tumblr anyone?
3,620 Posts
anyone else on tumblr here?? hit me up and post your link here;
http://www.bulletproofcrates.com // http://djsheep.tumblr.com/
http://www.bulletproofcrates.com // http://djsheep.tumblr.com/
Your Teeth In My Neck
follow me fool! you gots the heat!
I'm right there with you man.
- spidey
just sayin..
- d
I have! Big fan of his work.
These might be a little NSWF! LOL
Sheep, Judging from your blog I knew you'd be into his mix of Nike Love, Hip Hop, and Girl pictures.
He sort of walks that fine line between PORN, and Pg-13. It's probably why DOV from American Apparel jacked his style.
Anyways, I didn't even know that girls like MAGALOMANIA existed on TUMBLR. GODDAMN! I'm just glad I live in a time period where there is a medium to showcase super sexual puerto rican girls with a good digital camera. Thank you Internet!
- spidey
oh yea, i'm familiar. but things like that get killed by the hypebeast crowd and hipsters... cool photography. love that style of girl man... megalomania is a total beast... such a dirty girl... not dirty meaning dirty but dirty meaning whore.
We are gonna post a bunch of afro / latin / brazilian dance records / edits / mixes to support our Sol Power party / residency at Eighteenth Street Lounge.
really nice stuff!