LAW AND ORDER: special victims unit or original?

do you guys like ice-t's acting in the SVU? i think he sucks. i would rather watch the original version any day. plus i think the actors are butt ugly in SVU. and criminal intent sucks big time.WHATS YOUR OPINION?
+ belzer + the guy from oz = wtf ??
of course
gotta speak up for CI though... it had its run in the second or third season. now, its an odd experience watching, but that actor does know how to keep a viewwer's attention. (no homo).
But really do we need shows about how people get killed and the nutsos that do it. I realize that most other shows are ripping off this on, but I think this stuff is just foul. It's just an excuse to show half naked dead women on TV and people being violently violated. There is enough of that on A&E and the news.
We need more shows about people in their teepees listening to records.
right now we're chilling and i wanted to make a post that we would dig because we are chilling;
she does not want to talk about law and order. she just wants to watch it. and i want to listen to gertrude stein spoken word records on folkways so what does that make me? an asshole and a freak basically but its all good.
later days dude.
also (imho) the cast is so strong. meloni is pretty fuckin awesome, he's literally stolen the show in everything he's ever been in. i think he lends a certain amount of humanity to the role as well, they interject his personal life just enough.
Ice-T is nice for comedic relief, I guess. I'm just happy to hear him talking shit in any context. He's great at what he does.
i'd tap
I liked alex better than the new(er) ada. the new chick annoys me.
i'd tap
but you're right about one thing.
I'm suprised that no one is offended by the fact that the sole purpose of the Asian guy is to rattle off a bunch of science info the minute everyone needs it.
the show had it's heydey from 91-99 or 2000 everything since then is garbage.
probably the best days were with bricoe, ben bratt (or mike noth), sam waterson and jill hennesie.
you might be right. i only watch reruns on cable.
Plaese to refrain from slurs, uber "beefs" and offensive board filler. [/b]
by the way there's one episode of SVU where fin and munch go undercover and fin's doing all the talking and munch is just playing the back and when the dude they're trying to uncover the illegal child prostitution ring from asks what munch's deal is the iceman responds he's my jew
The original originals. Like back in the day with Prosecutor Jack or that big head bald guy, and the guy with the hife, and the fat sterotypical Italian guy, and "Big" aka Chris Noth.
Yeah... real names. Except it's CHRIS Noth. But he's all tainted from Sex and the City now.
2) The OG L&O is always classic but frankly, SVU has better casting these days. For one thing, Mariska is FYRE. She's Jane Mansfield's daughter, what do you expect.
3) And oh yeah: Det. Munch. That's it, that's all.
4) Volumen - dude, B.D. Wong's character is far more than "the science nerd." He's a psychologist and frankly, I find his character to be one of the LEAST stereotypical for an Asian American on television today. I mean, sure, I wish he'd go primary through a door sometime, 9mm in hand, but he's not like the L&O designated physicist or accountant. He's a shrink - that's pretty cool by me. I'm actually surprised you'd find his character problematic. Hell, Ice T is far more stereotypical in his role in comparison.
5) Best L&O pairing is most definitely Jerry Orbach and Chris Noth. Hands-down.
I completely forgot. and I loved (seriously) how they ported him over from... what was it, "Homicide"?
All true. And it's good. But let's not forget to blame him for all the other stereotypical roles he's held prior.
Yeah.... definitely tops. Brisco was dope all the way around (RIP), and Chris Noth had that sullen, seen-it-all cop attitude. Both well played. I find the earlier pairings much more interesting that the newer parings... I can't think of their names. The newer guys (like the black guy... shit. the nicer one) ... he just doesn't do it for me. Chris Noth just had the attitude and the look.
They usually try to inject some family-esque shit into the characters - I don't like that. I thought when they did that with Jack's character way back - how he kept talking about his dad - it was obnoxious. Lenny's could've been cut out a little but it did give a good backdrop for his cynicism.
I think you nail it on the head: Noth's character was the most interesting, particularly in contrast to Briscoe. They had the perfect pairing - both were jaded but in different ways and though there was a clear age difference, they didn't feel like a new cop/old cop pairing. Det. Curtis and Green, in contrast, feel very young and not remotely that interesting.
Personally, i liked how they subbed in Michael Imperioli for a few epps this season, who I liked seeing alongside Fontana, but mostly because I thought it's funny that dude would go from playing a NJ mobster to a NY cop. All they needed was someone getting shot in the foot.
By the way, which previous B.D. Wong roles were that stereotypical?
1. carey lowell (she became a bond girl, who knew she'd have so much potential)
2. Jill Hennessey (OG)
3. Elizabeth Rohn (she later got bounced cause her character was a lesbian, wth?)
4. Angie Harmon (decent but compared to the rest she comes in last)
5. were there any others
I want them to bring back Homicide Life on the Streets.
They actually did one of those crossover shows with Law and Order and it was the only Law and Order I ever liked.