pkny has been hooking me up with mixtapes and vinyl since the days of yore...if it wasn't for his generosity and musical k-nowledge, I'd still be listening to the goddam Flock of Seagulls on cassette or some dumb shit like that. Dude is dude!
pkny has been hooking me up with mixtapes and vinyl since the days of yore...if it wasn't for his generosity and musical k-nowledge, I'd still be listening to the goddam Flock of Seagulls on cassette or some dumb shit like that. Dude is dude!
Went through the mailbox, and Zeus heard my calling for some Georgia Style Bar B Que, done hooked it up... yes yall, Fat Matts BBQ sauce will be rockin all weekend long.
pkny has been hooking me up with mixtapes and vinyl since the days of yore...if it wasn't for his generosity and musical k-nowledge, I'd still be listening to the goddam Flock of Seagulls on cassette or some dumb shit like that. Dude is dude!
who you calling dumb shit?
I made the mistake of airing my anti FOS sentiments a little too loudly in the wrong place once. The middle dude in that there photograph gave me a head butt while I was being distracted by Dr. Glasses on the left and we were joined at the forehead for about a month. I wish they had a synthesizer patch for personal hygiene, cause moneygrip coulda used some, with reverb.
pkny has been hooking me up with mixtapes and vinyl since the days of yore...if it wasn't for his generosity and musical k-nowledge, I'd still be listening to the goddam Flock of Seagulls on cassette or some dumb shit like that. Dude is dude!
who you calling dumb shit?
I made the mistake of airing my anti FOS sentiments a little too loudly in the wrong place once. The middle dude in that there photograph gave me a head butt while I was being distracted by Dr. Glasses on the left and we were joined at the forehead for about a month. I wish they had a synthesizer patch for personal hygiene, cause moneygrip coulda used some, with reverb.
i read that three times and i think i know what you're saying.
twoply posted a weekend finds record i reeeeaaalllly wanted and i asked himabout it. he was keeping it several months later he asks for my address ...i expect a mixcd or something in the mail. i get said record that he had tracked down another copy of. twoplizzle, i still need to get you bak for that hommie!!!!
two many people have been reeeeeeal kind to me on this board.
(Record) game is cool when shit cycles and people quit being selfish ego dorks and consider each other.
There will never be a utopia of sorts, you know, everyones gotta be that hardcore best (crate digger) EVAR but when dudes show love and put each other up that's how shit gets large.
Herm is that fuckin dude to end all dudes. Tricked me by asking me if I had the Hyphy 12" (which I didn't at the time) and said he was sending me doubles. sent the Hyphy 12" in a plain sleeve and another one in a pic sleeve. calls me up to see if I got the package and I was like "yeah" and says "so how did you like it??" I was like ..."cool you sent one in a pic cover" he says "ahhh forget it man"
so we hang up and I investigate further and the record inside the pic cover is one he found that I had been wanting FOREVER...impossible to find early Suga Free 12" when he was known as Royal Rock. shit amazed me. TOTALLY selfless and fuckin cool move. I even started TWO Herm appreciation posts that week.
Herm is that fuckin dude to end all dudes. Tricked me by asking me if I had the Hyphy 12" (which I didn't at the time) and said he was sending me doubles. sent the Hyphy 12" in a plain sleeve and another one in a pic sleeve. calls me up to see if I got the package and I was like "yeah" and says "so how did you like it??" I was like ..."cool you sent one in a pic cover" he says "ahhh forget it man"
so we hang up and I investigate further and the record inside the pic cover is one he found that I had been wanting FOREVER...impossible to find early Suga Free 12" when he was known as Royal Rock. shit amazed me. TOTALLY selfless and fuckin cool move. I even started TWO Herm appreciation posts that week.
Herm is definitly fucking dude.
He had posted up this incredible heavy drum gospel joint that had the internet going nuts. I bugged him about a few times begging to find out what it is. He let me know which in itself was a big move, but the major thing is he sent me a copy of the LP in a customized Soulstrut approved leo sayer mailer.
DREWN: It didn't seem right that The Curtisologist should have that kind of a gap in his collection. You deserve that shit. Also because you drop knowledge about good records on the regular here. I've learned a lot about records from your posts. ONe of the realest dudes on here people, RESPECT...
DJELV2000: Taught me everything. One of the most outgoing, funny, brilliant guys I know. Has got records that would circle around the moon and back a couple times. Generous too. Broke me off with a lot his doubles (and triples) he had over the years. During a recent stay in the hospital...he loaned me his portable. I turned the PLACE OUT. Thanks Leo!
RAP79: This dude is unbelievable. I was laid up for a couple months and couldn't send his trade out (it's on it's way homie!!) He waited a long time for it and was super understanding. Not to mention, he's got great records and not afraid to trade them. Pay attention to this guy strutters, he's definitely dude. AND THANKS FOR THE COKE!
