What are you going to be for Halloween?

I'm going to be in Korea, so I guess I won't be dressing up, but my boy is going to be Thomas the Train and my baby girl is going to be a pumpkin princess.
If I were around I was thinking hipster would be a funny costume, maybe.
If I were around I was thinking hipster would be a funny costume, maybe.
I'm going to dress up as a person who doesn't answer their door for trick-or-treaters.
Too ironic. Or not ironic enough.
You know its funny... on the internet you must question this sort of thing. But in real life, its just kind of funny to dress up in super tight jeans, wolf t-shirt, and like white raybans or something, and then everybody has a laugh, and the next day its over.
or just a hipster or whatevs.
Not sure what that means, but it is funny.
I don't get it.
You should hire midgets to accompany you as Fry Guys.
You just made me shed a tear.
You should go as president of the He-Man Woman Haters' Club.
Oh wait...
Lil crying dude, come talk to me when you've had a relationship last longer than 15 years.
Oh yeah, that's right...you and Murs.
/edit. doesn't seem to want to embed (that's what she said?)
//edit.edit click link for most appropriate advise.
Man, I'm sorry. That was probably too harsh.
Can a moderator delete that please? I don't think I can edit from my phone.
Nevermind, I chiggidy checked myself.
and I'm going as
Don't worry, I can take it...no blood, no foul.
Actually, I think it's always been cool to be him.
How awesome would it be if Day got a crew together and pulled this off? Dye jobs and all. b/w I think he should change is standard photo hands pose to the opposing thumbs look Mr Mariachi is rocking. D it's time for a change.
That's actually pretty disturbing in a way I can't quite put my finger on.
only a good idea if you want to creep people out and have to explain it to everyone all night!