Guess what, you're an asshole

Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
edited September 2010 in Strut Central
Everyone on one of these is an instant asshole. No real exception to the rule. Get a car.

Please stop swerving in and out of lanes, speeding inbetween cars, driving like an asshole, and especially doing wheeelies on the freeway.

The other day some dude pulls up next to me, my wife, and our baby, stares in the window and then lays down on the seat and does a no-handed superman thingy.


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    What about Evel Kneivel?

  • Now you wait just a minute!

  • Nothing pisses me off more than those "Look twice, save a life" bumper stickers, when at least half of the people i see riding motorcycles drive like complete assholes with no regard for human safety. And don't get me started on the way they find it necessary to cause so much noise polution by altering/cutting theirs pipes, and the way "bike gangs" make up their own road rules at stop lights etc.......Rant over.

    PS: If you drive a motorcycle and aren't endangering lives none of this is in regard to you, i know theirs alot of good folks out there riding responsibly.

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    haze25 said:
    at least half of the people i see riding motorcycles drive like complete assholes with no regard for human safety

    By what factor are you overstating this?

  • I'm not overstating anything, i spend alot of time on the masspike and for every two/three bikers i see one is driving on peoples asses, zooming between vehicles, passing on the right etc.......I'm not saying i see hundreds, but this is what i see when im out.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,139 Posts
    We need a graemlin with Eric Estrada pointing and saying, "That's cycle-ist!" for threads like these.

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    haze25 said:
    I'm not overstating anything, i spend alot of time on the masspike and for every two/three bikers i see one is driving on peoples asses, zooming between vehicles, passing on the right etc.......I'm not saying i see hundreds, but this is what i see when im out.

    So you've gone from 50% to somewhere between 33% and 50%.

    And if you don't see hundreds, then you're overstating it by quite a bit more than that.

    I think dudes in Hummers and massive toy trucks (meaning not work-related) drive much more insanely than guys on bikes. That might be related to the lack of a multi-thousand pound tank surrounding them.

    I do see an occasional freak cyclist weaving at 100 mph and it's memorable but just really not common.

    I'm with you on loud pipes though. Annoying and pointless.

  • And another thing...........

  • Controller_7 said:

    The other day some dude pulls up next to me, my wife, and our baby, stares in the window and then lays down on the seat and does a no-handed superman thingy.

    Peripheral awareness. Defensive Driving 101.

  • haze25 said:
    Nothing pisses me off more than those "Look twice, save a life" bumper stickers, when at least half of the people i see riding motorcycles drive like complete assholes with no regard for human safety. And don't get me started on the way they find it necessary to cause so much noise polution by altering/cutting theirs pipes, and the way "bike gangs" make up their own road rules at stop lights etc.......Rant over.

    PS: If you drive a motorcycle and aren't endangering lives none of this is in regard to you, i know theirs alot of good folks out there riding responsibly.

    I think more of the people riding around in a tee shirt with no helmet, and then think about the periodic newspaper articles about dead motorcycle riders.

    Even if they aren't driving/riding like idiots, how stupid can you be - if you're supposed to wear a helmet with a human-powered BIKE, and you're doing 60 on a motorcycle...

  • kicks79kicks79 1,346 Posts
    I see some motor bike dudes do some stupid shit no doubt, but its the majority of psycho car drivers that scare the shit out of me.

  • I hate when bikers zip by my blind spot at 40 miles per hour faster than I'm driving. That being said I don't hate it enough to kill them. I make sure to leave space for the bikers.

    And yeah, car drivers are much worse based on numbers alone. There's 500 shitty car drivers to every shitty biker.

  • New bikers are dangerous. Fact: in 2008, more Marines were killed in US motorcycle accidents than in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    Hospitals are conflicted about giving advice on helmets b/c motorcyclists (typically young, healthy males) are a valuable source of transplantable organs.

  • threetwosix said:
    Hospitals are conflicted about giving advice on helmets b/c motorcyclists (typically young, healthy males) are a valuable source of transplantable organs.

    You've got got be kidding.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    The other night a motorcyclist wizzed past me with NO headlight on.

  • DOR said:

    That video made me very uneasy.


    He lose points for not adding video game sound effects to that. BLING!

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    cosign on "get off my lawn!"

    rider in that video just cut a two hour commute down to ten minutes! Hard to argue with that.

    if it's too loud, you're too old. I know of one incident in my whole live in Seattle of a dumbshit motorcyclist killing someone other than himself: dude overcooked a turn and took out some pedestrian on a sidewalk (mitigating_factor: "pedestrian" was on a longboard, pretty much at the bottom of my cool foodchain)...

    let em rip it. let em go 90 in first gear. If I had a child, I'd love for them to see a supermanny-off-the-bike type move at 70-mph...shit's bomb..