NATEBIZZ: This dude has laced me with some great records over the years in trades. Also keeps things record related on here about the heatrocks he has that we can only dream about. AND continually goes great lengths to entertain the heads with pictures of Buffie the Body, Vermont culture (hippies and carnivals), Skiing advertures, Raers... (not to mention Punani Prince anyone?) Nate, I know there's gotta be at least a few common records that you're missing. You need to get your weight up on some James Brown...
also my man sno, the realness! hooked me up with mp3s, records and dvds at work and shit, mad supportive in the real world, while making moves on his own hustle.
a number of dudes have been most generous with exchanges,hook ups,trades,purchases,ebay look outs and private info..i dont want to name names because i know i'll forget someone and feel like shit for a week.....but yeah...this place is more than what it seems
Phil Most: I just got fat promo packet from Soulman. He has shared knowledge with me since before the beginning of time. My favorite GUN cut is Friendly Fire.
Vanguard Squad always gives me whatever I need.
People have been real good to me in my travels.
Herm & Karlito took me to all the best places in Tucson. Then Herm hooked me up with his secret flea market.
Legend in Baltimore showed me where they keep the records and always has nice trades.
Vitamin was a great host in Adams Morgan spinning me gems from his collection and going around with me to the AM spots.
MyLatance & Mangoman each spent a day with me in San Diego driving me around to their record spots.
Guzzo showed me where to dig in Amoeba, look for Alen Robin in the next update.
billbradleyYou want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts
I bought a 45 of "The Chakachas - Jungle Fever" from NRICH after the last Austin Record Convention. But when I got home and listened it was scratched and sounded so bad that I'd never play it. I emailed NRICH to let him know that I was disappointed to say the least. He replied back right away to let me know that he had two copies, one bad and one good, and thought that he'd grabbed the good one to sell. Anyway, he sent me a replacement and threw in a couple extra 45s for the trouble. So big up to NRICH for not only replacing the 45 through the mail, but for throwing in the other two 45s to listen to.
Been wanting to add to this thread, but work's been so crazy & to give this the proper care & attention. I gotta say what's up to the Rootless one, B*n. This guy is so chill & I'm glad that I had the oppertunity to meet the man in real life. A music nerd devoid of pretensions is a raer beast. He put me up on some nice music & he can hold his booze, too. Real good peoples.
Danno3000. Met Danno on the board about a year ago. He's laced me with cool records for free & shared lots of his musical knowledge, which is considerable. We've spent many an evening chatting about random stuff (Israel, breaks, broads)over Indian food. I've also seen more truly awful movies with him than anyone I've ever known ("Flight of the Phoenix" is one that comes to mind). I've been busy with work & he's busy mackin' chicks & breaking his leg, but I gotta see dude soon. Gonna miss him when he packs up for the maritimes. He's a good guy & a real friend. Keep your eyes peeles for Waxing Deep developments in 05-06...
Miss Bassie. Where to begin? The lady has hooked me up with the dopest vegetarian recipies - I can now curry vegetables! - and some great music ta boot: 2 mixtapes laced with some sweet soul & reggae raers. This summer, I went to pay Bassie a visit in her town & she showed me a fantastic time - record spots, roti, Indian food, a crazy gigantic garage sale in the park & I got to see her play. It was amazing! In turn, she made her way over to the 514 & we partied it up at the Montreal Reggae fest & ate more food than I can describe. She can handle her booze, too. Essentially, when you're talking about Miss Bassie, you're talking about a great person. No amount of raers could take the place of all the good will she has sent my way.
Sween: sent me a paper he did so I can brainstorm some ideas AND SOME MIXTAPES/CD's to boot
HERM: nuff said
Tony Double is always real good to do buisness with
sheep is dude with trades
BELIEVE sent me fatback's yab-yum (yet I keep forgetting to send him stuff back)
Docbeezy: sent me a cd
L-Dula: sent me a SHIT load of mixes
Undetheradar: always that dude
Catchdinin: sent me 2 copies of GO DUMB (yes i'm aware....)
Cosmo sent me some mixes as well
ASER IS THE MAN WITH THE KNOWLEDGE[. Always a lesson when PM'ing with dude
MIKE DAVIS: Made my mix cd-look pretty for peanuts
Guzzo" broke me off with records I think
Reynaldo:I think we did some good trades as well....
and then there's the real world dudes who get thur strut on as well.
and missbassie gets crazy props as well
who you calling dumb shit?
I made the mistake of airing my anti FOS sentiments a little too loudly in the wrong place once. The middle dude in that there photograph gave me a head butt while I was being distracted by Dr. Glasses on the left and we were joined at the forehead for about a month. I wish they had a synthesizer patch for personal hygiene, cause moneygrip coulda used some, with reverb.
i read that three times and i think i know what you're saying.
uh...i hope the best man won...?
You should keep track of these things, player.
two many people have been reeeeeeal kind to me on this board.
There will never be a utopia of sorts, you know, everyones gotta be that hardcore best (crate digger) EVAR but when dudes show love and put each other up that's how shit gets large.
likewise on the sentiment, Dstill.
so we hang up and I investigate further and the record inside the pic cover is one he found that I had been wanting FOREVER...impossible to find early Suga Free 12" when he was known as Royal Rock. shit amazed me. TOTALLY selfless and fuckin cool move. I even started TWO Herm appreciation posts that week.
