Doll Digging Revealed



  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts
    Wow! Most disturbing thing I have seen in a while. I'm constantly wavering between cracking up and wanting to close the page right now.

  • This is the best thing I've seen on the internet in a good while.

  • OptimusLime said:
    This is the best thing I've seen on the internet in a good while.


    That is some seriously disturbing shit.

  • AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! this forum is amazing.

  • looooooool

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Yeah, i got sucked down the spiderhole that is this forum a few days back, the sub-forums are insane. my favorite is the one where the guys post AS THEIR DOLLS.

    followed closely by the Australian guy travelling round the country with his doll in the back of the ute.

    then there is the Dutch guy who is selling a 2nd hand fuckslab.

    absolutely brilliant.

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    Some choice nuggets from the "Basic Techniques to get great shots every time" thread...

    -for any photoshoot take a few shots, then load them in your computer and see what you have...then make adjustments. Do this for each new pose or setup so you can learn what your camera is "seeing" vs. what you think it is seeing.

    -allow plenty of time for a shoot. It's gonna take a lot longer than you thought, and you're probably gonna start getting hot and sweaty before long.

    -daylight is almost always best for dolls. However, we all don't have the luxury of dragging our dolls out in the open. Just keep it in mind.

    -getting the dolls eyes right on the camera is usually best. And if you can move her eyes....make sure one eye isn't looking at you while the other is scanning the heavens for Venus.

    -"see" the pose/scene you want before you touch the shutter release. And, in the same vein, walk around the doll looking for unusual angles to shoot her from. You never know till you look around. Get on the floor and look up. Get tall over her. Go to the far end of the room. Turn your whole body sideways and look at her like that.

    -there's more to your doll than her vulva. Yeah, we all know that the pussy shots get the big hits here.....but be an artist. Capture her personality and her beauty.

  • disco_che said:
    Wow! Most disturbing thing I have seen in a while. I'm constantly wavering between cracking up and wanting to close the page right now.

    ^ this.

  • meatyogre said:
    Capture her personality and her beauty.

  • fejmelbafejmelba 1,139 Posts
    OptimusLime said:
    This is the best thing I've seen on the strut in a good while.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts


  • DCarfagna said:
    meatyogre said:
    Capture her personality and her beauty.

    you can't NOT click on "Booty Call"

  • JUDJUD 82 Posts
    DCarfagna said:
    meatyogre said:
    Capture her personality and her beauty.

    Craziest thing I'll ever read?:
    "Now, when the kid prevents us (the wife and I) from getting it on (which at 21months seems to be all the time), or when she's just not in the mood, or whatever. I have Veronica. Not the same thing, but it's better than all the money I've spent on Cyberskin Perfect Ass molds, Belladonna UR3 and McKenzie Lee UR3... both of which I destroyed the anus on in less than 7 days (so much for "lifetime of pleasure")... and on that note, Bella's hands got in the way of maximum penetration. I kept getting ticked off about all that. I wanted a body connected to a nice derriere. ---Veronica Dangerously fits the bill nice for me. Though I know now, it's only the beginning of at least one more TBD and probably one high end one.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I went in for a Credit Union private loan, but borrowing $8,000 would see me paying back $15,400 to $16,000. I said Eff that. Thus I began looking for "other" alternatives.

    "Soooo, I need a loan for an $8,000 sex doll..."

    I wonder if they would repo it if you missed payments?

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    On one hand, I am like, cool, these folks found a hobby and a way to keep loneliness at bay.
    On the other hand, that shit just ruined my Friday night.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Their wives are cool with it?? Wooooow. Now THAT'S love.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts

    I'd blap.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Oh no! I'm busted!

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    OK - let me ask something.
    How does the hierarchy work up in this shit?
    Are the dudes with the felt dolls the poptarts and the Japanese doll guys at the top of the food chain?
    I mean all of these dolls look so fucked up and not even remotely real, I don't get this scene at all.
    It's all dollarstore dimes, I am having a hard time telling the Boscoe OGs from the Clocktower reissues.

  • i watched this this bbc documentary about this odd thang of having doll love... it was a well made gander into it all, severe social anxiety issues and all that, plus.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts
    By the title of this post, I was expecting something more along the lines of the My Little Pony forum. Holy smokes, the Internet really has everything these days.

    That forum is definitely way out there, but on the scale of weird fetishes, at least these people don't get off on seeing a live mouse impaled with a high heel. And at least these dolls are modeled after adults.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    I feel sick now

  • leonleon 883 Posts

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    best use of photoshop EVER

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
    Herm said:

    I'd blap.

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