gg allin

youngEINSTEINyoungEINSTEIN 2,443 Posts
edited August 2005 in Music Talk
anyone know anything about this dude? was he for real? peace, stein. . .


  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    very real. he'd play shows and just run around smearing his own shit on people in the crowd. don't see how anyone could be a fan of that haha.

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    He was as real as feces in open wounds.

  • He's for real dead. I've seen his corpse being abused on video.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    blood and shit. he had a tatoo that said "life sucks, scum fucks". i'm in vancouver bc, drunk on wine with my moms, batches.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    That cat was for real and REAL CRAZY! I was in San Francisco one time and he was playing a show at a club there. Someone asked me if I wanted to go to the show and I said "HELL NO!" G.G. Allin and the Murder Junkies. His band the Murder Junkies were a piece of work as well. Dude work break bottles on stage and then roll around in the glass. He would piss and shit all over the place. I was really not trying to be involved with that kind of a show! If I remember correctly, every year on Halloween, he would play a show and say that he was going to kill himself on stage during the show. He finally died a few years back. I think he died from a drug O.D.

  • I watched a video about dude. He was wacked. Sometimes the crowd of a show would all jump him on stage. For his birthday he had a hooker pee in his mouth. He threw up and sucked down the piss/puke mixture. Eat em up, yum yum. I got to see that. There was footage of a poetry reading he did. He was announcing the date he would kill himself when a female audience member asked him, "Why don't you kill yourself sooner?" He returned, "WHY DON'T I KILL MYSELF SOONER? WHY DON'T I KILL MYSELF SOONER?" And proceeded to whoop her ass. Other dudes had to pull him off her. Maybe he needed a hug.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Everyone else is pretty much covering it. Yes he was for real. Never went to a show, but I've seen plenty of pics. Like GWAR but for real!!!!!

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    blood and shit. he had a tatoo that said "life sucks, scum fucks". i'm in vancouver bc, drunk on wine with my moms, batches.

    When I was around 16 or so, I borrowed some video of his from my cousin - who was all in to that NAPALMDEATHCANNIBALCORPSEDEATHMETALTHROATYGROWLMAN music - to see what the big deal was.

    I watched it with a friend of mine and a couple days later I told him how much it had tripped me out (drinking a chick's piss, throwing up, then eating his own vomit, putting banannas up his ass, cutting himself and smearing shit all over the wounds etc. you know, all that Disney stuff) and he said he hadn't stopped thinking about it and was bugging out in a bad way.

    It certainly was no EPMD.


    this would look great in the dining room

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I watched a video about dude. He was wacked. Sometimes the crowd of a show would all jump him on stage. For his birthday he had a hooker pee in his mouth. He threw up and sucked down the piss/puke mixture. Eat em up, yum yum. I got to see that. There was footage of a poetry reading he did. He was announcing the date he would kill himself when a female audience member asked him, "Why don't you kill yourself sooner?" He returned, "WHY DON'T I KILL MYSELF SOONER? WHY DON'T I KILL MYSELF SOONER?" And proceeded to whoop her ass. Other dudes had to pull him off her. Maybe he needed a hug.

    yep, that's the same video I saw too.

    Top quality!

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Just a rumor but I heard that in his will it stated that he was to be buried as his corpse was found, no touch ups or anything. So he was buried in a jock strap with a syringe sticking out of his arm.

    Also had the stipulation that anyone who approached the casket had to punch him in the face. I heard you can buy a video of the funeral, supposed to be pretty raw. You can usually find sellers in the very back section of a Rolling Stone mag or the like.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    when i was about 15 i was full on into punker girls, mohawks, subhumans patches, tattoo's that said "cunt" all that shit. when i saw gg allin, i knew i was in way over my head, and went straight back to skateboarding. i'm sure my parents are grateful.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Just a rumor but I heard that in his will it stated that he was to be buried as his corpse was found, no touch ups or anything. So he was buried in a jock strap with a syringe sticking out of his arm.

    Also had the stipulation that anyone who approached the casket had to punch him in the face. I heard you can buy a video of the funeral, supposed to be pretty raw. You can usually find sellers in the very back section of a Rolling Stone mag or the like.
    my kid's friends would love that for their next sleepover. they're almost 11.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    i seen cute girls buy his LPs

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    i seen cute girls buy his LPs

    I'm sure they are the same cute girls who date losers that cheat on them and give them VD. Cute girls have a strange facination with trash?

