Anyone else hopelessly behind the times???



  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
    It's getting very hard to pass myself of as a normal person anymore.

    As soon as I opened this thread your "blooze" song (from the "post some songs you wrote" thread) came on my shuffle. Uncanny.

    You are a bonafide weirdo. Embrace that, and things will fall into place.

    haha!!! Good lord! You still have that?

    Don't get me wrong, I have weirdo pride. But, I see a day coming in which I can no longer function in society to the point where it will be difficult to buy groceries.

    I love that song, actually.

    If it makes you feel any better, my best friend -- whom I sent a vanguard 45 to four months ago -- keeps telling me, "I can't wait until I get home so I can listen to it." Finally, I asked him where the fuck he's been staying if he hasn't been home? He said, "Oh, you know... Around."

    Turns out he's been sleeping in Tildon park...
    (but he still manages to get to work every day, record his band, meet his greenery dealer, and have fun with his girlfriend, so maybe there's hope for you!)

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    You should try avoiding all news in any form...for a year. That's an interesting experience.

  • edubedub 715 Posts
    I see a day coming in which I can no longer function in society to the point where it will be difficult to buy groceries.

  • coselmedcoselmed 1,114 Posts
    Not to point fingers, but it's been my experience that many people who talk much about being "behind the times" secretly (or not so secretly) consider themselves superior to "the times," and take a fair amount of self-satisfaction in their anachronism. This mindset is frequently accompanied by lots of willful dissociation from the culture that, whether they like it or not, shapes them as indiscriminately as water shapes wood, and strikes me as pretty fuckin' ignorant.

    Oh, make no mistake, my sense of superiority to "the times" is because I'm on some next-level futuristic-type shit, not behind them.

    Just kidding!

  • Still using mercury to whiten skin -- check

    Still commutes in oxen-pulled covered wagon --check

    Still has difficult removing companion's petticoat -- check

    Still talks shit, slaps 'commoner' with leather gloves while trying not to dislodge monocle -- check

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Still using mercury on gums to whiten skin -- check

    Still commutes in oxen-pulled covered wagon --check

    Still has difficult removing companion's petticoat -- check

    Still talks shit, slaps 'commoner' with leather gloves while trying not to dislodge monocle -- check

    photos, i mean charcoal etchings, please

  • um, dude? youre worrying about this now[/b]?

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts

    no CD player - check
    no cellphone - check
    does not own a dig camera - check
    owned a rotary phone up to three years ago - check
    says Thank You when leaving a store even if nothing bought - check
    says hello to older folks - check
    uses stairs instead of escalators - check
    thinks kids older than three should walk and not be pushed around in strollers/wagons/carts from the future (please see example below) - check

    And I'll add..

    Has no concept of time - check
    Last clothes I bought was 5 years ago - check
    Is constantly surprised by the price of gas - check
    Can barely listen to stuff past 1980, because it's too modern - check
    Couldn't tell you what is going on with the world - check
    Couldn't tell you what the date is if my life depended on it - check

    - spidey

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    Has no concept of time - check
    Last clothes I bought was 5 years ago - check
    Is constantly surprised by the price of gas - check
    Can barely listen to stuff past 1980, because it's too modern - check
    Couldn't tell you what is going on with the world - check
    Couldn't tell you what the date is if my life depended on it - check

    - spidey

    isn't this more about being stoned all the time?

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    Yeah, but I don't do drugs. So, it's just sad.

    - spidey

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    um, dude? youre worrying about this now[/b]?


    re: feeling "superior to the times": To some degree I'm guilty of this. Moreso, when I was younger. But, I aslo feel that, by just being myself, I don't really have much of a place in these times. As I get older I feel less "next level" about this
    & more confused. I find that if I can talk to people who are more "with the program" for long enough to get to know them, there is usually a core that I can relate to. This is usually, but not always the case. however, I have become so "bizzare" on the surface that I do not have the opprotunity to do this much anymore. Honestly, I'm not complaining about it. I'm happy.

    but my girlfriend says I can't buy Mexican horror movies untill I learn Spanish.
    Most are dubbed anyway. Are you more into the campy mexi horror w/ santo and all that or "real" south of the border horror? For campy and wierd but no wrestlers I recoment The Brainiac[/b]

    For "real" horror check for stuff directed by Moctezuma, Alucarda[/b]

    is probably the bestest mexi horror ever! Also check for his Mary Mary, Bloody Mary[/b]

    more stylish than gory and the wierd Dr. Tarrs Torture Dungeon aka Mansion of Madness/Mansion de la Locura[/b]

    . Also don't sleep on the incredibly well done bilingual mid 90's production Cronos[/b]

    . What do you like in the genre?

