You can't fuck at BYU

DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
edited March 2011 in Strut Central
Seriously, they just kicked a guy off the #3 ranked basketball team for fucking his girlfriend. They also don't allow you to wear flip flops. This is madness. Fucking and flip flops is what college is all about.


  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    The BYU honor code is nothing new. The dismissal seems horribly harsh, and I'm wondering how you prove that the pair actually did the deed.

    All the students from my HS who went to BYU all married really young, most while they were still in school. Maybe they just couldn't wait any longer.

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    Nah, I hate flip flops.

    A ban on fucking is pretty silly at a school named after a vicious old prick who married a 15 year old girl when he was in his 40s.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    A close friend is a prof a Utah State. She says that most of the women take a child development course of study (basically home ec for the 2000s), hoping to find a mate so they can drop out and start having babies.

    I never realized that the BYU code didn't allow fucking (or uncovered feet). I had heard about the caffeine and booze thing which seemed extreme as it was.

  • BeatnicholasBeatnicholas 1,005 Posts

    these people seem nuts. mormons or morons?

    "Homosexual Behavior
    Brigham Young University will respond to homosexual behavior rather than to feelings or attraction and welcomes as full members of the university community all whose behavior meets university standards. Members of the university community can remain in good Honor Code standing if they conduct their lives in a manner consistent with gospel principles and the Honor Code.

    One's stated same-gender attraction is not an Honor Code issue. However, the Honor Code requires all members of the university community to manifest a strict commitment to the law of chastity. Homosexual behavior is inappropriate and violates the Honor Code. Homosexual behavior includes not only sexual relations between members of the same sex, but all forms of physical intimacy that give expression to homosexual feelings."

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    "the idea that we are vital, sexual creatures is still looked at in some cases with disgust or in other cases a bit of embarrassment. So to really take a look at how our sexuality adds to our life and enhances our life and our health, both physical and psychological, is eye-opening for many people."

    Interesting article on the health benefits of sex:

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    Props to their healthy lovin' relationship and not wasting too much time with that foolish kissy stuff.

  • cookbookcookbook 783 Posts
    meanwhile at Northwestern

  • dwyhajlodwyhajlo 420 Posts
    I, for one, applaud their stand against the scourge of flip flops. I'm not trying to see some dude's disgusting feet. Cover those things up.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    cookbook said:
    meanwhile at Northwestern

    I heard this mentioned on the radio this morning and thought "that's got to be Professor Bailey." he's always pushing the envelope. I took his Human Sexuality class my junior year and all we got was a visit by a post-op transexual.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    It's ridiculous and archaic and all that, absolutely. But you know about all that when you sign up for your scholarship at that school. If you want to spend your college years drinking, drugging, and screwing your classmates (as I certainly did) don't go to BYU. It's like complaining about having to get a haircut and wear a uniform when you join the Army.

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    ^^^ "but you can't help falling in love with somebody."

  • edulusedulus 421 Posts
    lol the stories i wish i could tell about athletes getting in trouble with the honor system here.

    i will say, in my opinion, calling byu's system an honor code stretches the definition of honor.

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,471 Posts
    damn, i just read about this on CNN, their honor code includes:

    >Be honest;
    >Live a chaste and virtuous life;
    >Obey the law and all campus policies;
    >Use clean language;
    >Respect others;
    >Abstain from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea, coffee and substance abuse;
    >Participate regularly in church services;
    >Observe dress and grooming standards;
    >Encourage others in their commitment to comply with the honor code.
    >The code forbids homosexual behavior and bars members of the opposite sex from going beyond the lobby of the school's single-sex dormitories.
    >The dress and grooming standards forbid beards, tattoos and piercings for men and short or form-fitting clothes or bare feet in public for women.

    although it sounds extremely pathetic, i guess if thats what you sign up for, it is what it i thought it was just the FLDS that was crazy...

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    So do you have to go to church if you go to BYU? Not really understanding how that works.

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,471 Posts
    dj_cityboy said:

    >Participate regularly in church services;

    thats what it seems like based on the honor system....

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I watched BYU play San Diego State last weekend and this Davies kid looked like a player.

    They have put their "honor code" ahead of the NCAA Tourney chances which says a lot.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    My dad joined the Mormon church in Taipei, mostly because he thought they ran a good organization (i.e. it wasn't theological) and was offered a scholarship at BYU. I shudder to think of what might have happened to my family had he gone that route but as it was, my mom did NOT get a scholarship from them so my folks ended up in the Ohio/Indiana area instead (dad went to Dayton State, mom to Ball State) and while I remember my dad being a practicing Mormon (no alcohol/caffeine) for parts of my early childhood, he pretty much left that behind by the late '70s.

  • bsuwolfbsuwolf 83 Posts
    Ball State up in Soul Strut....

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I am not surprised that a religious university has rules that require students to live up to religious standards.

    I am surprised that athletes have to live up to those rules.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Almond said:
    The BYU honor code is nothing new. The dismissal seems horribly harsh, and I'm wondering how you prove that the pair actually did the deed.

    There's talk that the oven has been bunned.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    DrWu said:
    A close friend is a prof a Utah State. She says that most of the women take a child development course of study (basically home ec for the 2000s), hoping to find a mate so they can drop out and start having babies.

    I never realized that the BYU code didn't allow fucking (or uncovered feet). I had heard about the caffeine and booze thing which seemed extreme as it was.

    Welcome to the world of religious colleges. Mine did not allow playing cards, dyed hair, or the ability of women to wear pants, even in Chicago winters. And that's just for starters. I've repressed much of the rest.

    Let's just say that woolen leggings at MBI were fashionable far before American Apparel dredged the look.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I can imagine the level of freakiness behind closed doors!!!

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    luck said:
    Let's just say that woolen leggings at MBI were fashionable far before American Apparel dredged the look.

    Is that the Moody Bible Institute? You went THERE?

    Holy crap! That's serious fundie shit.
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