i have heard a lot of good things, I think the people that say it isn't as good as Summer Heights are directly comparing the two shows, which funnily enough is exactly what many did when that followed We Can Be Hero's. If he didnt change the style he may as well have just made another series of SHH (or we can be heros for that matter)
Dude is fucking hilarious. I gotta say I felt like he really nailed the characters in Summer Heights High though and he's spreading himself a bit thin with them this time around.
I couldn't be bothered to finish watching ep 4 last night. It doesn't seem to have any real direction or solid storyline, particularly in comparison to Summer Heights High.
i love s.mouse but it's a bit strange that he say's phrases that i've only heard in oz sometimes. gran is by far my fav on this series but they're all great.
Gotta say i'm not really feeling Angry Boys. Gran is my favourite, Dan/Nathan is good but I haven't had many laughs. I find S.mouse and the Japanese Mother really cringey.
We Can Be Heroes is still my favourite work of his, namely because of Phil Olliveti. Such a great character.
peace, stein. . .:)
We Can Be Heroes is still my favourite work of his, namely because of Phil Olliveti. Such a great character.
talk about a rough day at work.
peace, stein. . .:)