Westbound 45 Discography?

I picked up the Westbound Sound of Detroit: Sensational Motor City Groups 1969-1975 CD recently and it got me wondering how much obscure 45-only R&B output WB and Eastbound had (I've only seen the popular titles IRL).Poking around, I found an interesting site with an Eastbound 45 discography.Now I'm hoping one of the funk-list masters can help me out with the other...

kinda odd that they'd do a discog for the subsidiary but not the main label
Byron MacGregor
ah, the 45 digger's rite of passage
The message is timeless.
I wonder how many breakbeat wanna-bes saw the flipside by the Westbound Orchestra and figured it would be a funky version of "God Bless America"? Hey, natural 50-cent mistake...
Westbound's biggest seller.
I just saw a documentary about CKLW where MacGregor worked and they interview Armen Boladian about the record.
Has anyone seen this?
It's not on any of the discographies online and I can't find any trace of it otherwise.
Not very good from what I recall. Had one in my trade box for a LONG time, might have put it out at the shop for a dollar. .
You mean sound quality wise?
I'm guessing it's an official issue, as the label (which looks odd for westbound) is the same as the 1980 original issue for the LP:
My reissue of the above LP sounds kinda butt. Hope this 45 is better... will have it tomorrow.
I love "Stuck in the Mudd" though!