Herm is definitly fucking dude.
He had posted up this incredible heavy drum gospel joint that had the internet going nuts. I bugged him about a few times begging to find out what it is. He let me know which in itself was a big move, but the major thing is he sent me a copy of the LP in a customized Soulstrut approved leo sayer mailer.
DJELV2000: Taught me everything. One of the most outgoing, funny, brilliant guys I know. Has got records that would circle around the moon and back a couple times. Generous too. Broke me off with a lot his doubles (and triples) he had over the years. During a recent stay in the hospital...he loaned me his portable. I turned the PLACE OUT. Thanks Leo!
RAP79: This dude is unbelievable. I was laid up for a couple months and couldn't send his trade out (it's on it's way homie!!) He waited a long time for it and was super understanding. Not to mention, he's got great records and not afraid to trade them. Pay attention to this guy strutters, he's definitely dude. AND THANKS FOR THE COKE!
NATEBIZZ: This dude has laced me with some great records over the years in trades. Also keeps things record related on here about the heatrocks he has that we can only dream about. AND continually goes great lengths to entertain the heads with pictures of Buffie the Body, Vermont culture (hippies and carnivals), Skiing advertures, Raers... (not to mention Punani Prince anyone?) Nate, I know there's gotta be at least a few common records that you're missing. You need to get your weight up on some James Brown...
also my man sno, the realness! hooked me up with mp3s, records and dvds at work and shit, mad supportive in the real world, while making moves on his own hustle.
Phil Most: I just got fat promo packet from Soulman. He has shared knowledge with me since before the beginning of time. My favorite GUN cut is Friendly Fire.
Vanguard Squad always gives me whatever I need.
People have been real good to me in my travels.
Herm & Karlito took me to all the best places in Tucson. Then Herm hooked me up with his secret flea market.
Legend in Baltimore showed me where they keep the records and always has nice trades.
Vitamin was a great host in Adams Morgan spinning me gems from his collection and going around with me to the AM spots.
MyLatance & Mangoman each spent a day with me in San Diego driving me around to their record spots.
Guzzo showed me where to dig in Amoeba, look for Alen Robin in the next update.
That's just the tip.
Morroco Mole-this dude is DUDE. PERIOD
Drewn-what can i say, my homie right thurrr. hooked me up wit a free Gil Scott-Pieces of a man lp and is just cool as hell.
Ness-Sent me an ill spanish lp for no wage. good lookin out meng
Birdman-sent me a Paul Mitchell lp and some ILL AZZ dvd's FOR NOTHING. the homie.
99problems-dude blew my mind with his secret santa package and is all around cool peoples.
i got love for everyone on the board whether i show it or not. all ya'll are true heads, and i respect everyone on here
"Coffin Joe" hooked me with the Wendy and Bonnie LP I've been laughably without
Justin Morocco Mole kills me with ridiculous private raers
Secret person provided me with crucial secret info which will be valuable
Traded CDs with too many to remember
Lurking Rob has deep shit
Cool Chris and Dante C blow my fucking mind
ODub is my someday friend
AP is a guilty pleasure forever
Volumen does make memorable posts
Vitamin is the guy I love to hate
DJ Sheep has the hot boobie avatars
It's RAJ's house and I need to send in for a tshirt
Long night D?
Poised to take over Hollywood, as well.
Been wanting to add to this thread, but work's been so crazy & to give this the proper care & attention. I gotta say what's up to the Rootless one, B*n. This guy is so chill & I'm glad that I had the oppertunity to meet the man in real life. A music nerd devoid of pretensions is a raer beast. He put me up on some nice music & he can hold his booze, too. Real good peoples.
Danno3000. Met Danno on the board about a year ago. He's laced me with cool records for free & shared lots of his musical knowledge, which is considerable. We've spent many an evening chatting about random stuff (Israel, breaks, broads)over Indian food. I've also seen more truly awful movies with him than anyone I've ever known ("Flight of the Phoenix" is one that comes to mind). I've been busy with work & he's busy mackin' chicks & breaking his leg, but I gotta see dude soon. Gonna miss him when he packs up for the maritimes. He's a good guy & a real friend. Keep your eyes peeles for Waxing Deep developments in 05-06...
Miss Bassie. Where to begin? The lady has hooked me up with the dopest vegetarian recipies - I can now curry vegetables! - and some great music ta boot: 2 mixtapes laced with some sweet soul & reggae raers. This summer, I went to pay Bassie a visit in her town & she showed me a fantastic time - record spots, roti, Indian food, a crazy gigantic garage sale in the park & I got to see her play. It was amazing! In turn, she made her way over to the 514 & we partied it up at the Montreal Reggae fest & ate more food than I can describe. She can handle her booze, too. Essentially, when you're talking about Miss Bassie, you're talking about a great person. No amount of raers could take the place of all the good will she has sent my way.
Peace to my homies