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    but my girlfriend says I can't buy Mexican horror movies untill I learn Spanish.
    Most are dubbed anyway. Are you more into the campy mexi horror w/ santo and all that or "real" south of the border horror? For campy and wierd but no wrestlers I recoment
    The Brainiac[/b]

    For "real" horror check for stuff directed by Moctezuma, Alucarda[/b]

    is probably the bestest mexi horror ever! Also check for his Mary Mary, Bloody Mary[/b]

    more stylish than gory and the wierd Dr. Tarrs Torture Dungeon aka Mansion of Madness/Mansion de la Locura[/b]

    . Also don't sleep on the incredibly well done bilingual mid 90's production Cronos[/b]

    . What do you like in the genre?


    I know nothing about the genre cept the covers make me wanna buy them! and, I pretty much exhausted american horror flicks as a kid.

    dubbed, hahaha! now I have ammo for my fight!

  • Wow, I've got this one on my wall (OG).

    Allow me to share my enthusiasm on this, while I know it's just an aberration from the original topic. I used to check all these non-western horror films. I had the video hooked up to my PC and recorded all the music I liked. Especially the Mexican ones have great scores. I have dreams of going to Mexico and find all these soundtrack EP's with lurid picture sleeves, but I'm sure non of them exist.

    You guys know Ra??l Lavista? This composer did his first score in 1934 and went along with his time just fine (unlike hcrink ), doing funk and jazz scores in the sixties and seventies. And crap in the eighties.

    Here's a tune from The Night of a Thousand Cats (1972):

    CHASE (

    The "right piece for his collection" is, bye the way, the dismembered head of the woman.

    And some weird dialogue from the same film:


    Haven't seen most of the films mentioned above, but I'll definatly try to. Cosign on Cronos.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    I don't know if this qualifies as being behind the times, but it sure as hell makes me feel like an outsider (and/or dumb as f*ck!):

    - I have NEVER EVER used the terms VG-, VG+, NM, M, etc. when describing a record. I prefer "looks brand new," "ehhh it looks like it'll play alright," or "the damn thing is beat to shit."

    - I don't get the post modern graemlin.

    - I've never spent more than $60 on a record. And at this point, I plan on never spending more than $20.

    - At record stores, I leave behind the nicer-looking $8 copy for the semi-beat $3 one.

    - When I find something that's worth loot, I keep it rather than sell it. Even if I rarely listen to it. 'Cause hey! It's worth something! (Retarded logic, I know.)

    - These days, I'm sick of waiting for a copy of **insert LP I've been looking for**. I'd rather grab the comp for cheap and play it at the club next week.

    - 90% of the RR threads these days are foreign to me. Seriously, I don't know who the f*ck you guys are talking about most of the time. ('Cept, of course, for the Hip Hop shit.) New Wave? Clueless. Free jazz? Nope. Dancehall? Heard of a few, but don't know who's who. Punk? See dancehall. I feel so dumb sometimes, 'cause most of you talk like this is all common knowledge.

    - I still check for (and maybe even buy) records that have been sampled recently. That's how I came up in this game, why change?

    - I don't understand how people can spend so much time and energy going round and round with these long-winded debates knowing damn well you will NEVER change the position of the dude you're debating with. (Then again, I don't know why I spend so much time & energy reading them!)

    - I *gasp!* don't know my labels. I know names, but I can't really pair up artists and album titles with the labels that released them. (Okay, to give myself a little credit, I'm not COMPLETELY ignorant here, but for example Perception and Strata East? Couldn't tell ya without using the handy SS search engine. Maybe it's 'cause I don't own anything on them.)

    Damn, after re-reading this I'm beginning to wonder...HOW THE HELL DID I END UP HERE?


    Oh yeah, also:

    - I buy lots of sneakers (mostly Newbies), yet I never ever bought (or liked, for that matter) a pair of Jordans.

  • kennykenny 1,024 Posts

    - New Wave? Clueless. Free jazz? Nope. Dancehall? Heard of a few, but don't know who's who. Punk? See dancehall. I feel so dumb sometimes, 'cause most of you talk like this is all common knowledge.

    me too.

    i always worry that i'm not too far down the ban list cuz i never contribute any knowledge but silly posts that aren't funny.

    -i've never worn/ bought a pair of Levis jeans ever

    -i've never worn/bought Nike sneakers

    -i don't play video games/ computer games nor do i know anything about it

    -only been to karaoke once

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    At least ya'll muthafuckahs know how to use a computer. I seriously hate the people who come into my cafe not knowing how to use a computer and expecting me to teach them how to use one.

  • kennykenny 1,024 Posts

    the computer talks the RAMs, the hard drive volumes, the cards or whatever hardware talks...

    then cars. i hate car talks, cuz i know shit about cars.

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts

    says Thank You when leaving a store even if nothing bought - check
    smiles at people when eye contact is made - check
    says hello to older folks - check

    The world would be a much better place if everyone was rocking the above qualities.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    this thread is pretty silly

    i think qualities like politeness / courtesy / respect for the elderly are admiral... but i call bullshit on claims people talk to every old person they see on the street, say hello and good bye in every store they go into.. its simply impossible... Everybody does those things sometimes, AND nobody does those things all the time.

    have you EVER been on public transit and somebody didnt offer their seat to an elderly person?? i haven't ever seen that in my life, but im not going to brag that I always give up my seat to old people.

    people hate on technology but they sit here on the computer yapping away about how they don't have cell phones. that's on some next level corniness... it's somehow BETTER to talk thru typing than with your voice? A rotary phone in your house is somehow not bad but a phone you can put in your pocket makes you an asshole?

