The Saddest Thing I Ever Read

Read this 3 days ago and I can't shake it.
He seemed fun and happy and kind to me.
It bothers me that the man who did this is still out there, perhaps doing it to others, almost certainly unpunished.
He seemed fun and happy and kind to me.
It bothers me that the man who did this is still out there, perhaps doing it to others, almost certainly unpunished.
He was a super-talented programmer--one of the best. He also created MyTunes, which had over 3 million downloads.
And also a great guy to chat with at the bar.
Like you said in that thread, what a loss
Don't be sad. Wham may be gone, but "Wake me up before you go-go" is eternal.
really enacting scenes from the bible?...i might not be the best person to judge as i dont go to church, never did and i havent been in a church for probably 30 years, but re-enacting scenes from the bible at home with family seems a bit weird to me...
no ones actually come out and explicitly said it in this thread or an article, probably out of respect for the deceased, but all signs point to one of the biggest, unchecked, continuing crimes on humanity in sexual abuse by the clergy.
not to take the piss, but: