F*CK THIS HO! (Meg Whitman, CA Governor debate 9/28)
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This hobag's creepy smile is bad enough, the words coming out of her mouth are even worse.
Anyone else watching the debate?
Anyone else watching the debate?
What has she been saying?
I keep forgetting you're a member of Ted Haggard's crew.
Would I be a member of Ted Haggard's crew if I instead said God bless Ted Kennedy?
That is all for the sake of argument, though, as I would never say God bless Ted Kennedy (and if God does exist, then Ted Kennedy is surely damned for all time and burning in Hell as we sit and debate here at our computer terminals.)
I'm not sure, but she's also raised a couple of scumbags:
Your knowledge of theology is extremely limited.
Well to his defense, he never had much of a chance to be anything but a supreme douchebag with a name like Griffith Rutherford Harsh
He's Griffith Rutherford Harsh V.
It sounds like a disease.
Whitman is repeating the same mantra that Schwarzenegger did when he came into office, we need a business person running the state, etc. etc. That really worked out well.
Her campaign is only outdone by her opponent Jerry Brown. My god why won't that guy die.
California will be no better with either in office.
Moderater: Ms. Whitman, what makes you qualified to run the State of CA?
MW: Well I'm fiscally conservative and have proven during my time in the private sector that I can get things done.
Moderator: Meanwhile you've pissed away $116M and cannot even open a lead against a doofus like Jerry Brown. Tell us more about your thrifty ways and your ability to get things done.
At this point I've come to agree with those that say one of the most fundamental changes we can make to improve our government is mandatory public financing of all elections.
Every candidate should get the same budget and the same media time to campaign.
I'd like to see the result of a completely even playing field.
Impossible to obtain. For example, how can you equalize the built-in advantage most incumbents have? I fully support campaign finance reform but they can't level playing fields that are going to be warped by any number of forces.
Not looking good so far. I'm kind of surprised actually; I thought this would be doing better than it has polled.
It will also lessen the power of lobbyists.
There's a prop currently up for vote in Cali that will change the way voting districts are made, further taking away power from incumbents.
I know the Dems are unhappy about the prop because they have a major advantage in CA currently with the way that districts are set, and as a person who leans way left I can sort of see their point and sense their fear, but really, fair is fair, and you shouldn't get to rig the voting areas just because you are in power whether you are left, right, up or down.
Democracy has no chance of working at all if voters have no ability to change the people who are supposed to be representing them.
Yeah I've read the polling has been really close. I guess if California voted against legalizing gay marriage, taxing and regulating weed doesn't really stand a chance.
The concept polls well; the actual law doesn't. A lot of the growers/sellers up here aren't supporting it because they worry it's going to create a Wal-Mart of weed and push smaller operations out of business.
Naw, if she wins, she'll just change the tax code for rich folks like her so she can recoup her $100+ million dollar investment.