Your Holiday Wishlist: What do you want?

What would you like to receive as a gift(s) this year?
I don't celebrate the religious aspect of Christmas, but I do enjoy the secular aspects of the holiday. Food, presents, sales, etc.
*Vinyl: female soul vocalists, female punk
*Warm socks: my feet get very cold, so I double up on socks in the winter
*New pajamas: my mother already took care of this. I saw that she purchased two pairs of pajamas for me. Unfortunately, her department store finds resulted in garish animal prints: zebra and blue cheetah. Oh, well.
*Dainty little cufflinks
I will most likely end up purchasing these items on my own.
I don't celebrate the religious aspect of Christmas, but I do enjoy the secular aspects of the holiday. Food, presents, sales, etc.
*Vinyl: female soul vocalists, female punk
*Warm socks: my feet get very cold, so I double up on socks in the winter
*New pajamas: my mother already took care of this. I saw that she purchased two pairs of pajamas for me. Unfortunately, her department store finds resulted in garish animal prints: zebra and blue cheetah. Oh, well.
*Dainty little cufflinks
I will most likely end up purchasing these items on my own.
PK Big Ripper
Monome 64
Korg Monotron
15" LCD Monitor to use with my MV8000
Oh and world peace etc etc...
an iolite vaporizer
This. Patterned or at least interesting warm socks are a must for a young gentleman hoping to brave a Michigan winter. Also included in my Dear Santa letter are a couple Timex's, and a gift certificate to Name Brand Ann Arbor with which I'll be getting a tattoo re-touched. My family is super good at holiday shopping for one another, it's rad.
I'll be getting one bud of mine some of his favorite coffee, and another the first season of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. I think they'll be pretty psyched. Don't want to speak of the ladyfriend's present , even cybertronically, because it's the first time i've been able to keep it a surprise (so far at least) but I know she's going to love it, which makes me so anxious for the 25th.
b/w is there a holiday feast-strut thread yet?
This is on my list, which is pretty much dominated by kitchen gear.
Same here.
Please to explain this highly unlikely scenario.
why would you doubt? Seriously, why is it that hard to believe? Please to explain why it seems to be an unlikely scenario...anyway, we have some of the oldest artesian wells in North America, in fact Yuengling is building a brewery here because of the quality of the water but anyway:
well, we are ranked 6th here...but I still say its the best, clean tasting...if you buy bottled water in memphs, you are throwing money away.
If you're collecting donations, though, I want:
pants for snow
shoes for mtb
coupon for house cleaning
black shoes
Suggestions for Herm's fam: Combine a gift card with something sentimental. Apple gift card and a framed family photo. Nordstrom gift card and a packet of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Scarlet and gold tie. Stress boob. Suede shoe leather conditioner and a couple of gift certificates to the movie theatre. Burned copies of Black Sheep's albums with the songs in the right order. Subscription to GQ, Vogue or Cosmopolitan. You can't be that hard to shop for.
Or you can just ask for a time machine, an all-expense-paid semester abroad at Durmstrang, a Bachelor party even though you aren't getting married, an ocean view or a pony. If you're going to be difficult, do it right.
Wow...I'm amazed how well you know me!
a 500 series compressor
Long-time vinyl wants on their way: check
Summer weather totally kicking ass: Check
Time off work: Check
New coffee machine and digital camera in the christmas stocking: check
Christmas: sorted.
I don't know of any glow-in-the-dark fabrics, but you can get GITD fabric paint from a craft store like Michael's, or even the craft section of Walmart. It often comes in tubes with a squirt tip, so you can make lines or use a paintbrush to paint it on. Fabric paints tend to make a fabric stiff where it is applied, though. Remember to expose GITD products to the light for at least 30 minutes to get the full glow effect when you turn the lights off. I used to be addicted to art supplies.
Interesting...for the secret kinky ravers?
I'm like most Strutteurs with gifts though, if there's something I want/need I've already bought it. The grandpa Christmas check bought me my first car so I'm more than happy with that.
Haha - nah, for the wife who is "addicted to art supplies" and especially obsessed with all things GITD/flourescent!
i have to agree with this for san francisco as well. our tap water from hetch hetchy reservoir > bottled water. but if i lived in las vegas, i'd buy bottled water all the time. that is the worst tasting water i have ever had and it smells like sulphur
i agree! to me holidays are about gorging on food with people i love first and foremost.
that said, i really like to get second hand gifts to friends now vs something they can find & buy for themselves such as these spinning globe book ends i'm planning to give to my pal
can i be your friend? haha but seriously those are rad.
Family, Friends, Food...really, is what it is all about. I think I have enough stuff. Maybe ;)
you KNOW you want one of these
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? That's awesome! Uh oh!