    I don't own a cd player either.. not because they're the tool of the devil but because they're already obsolete. as a music fan the era of digital music files is just the sickness we could never even dream about as kids... a little box that fits in my pocket and holds enough music for 10 days ????? yes PLEASE!!!!

    i can record an entire album at professional quality by myself in my living room??? yes please!!! my four track cassette deck is under a pile of dust.

    hell i can get PAID and make my living doing design thanks to a computer while working from home?

    DAMN RIGHT im gonna do that.

    people spend too much time setting parameters for themselves that are just silly... why tell us you dont have a digital camera ?? that just tells me you don't take as many pictures as i do. It doesnt mean i don't know how to use my k1000 anymore.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    i think qualities like politeness / courtesy / respect for the elderly are admiral... but i call bullshit on claims people talk to every old person they see on the street, say hello and good bye in every store they go into.. its simply impossible... Everybody does those things sometimes, AND nobody does those things all the time.

    nobody claimed to - i think it's a given that no one can do everything all the time. you rule.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    No one here is bragging. And yup, this is a pretty fun and silly thread. Who knew? You are one of the snarkiest, smuggest people I???ve never met and somehow manage to shit all over every damn thing. You have twisted it all up and made everything I said into something totally different. Was I bitch to you out in the real world or something?

  • TabaskoTabasko 1,357 Posts
    I dont know what kinda music psych is.

    there, I said it.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts

    I thought this was thread would die.

    more confessions!!!

    here - I've never been down with the baggy cloths look. I wore tight pants when Skid Row had hits on the radio, and I still wear 'em now. and, those little sissy rock kids have gone to sportin' 'em once more.

  • I won't condescend to the times and not admit that I am better than them.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    this thread is pretty silly

    i think qualities like politeness / courtesy / respect for the elderly are admiral... but i call bullshit on claims people talk to every old person they see on the street, say hello and good bye in every store they go into.. its simply impossible... Everybody does those things sometimes, AND nobody does those things all the time.

    have you EVER been on public transit and somebody didnt offer their seat to an elderly person?? i haven't ever seen that in my life, but im not going to brag that I always give up my seat to old people.

    people hate on technology but they sit here on the computer yapping away about how they don't have cell phones. that's on some next level corniness... it's somehow BETTER to talk thru typing than with your voice? A rotary phone in your house is somehow not bad but a phone you can put in your pocket makes you an asshole?

    I don't own a cd player either.. not because they're the tool of the devil but because they're already obsolete. as a music fan the era of digital music files is just the sickness we could never even dream about as kids... a little box that fits in my pocket and holds enough music for 10 days ????? yes PLEASE!!!!

    i can record an entire album at professional quality by myself in my living room??? yes please!!! my four track cassette deck is under a pile of dust.

    hell i can get PAID and make my living doing design thanks to a computer while working from home?

    DAMN RIGHT im gonna do that.

    people spend too much time setting parameters for themselves that are just silly... why tell us you dont have a digital camera ?? that just tells me you don't take as many pictures as i do. It doesnt mean i don't know how to use my k1000 anymore.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    I won't condescend to the times and not admit that I am better than them.


  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts

    No one here is bragging. And yup, this is a pretty fun and silly thread. Who knew?

    isnt that what i said?

    You are one of the snarkiest, smuggest people I???ve never met and somehow manage to shit all over every damn thing. You have twisted it all up and made everything I said into something totally different. Was I bitch to you out in the real world or something?

    woah back up there.

    i didnt direct my msg to you in specific.. i refered to the thread as a whole, though in retrospect maybe my examples were things you said in your post.

    i could have just as easily substituted the whole "i can't even begin to listen to music before the 80's" type statements.. that's probavbly another thread in and of itself.

    as for me being one of the snarkiest smuggest people you've never met damn that's next level. Im vaguely aware of who you are in the real world.. but there's no way i would even begin to formulate a theory as to what your personality is in the real world ?????? you pay that much attention to what i writeo n a msg board?

    i realise it's because you think my post was some sort of diss on you... don't take it personal it was just directed at the concept of the thread as a whole.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    it's not directed at me - great. but seeing as how you tore apart almost everything I mentioned in my posts - you could see how I would think it was directed at me.

    yup, I pay that much attention to what you and mostly everyone else writes on this Board - is that a trick question?

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    my main point is im happy about technology. i can take more pictures for less cost, make music in a better and more cost effective manner, i get paid by working on a computer designing websites (which again wouldnt exist without computers).

    i don't have a cel phone.. i dont feel that makes me out of touch.. just too poor to afford one

    anyhow im sorry i dug into you missbassie ...
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