of the time any more. But the thought of getting rid of all of them...
Yeah that's what it looked like! No worries!
still have it?
Oh yeah, still looks like you and I are the only human beings aware of it's existence, PM offer and it's yours haha
cmon now!
you invite friends and a grip of their favourite/newest 45s over, you get some drinks, you set up by the stereo and you take turns playing 45s for each other.
Quality not Quantity.
Ever since I went on meds a few years a go, things needed to be like out of a design magazine = no records on the floor, one solid expedite, a couple (well-hidden) new arrival bins.
Sold probably 3/4's of my collection that way... bought a bunch of hi end camera gear and music equipment with the dough.
Life is good.
MP3's sound like shit.
(page me)
what about FLACs?
I feel you on the house design thing. We've been on a Le Cobusier / Rationalism shit/phase with my wife and records look out of place. I'm waiting for a cozzy hippie phase to start to feel comfortable with records again.
And eat fondue, duh.
I'm actually down to a 4 X4 expedit now, plus a few boxes in the attic. Moving 4 times in a year is a real incentive to purge the collection for sure. Now, I feel like I really don't need more - rather keep sorting out the stuff I don't need and go for quality. Maybe I'll reach a point where I don't feel like letting anything go, but it's actually been easier than I thought. A lot of rap 12s and braeks back in circulation for the littler dudes of the world.
The idea that I would allow someone to get cheese and chocolate on their hands and then touch my stereo is outrageous.
Tupperware parties are supposed to be outrageous though.
wait for the kids in the family, I have had salami in my cd player. "It's a circle, it should play"
clusterfuck for a bachelor. Schitt gets covered up fast. Genres mixed with other genres. Discogs vs. ebay vs. djing stacks
gets old. They make me money, make the wine go down smoother, beer taste better, and the smoke smoke faster. It counts.
Yes, I have had "WTF are all these records doing in my house" moments. I'm having one right now, as I have nearly 1,000 new records I've purchased over the past several months interspersed between my family room and upstairs music room. Hell, I have a collection sitting on the floor of the music room consisting of stacks from (a) old mixes or (b) vinyls I've bought but have yet to file away. Plus, I have a new 6 x 6 Expedit to assemble to store said records, but I have yet to do so.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
Hey Slurg,
Yes, they have made them for a while now, and they make a really efficient use of space. Here is the exact model that I have:
Big Stacks from Kakalak
i store wax in livin room / live in a small house wit 3 kids....
appreciate any tips
i store wax in livin room / live in a small house wit 3 kids....
appreciate any tips
I thinnk your everyday proximity to your records has a direct correlaion as to how often you have a WTF momet regarding said records.
My Expedit sits, filled to the brim, with stuff i havent listened to in years in the basement. and that is after a thorough purge this spring where i dumped close to 900 records.
i'm digging that sixth "phantom" row