Your Holiday Wishlist: What do you want?



  • Big_Chan said:

    that said, i really like to get second hand gifts to friends now vs something they can find & buy for themselves

    I've been proposing a Merry Thriftmas party to my friends for a few years (where we only exchange thrifted gifts) but we've never fully committed to it.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    I asked for Novation Dicers

    New Headphones

    A couple of Serato vinyls

    a belt and a couple pairs of jeans.

    oh and if you need an idea for Hermie just watch an episode of The Facts of Life, check to see what Tooties socks look like and get him those.

  • D***********ck.

    He's right though.

  • gravelheadwrapgravelheadwrap corn 948 Posts
    I really, really want a shark tooth necklace.

    But really, I just like surprises, my family and friends are usually really good at that. Or gift cards.

  • 40 acres
    and a pool

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    Almond said:

    I don't celebrate the religious aspect of Christmas, but I do enjoy the secular aspects of the holiday. Food, presents, sales, etc.

    kinda heavy. I'm gonna start wearing eyeliner.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    I'm on a utilitarian trip right now???need a new jacket, bag, some new shoes, maybe some office wear.

    Got the lady two tickets to Sharon Jones on Dec. 30. Probably going to cop a popcorn maker and maybe take her to Negroes on Ice too.

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts
    Sony PCM-50 handheld field recorder

    Medium format film camera (Hasselblad at best)

    I need both for advancing in my work and can't afford none of it. I hope my GF is raising money from her parents/my parents for making one of the things possible.
    If none of it happens I'm allright with too. Most important thing is that the baby is getting out healthy and the mother is fine too. This will be a very quiet christmas as we aren't going anywhere because it can happen anytime around christmas and new years eve and the GF is feeling better at home with the heavy belly she's carrying. This is going to be crazy.

  • I don't really like getting gifts, but I like giving them. I just asked for money this year, but I know that people are going to get me stuff anyway, so I asked for a couple new dress shirts and some new dress socks, for when I need to look respectable after graduation (still not for another year, though).

    Otherwise, my plans for the money are:
    -Donations to various charitable organizations
    -Save a little of it for a CCP fencing jacket

    I mostly just want to see everyone happy, healthy and together, though.
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