Recommend some latin jazz

I listened to Kenny Dorham's Afro-Cuban LP this weekend and really enjoyed it. What other latin jazz albums and artists are worth checking for?
Also, Reynaldo's latin jazz mix from 2009 is one of the best mixes I've gotten off of soulstrut.
Also, Reynaldo's latin jazz mix from 2009 is one of the best mixes I've gotten off of soulstrut.
Are you looking for more sophisticated stuff like what's in Reynaldo's mix, or nasty jam sessions with heavy percussion?
Here's a couple picks:
Federico Ramirez: "Voo Doo"
Also, you should buy this, it was put out by Ubiquity Records after being mastered from Cool Chris' copy:
Both. I loved all the stuff on Rey's mix but I'm a drummer and dig the heavier stuff too.
OK, then check out my mix here, since there's a little bit of both, with some mambo in there as well:
Every human on the planet should hear this record
Don't know if this is the type of latin jazz you're looking for but great stuff nevertheless.
Horacio Hernandez on drums on this set. Muy pesada.
Enjoying this. Thanks for sharing.
These Soul Jazz Comps are essential
Love that record.
Some more favorites:
Off topic, but has there ever been an American Clave thread?
I don't think so--seems like more of a Waxidermy topic
Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis -- Afro-Jaws
(edited so that the image actually shows)
That's a very cool record
Juan amalbert - "the chant"
Damn HCrink was such a 95WoF Beeeeeeeeeast. He must despise his former self.