May finds



  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    Cosmophonic said:
    Kriegel and Peacock side by side made me happy for some reason.

    By the way is that an OG Missing Link? Did it set you back much? I've had the late seventies (black label) press for ages. Love it.

    The OG Missing Link was under $10.

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    meistromoco said:
    cpeetz said:
    Keepers from the last couple months:

    Were'd you find that Mansion LP?

    In Frank's DJ bag when he came out to Seattle earlier this month to DJ with me and the crew.

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    crazypoprock said:
    cpeetz said:
    Keepers from the last couple months:

    what's inside the Red Greg disco sleeve??

    Unfortunately nothing. I just love those sleeves.
    Hopefully I'll eventually find something to slip in there.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    This was last weeks' only find, but it's a souvenir LP of Italian cover bands who had residency on an Italian cruise ship fleet which sailed gabachos up and down Baja California in the early 70s. The highlight is a version of "30-60-90" by The Fairsea Band. I wish I currently had the ability to upload sound

  • KadinkKadink Mainstream hip-hop is losing its street edge 98 Posts
    Humanacat said:

    Is the Led Zeppelin catalog number 8216 and address 1841 Broadway?

  • spivyspivy 866 Posts
    Electrode said:
    This was last weeks' only find, but it's a souvenir LP of Italian cover bands who had residency on an Italian cruise ship fleet which sailed gabachos up and down Baja California in the early 70s. The highlight is a version of "30-60-90" by The Fairsea Band. I wish I currently had the ability to upload sound

    rock posted this up recently

  • MiddleDean said:
    Love Spring!


    love that Richard Twice, The cut "If I Knew You Were The One" is killer.surprised nobody has sampled the opening part.

  • Kadink....

    I know that's the right number i didn't check the address but that sounds right

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Hit a Barn Sale yesterday morning......for $55.00 I bought a full sized mounted Sailfish, a Camel from an old Amusement Park ride and all these records.

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    Rockadelic said:

    i love how i thought the camel was a joke until the end. trade?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    behemoth said:

    i love how i thought the camel was a joke until the end. trade?

    No joke....

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    behemoth said:

    i love how i thought the camel was a joke until the end. trade?

    No joke....


  • KadinkKadink Mainstream hip-hop is losing its street edge 98 Posts
    Humanacat said:

    I know that's the right number i didn't check the address but that sounds right

    If that's the case, that makes it a $300 find.

  • lots of dope finds in here...anyway here's my may finds.
    Don't know if they can be called finds though. Tokyo
    isn't exactly the best city for field work...I remember
    those days of dollar bin diggin and 2 dolla hollas when
    I was back in the states...anyway happy to've joined the strut!
    Attached files

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    these records.

    Nice job on the Masqueraders and that Sisters and Brothers and well really the whole lot. I need to get in on this whole barn scene. I sold that sis & bros a long time ago and kinda wish I didn't.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    No joke....

    Well that's dinner right there.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    , a Camel from an old Amusement Park ride

    I just worked on a show inwhich we sold a carousel animal for some serious dollars. if its made of wood and has original paint you may have just made yourself a good amount of swordfish and record money

  • Highlights of my trip to OKC, Oklahoma and Midland, Texas to visit family:

  • InnerSpace said:

    Does anyone have any info on the At Last album by Gallivan & Austin other than what is on Joe Gallivan's website? Is this one rare/sought after etc? I'm diggin it.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Nice scores on the Totty and Street band....what is "Upship's Creek"?

  • Rockadelic said:
    Nice scores on the Totty and Street band....what is "Upship's Creek"?

    Thanks! Here is a taste of the BBK's Expedition - Upship's Creek, wait for the sax solo near the end, it's dirty:
    DivShare File - The B_B_K_ Expedition - For The Love Of M.mp3

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    InnerSpace said:
    InnerSpace said:

    Does anyone have any info on the At Last album by Gallivan & Austin other than what is on Joe Gallivan's website? Is this one rare/sought after etc? I'm diggin it.

    It's pretty common, $15-$20.

  • MiddleDean said:
    Has anyone seen this Royalaires before?


    Surprised no one commented on this (from page 3). This band had an earlier ('66) garage RPC LP titled Live Vol. 1 that brings the bucks. This one fetches decent prices also.
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