"staying on top of music that isn't rap or dance music related." Re: Cosmo

spoonieteespoonietee 110 Posts
edited January 2011 in Strut Central
As an aid to rap dudes/working deejays who sometimes miss new non-dance tunes, I figured a thread that compiles some new-ish releases would be cool.

Timber Timbre - "Lay Down In the Tall Grass". Off their S/T. Really mellow album. I actually heard it for the first time while getting my most recent tattoo late last semester, the artist had it going on his iPod. "Perfect music to ink to" is how he described it.


  • I love that Ty Segall album.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Cool idea for a thread, dude. Much appreciated. I'll try to contibute as well, and ultimitely will show how behind I am.

    Here's a cool rendition of "While You Wait For The Others" by Grizzly Bear where they had Michael Mcdonald sing lead.

    These girls are from Japan and are signed to our own Nick Catchdubs' label, doing a rendition of Miike Snow.

    Kind of old now but here's the Ronson remix of the same song. It's great.

    This is just some shit that I dig for real.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    I can't stop listening to this:

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    That's dope, Herm.

    This is my friend Alex, Chris and Ryan's new group Win Win. And you might think it's kind of dance-music ish and it is but it's really not, and the album has some incredible shit on it. I'm more excited about this album release this year than anything else so far. Just a teaser online though... This is the jawn with the girl from Gang Gand Dance on it.

    More friends of mine. This shit is pretty hard. Maybe not for everyone but I dig the shit out of it.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts
    I like Band of Horses on SubPop. Here's three vids:

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    DUDE Band Of Horses is so dope. I opened for them last year and they fucking murdered the show.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts
    Cosmo said:
    DUDE Band Of Horses is so dope. I opened for them last year and they fucking murdered the show.

    I'm glad to hear that they have a solid live show; I'm trying to see them next time they tour through. Here's another couple I learned from KCRW ...

  • finelikewinefinelikewine "ONCE UPON A TIME, I HAD A VINYL." http://www.discogs.com/user/permabulker 1,416 Posts
    This is blowing my mind lately.:


  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    i like destroyer & ariel pink. the more indie sounds like 'avalon' & steely dan the more im feeling it

    also, the new cut copy is on some album of the year shit. but i guess thats kind of 'dance'

  • kicks79kicks79 1,353 Posts
    This thread is awesome. Band of Horses, Matt Costa and Destroyer are all great. Thanks for the heads up !

  • Rich45sRich45s 327 Posts

    This is really getting to me lately.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Warpaint, an all female group straight from the raw-food cafes of LA.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Cosign on Warpaint, been enjoying them recently. Can't embed from the phone I don't think so have to just link through to a video for Twin Shadow who I've been enjoying the throwback sounds of for a while.

  • Cosmo said:
    That's dope, Herm.

    More friends of mine. This shit is pretty hard. Maybe not for everyone but I dig the shit out of it.

    Reminds me of Heart Attack Man...or maybe just Ad-Rock...?

    I don't like everything about this, but I think this dude has some real potential

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    lo-fi local stuff I just caught wind of. normally I would hate this kind of thing but I'm into it strangely


  • Not super recent but this is one of my favorite videos. Soledad Brothers live.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • A lot of people hate on Deerhunter and Bradford Cox, but I've really been enjoying his Bedroom Databank series (1-4). Available for free, direct from the Artist's blog: Here

  • crusty edged jawns.

  • any balam acab fans up in here?

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    One of my favorite new bands. Do yourself a favor click the second link. A super high quality performance of an in home concert truly face melting.

    Typhoon- White Liars

  • Ulysses31nicholas said:
    any balam acab fans up in here?

    yeah, i dug his latest ep - his only ep, i believe.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    Missincinatti, Remove Not the Ancient Landmarks

    My friend just posted this on FB this morning. Never heard of them before but wow.. perfect listening for the morningtime.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    If this was all else that was out there.. I'd quit. bleh.

    How about Autolux?

    Autolux - Supertoys

    - spidey

  • kicks79kicks79 1,353 Posts
    Im loving this thread. really into all the post rock/ pyche styled bands out there right now.
    This is my friends band page No Art peep the link to hear two of their songs.


  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts

    free album download...white denim. I dig these dudes

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts

    late pass on the espers...dig em

  • been diggin this...

    Panda Bear - Slow Motion

    and this lately...

    Ducktails - Killin' the Vibe

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    Clue is in the name...

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