  • DOR said:

    putting all moralizing aside from a moment, that looks REALLY really fun. must be even more rewarding if that was filmed in Moscow, which is notorious for having some of the worst, slow-moving traffic in the world.

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    DOR said:

    Hello friends,

    Am I the only one who wished that someone would have narrowed the gap on him the last second so he would crash? Not when he was going super fast, but fast enough to get a little hurt and learn a lesson.

    Some of his moves put drivers at risk for collision and probably caused a lot of stress to others, I'd bet.


    Your life is not an action film!


  • JimsterJimster 6,967 Posts
    Speaking as a cyclist who has to mix it with traffic - Only by massive luck is he not dead.

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    I ride on two wheels practically every day and have been for about 13 years now. My favorite motorcycles are SuperMotos or SuperMotards. A dirt bike converted to be extremely street competent.

    It does encourage me to ride like an ass sometimes. It's the most fun I've ever had driving anything. I split lanes on the freeways. I've only been involved in one accident in all that time, and it was because some old lady ran a stop sign. I don't have any reason to believe that I'm endangering anyone's life but my own. The worst drivers I see on the roads are people who just aren't paying attention. They're texting, making phone calls, eating, applying make-up, or just oblivious people. I avoid an accident pretty much every day, and I don't think one of those close calls has ever involved a motorcycle.

    I'm not being asshurt or defensive, I just think it's pointless to call out any group of people as assholes. They exist in any group you can categorize. To the folks who are annoyed by motorcyclists, have you never seen someone do something dangerous or stupid in a car? Has a car never passed you when they shouldn't have or sped by you unexpectedly? Has a car never been modified to be way louder than it should be?

    I celebrate the idiots in all walks of life. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't feel superior and be able to post about it on the internet.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    How extra fluffy soft can one be to hate on motorcycles?

  • HarveyCanal said:
    How extra fluffy soft can one be to hate on motorcycles?


    Thinks he's extra ford tough hard because he's wearing a harley shirt and assless chaps.

  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts
    I generally hate motorcycles because they are too noisy. I mean, some people modify their bikes to make them as noisy as possible. That's annoying, especially in residential neighborhoods. But on the highway, at least out here in the middle of America, most motorcycle riders are safe and sensible. And there, I have no problem with motorcycles.

    But those dudes who drive like hot shots, those dudes are lame. I was driving back from Iowa a couple weeks ago, and one of these little hotshot motorcycle dudes was ahead of me, weaving around in the lane, putting his feet up on the handlebars, driving no-handed, just a whole litany of really stupid and dangerous shit. It may have been fun for dude, but it was not fun for me. All I could see was him hitting a pothole or a turtle or something while hot-dogging and then flipping and crashing to death right in front of me. Not something I wanted to see or be a part of, so when he slowed down to about 70, I went to go around him. Just when I got all the way ahead of him, little dude gets serious about his biking, sits back, and revs up to 90 or faster to fly by me (I was going about 85 at the time).

    "Fine little dude, go ahead. Just get out of my sight." Nope. After he got about a quarter-mile ahead of me, he slowed back down until he was right in front of me again, weaving and doing all this stupid bullshit. I had to follow that dude for more than 2 hours because he would not let me pass, or if I passed, he would speed back up ahead of me.

    Dude didn't die, but he sure was annoying.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    mr.brett said:
    HarveyCanal said:
    How extra fluffy soft can one be to hate on motorcycles?


    Thinks he's extra ford tough hard because he's wearing a harley shirt and assless chaps.

    Wow, just wow.

  • I thought they modified them to make a lot of noise so that drivers would know where they were and not run them off the road. And of course to set off car alarms when they drive down Mulberry Street.

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    CBear said:

    best run-from-the-cops machine ever. excels on all surfaces, and can boost in and out of the river wash or wallride to stairclimb, WHATEVER!

    I think we should all be on super motos. but, until we are, I'm not riding one again. I got on my friend's race bike (not even street legal--he'd graduated from taping off his lights at the races to an even lighter straight up race one), and I couldn't believe it. Way too much fun. I grew up riding motocross bikes, and this was just too amazing for my brain: scared of the thump, I short shifted up into third, and the front wheel was still pulling off the ground. Realizing I was going 60 in a residential neighborhood, I clamped the brakes and parked that shit.

    I could see myself riding on sidewalks, trying to jump shit, there's just not room in Society Today for me owning a supermoto bike. I applaud your restraint, if you're riding that thing sensibly (lane splitting would be enough for me: my brother sold his bike after realizing NOT lane-splitting every day on Lincoln Boulevard would be crazed...and it's like "what are we doing here?" haha I couldn't do it either).

    I'd consider motorcycles if my area had nicer weather. Motorcycles are only on the roads up here for three months out of the year, and then the drivers forget about them.
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