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Cute girls have a strange facination with trash?

    I guess. Who really knows? I saw a super fine girl last night with her arm around a hipster dude who looked like an overweight Napoleon Dynamite clone. I almost threw up a little in my mouth but the cheesecake and tea were too yummy.

  • Dude work break bottles on stage and then roll around in the glass. He would piss and shit all over the place.

    this is still pretty typical stuff in orange county. they call it performance art.
    i was under the impression allin was on some . ish. peace, stein. . .

  • Dude work break bottles on stage and then roll around in the glass. He would piss and shit all over the place.

    this is still pretty typical stuff in orange county. they call it performance art.
    i was under the impression allin was on some . ish. peace, stein. . .

    yeah but look at the time he was doing this in.

    i mean come on when your father gives your the birth name jesus christ allan your on some next level ish right thurrr.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    ya'll forgot the part about how he encouraged people to tattoo on him while he was passed out...hence all the shitty tattoos covering his body. dude went from this

    to this

    to this

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    I caught a documentary about him on Copenhagen local TV a while back which had a lot of that graphic footage. Classic case of "interesting to watch from a safe distance, but wouldn't want to see in person". What's funny is his whole act was supposedly a commentary on "the decay of western civilization and the human condition" and all that bla bla. His brother who was in the Murder Junkies is selling some of the videos "to keep the legacy alive" as he stated, hopefully not the one where they molest his corpse.....!?

    Yeah, I've seen the same one on TV-STOP. He was one crazy mofo!!

    I used to hang out a lot with the Copenhagen punks when I was younger. I remember my friend Karina Karabina idolized him and wanted to be like him, but then she was kinda crazy too. She had "GG SCUMFUCK" tatooed on her arm, as I recall it. She also had Tourettes syndrome, so she was always spitting and cursing everybody out. She was a really dirtynasty character living out the punk spirit back then, but today she's calmed waaay down. I guess she realized that the GG Allin lifestyle ain't for human beings.

    BTW - Nice to hang out with you and Dreski yesterday. And nuff respect for the Poul Henningsen avatar .

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts

    you have blown my mind !!!!!!!!!
    i only know the gg from his, um, later stage
    my friends at ROIR had some very interesting stories about dealing with him.
    Keep in perspective not only how out of wack he was for the time
    but that he also lived it 24/7
    kinda like a punk-junk-devolution performance life.
    (iggy pop-johnny thuinders to a bloody scatalogical next level)
    how many other acts could fill a room with people who are hoping/rooting for the acts death

    20 years ago that was

    i thought his music sucked

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    i wouldn't say he was ahead of his time at all... the vienna actionists were shitting on each other and lapping it up back i nthe sixties... Schwarthkogler and genital mutilations, chris burden crucifying himself on the hood of a volkswagen...

    that shit is old news in the art world

    dude was just

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    dude had a legit mission..he wanted to bring danger back to rocknroll, because he was right that danger was dead in rock. Unfortunately his quest to bring the danger back also killed the possibilty that danger could ever be brought back, because the fact he was SO over the top. there wil never be another rock singer that one can say "he is like GG, but MORESO". Sadly there is no more danger or threat left in ANY form of music. The last real threat to the status quo, the last smidgen of real danger died with NWA. You cant shcok anymore, its the law of diminishing returns. I find it sad, there will never be anything dangerous or a real threat ever created in music because what could you do outside of rape, murder and terrorist action to shock people as an artist? Punk is dead because danger cannot be part of it anymore and you NEED danger to create real punk 2005 you can stick all the microphones up your ass, record all the shitty 7"s you can, piss on all the audience members you want, but it doesnt matter, at the end of the day the danger is gone.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    i hear your point Hook Up but I digress.

    the concept of danger in Music is a silly myth of sub lester bangsian proportions not worth following to its logicaljonnykoxvillewithguitars conclusion.

    there's no danger in buying an NWA tape when you're 14 years old other than in hiding it in your bedroom hoping mommy won't find it.

    there's no danger in iggy pop smeared in peanunt butter standing on razor blades singing gimme danger.

    i don't miss the fact that bands can't pretend to be dangerous; no more than i miss the fact that musicians can't wear capes, sing about elves... playrefridgurerator sized synths whilst invoking the tarot.

    in the 21st century which are you more afraid of?

