Ebay vs Set sale lists

DigginDiggin 319 Posts
edited April 2005 in Strut Central
A lot of people here auction off $10-30 lps on ebay. A lot of times I don't bother bidding because it's too much of a hassle. Shipping overseas is expensive so you might wanna combine shipping and you only win one auction etc. ...Are ebay prices on fairly "common" records (excluding overhyped lps/genres) that much higher than what you'd get on a set sale list?


  • be afraid be very afraid...friends help friends raise bids?!!?!?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    A lot of people here auction off $10-30 lps on ebay. A lot of times I don't bother bidding because it's too much of a hassle. Shipping overseas is expensive so you might wanna combine shipping and you only win one auction etc. ...

    Are ebay prices on fairly "common" records (excluding overhyped lps/genres) that much higher than what you'd get on a set sale list?

    I've been doing set sales for 15 years now. I rarely do auctions.

    This week I will be putting some rare Asian funk up on ebay.

    I think people do ebay because it is an easy way to get your records out to a lot of people and the thrill of occasionally getting $30.00 for a common dollar record.


  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts
    A lot of people here auction off $10-30 lps on ebay. A lot of times I don't bother bidding because it's too much of a hassle. Shipping overseas is expensive so you might wanna combine shipping and you only win one auction etc. ...

    Are ebay prices on fairly "common" records (excluding overhyped lps/genres) that much higher than what you'd get on a set sale list?

    I've been doing set sales for 15 years now. I rarely do auctions.

    This week I will be putting some rare Asian funk up on ebay.

    I think people do ebay because it is an easy way to get your records out to a lot of people and the thrill of occasionally getting $30.00 for a common dollar record.


    I'm the opposite... I rarely sell outright. I'm a firm believer of getting what people are willing to pay for a record and the auction is the best way for that. Plus, I have very little patience with set sale... it's a waiting game... while with eBay you can move items alot quicker and check up daily what the record is doing as far as bids.

    Also with set sale, sometimes you can be pereceived differently when you are asking a lot of money for records ... "like $150 for He's Coming??? He's crazy!!" ... where on eBay, if you start heatrocks at $6.95, heads will think they stand a chance only to see the record go for, you guessed it... $150. and people whill perceive you as a fair seller.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    the thrill of occasionally getting $30.00 for a common dollar record.

    You'd be surprised how often it happens...

    (cue pic of Hungarian goat farmer)

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    I've had more luck with my set-sale lists, but yeah, sometimes you catch them fools on ebay biddin' up your shit! ILL!


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Quite honestly I think eBay is less about magic voo-doo than most people think. I really believe it's about consistancy. If you have auctions regularly & develope a good reputation & have a lot of regular bidders you can do quite well even if you only throw in a couple "hot" records per auction. People (myself included) want to know that they are dealing with someone who appears to know what they are doing and is going to be around. If you crawl out of the woodwork once every six months to sell Donald Byrd: "Street Lady" you are not going to get $25 bucks for it. This is how Anthony & his ilk get so "rill paid". It's not magic...

  • Are ebay prices on fairly "common" records (excluding overhyped lps/genres) that much higher than what you'd get on a set sale list?

    Other question :

    How many times do you decide to buy from an overseas dealer listing and include multiple items to drop shipping costs ?

    For my experiences SET SALE listings really mean more work for expensive stuff than ebay and only come handy for cheap stuff if there are single persons buying more than one item at once. With ebay you have to pay fees which are higher in most cases than a SET SALE listing.


  • as a buyer i'm much more likely to check a set sale list of cheap 12 inches posted here, than click on an ebay link, might even buy more cause i can combine shipping and buy some more expensive thigns that wouldnt be worth it for me to buy as a single record.

  • DigginDiggin 319 Posts
    more set sale lists for the people, plaese

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    more set sale lists for the people, plaese
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