ELP Laser Turntable

The performance of the Laser Turntable means "No Needle, No Wear ???." The LT features an absolutely contact-free optical pickup system. Play a record thousands of times with no damage to the record. Get the same sparkling sound on the thousandth play as on the first play.
The Laser Turntable allows you to...
- Play your Vinyl Records without damaging them.
- Discover great new analog sound in your Vinyl Records.
- Play damaged Records with better results than a needle.
- Have the convenience, control, and safety of playing Vinyl Records just like a modern CD player (the record is contained inside the machine, and with a remote control you can click to play any track while the LT tells you the elapsed & remaining times).
FIVE (!) laser beams
If you've missed any earlier threads, there was a project at
BerkeleyLawrence Berkeley National Lab using 2D and 3D optical scans and physical modeling that actually seems to do an interesting job in preserving recorded sound:IRENE Sound Resotoration
even this has some coolness factor to it...but not for what their asking for it...
imagine the "trainwrecks/boots in the dryer" mixes you would blast out with dualies of these things...lol
I believe the IRENE is at the Library of Congress' A/V Conservation center now. It's an amazing machine, but I've heard they're still working out kinks.