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    Is it true that GG Allin cut off his dick and stuffed it in his ass?



  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    i hear your point Hook Up but I digress.

    the concept of danger in Music is a silly myth of sub lester bangsian proportions not worth following to its logicaljonnykoxvillewithguitars conclusion.

    there's no danger in buying an NWA tape when you're 14 years old other than in hiding it in your bedroom hoping mommy won't find it.

    there's no danger in iggy pop smeared in peanunt butter standing on razor blades singing gimme danger.

    i don't miss the fact that bands can't pretend to be dangerous; no more than i miss the fact that musicians can't wear capes, sing about elves... playrefridgurerator sized synths whilst invoking the tarot.

    in the 21st century which are you more afraid of?

    I disagree, what about hundreds of cops beating the shit out of kids at Black Flag shows in the early 80s...there was percieved threat and the local authorities responded, albeit wrongly, but there was a threat. The Sex Pistols show here in Memphis in '78 was a riot, people were kicking in the windows of the club to get in, Cops were everywhere..."punk" was scary to folks. NWA and "fuck tha police" caused some major shit, GG Allin shows only lasted maybe 20 minutes because of mayhem...

    Punk is about being an outcast IMO, a is cool to be an outcast now, 12 year girls wear spiked wristbands, all kinds of folks have mohawks and no one looks twice...

    danger or percieved danger(be it physical violence, intellectual terrorism, etc) is integral to undergroud music

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    About half my friends are punks and adore GG. I never gave his stuff a listen though. Although I enjoyed a lot of punk music most was garbage. Just not my cup of tea. It's a shame though because I love going to punk shows.

  • i cant count the times I enjoyed sitting around with a bunch of people that had never heard of dude and popping in his video to see their reactions. He was pretty out there..silly shit..but it was entertaining to watch. I wasnt aware of this corpse being molested video, but that sounds like pure family entertainment. I will have to take it with me to the next Christmas dinner.

    what was that Duane Peters video clip posted above? A documentary of some sorts?

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    i hear your point Hook Up but I digress.

    the concept of danger in Music is a silly myth of sub lester bangsian proportions not worth following to its logicaljonnykoxvillewithguitars conclusion.

    there's no danger in buying an NWA tape when you're 14 years old other than in hiding it in your bedroom hoping mommy won't find it.

    there's no danger in iggy pop smeared in peanunt butter standing on razor blades singing gimme danger.

    i don't miss the fact that bands can't pretend to be dangerous; no more than i miss the fact that musicians can't wear capes, sing about elves... playrefridgurerator sized synths whilst invoking the tarot.

    in the 21st century which are you more afraid of?

    I disagree, what about hundreds of cops beating the shit out of kids at Black Flag shows in the early 80s...there was percieved threat and the local authorities responded, albeit wrongly, but there was a threat. The Sex Pistols show here in Memphis in '78 was a riot, people were kicking in the windows of the club to get in, Cops were everywhere..."punk" was scary to folks. NWA and "fuck tha police" caused some major shit, GG Allin shows only lasted maybe 20 minutes because of mayhem...

    Punk is about being an outcast IMO, a is cool to be an outcast now, 12 year girls wear spiked wristbands, all kinds of folks have mohawks and no one looks twice...

    danger or percieved danger(be it physical violence, intellectual terrorism, etc) is integral to undergroud music

    The Hook Up couldn't be more right. When I first got into punk I came from a town where everyone was scared of that shit. My dad thought my listening to the Dead Kennedys (who are pretty tame compared to a lot of the bands I listened to) was akin to joining the Manson cult. That wasn't the entire appeal to me, but it sure didn't hurt!

    There was definitely still a bit danger left in these guys...

    But I don't know what's going on with them now. I heard that Mike is out of prison, so maybe they'll tour again?

  • pknypkny 549 Posts
    There was definitely still a bit danger left in these guys...

    But I don't know what's going on with them now. I heard that Mike is out of prison, so maybe they'll tour again?

    This comp recently came out:

    and I believe they're working on some new stuff. If their track record continues, it will be guaranteed.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

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