Schwarzenegger Stallone Rourke WillisLiStathamCouture



  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    nzshadow said:
    Junior said:
    The trailer appeared to have a sledgehammer one about Stallone and Rambo though here's hoping that they at least manage to fit "If he dies he dies" in there somewhere.

    i just sat through the peice of shit that was Predators and despite a gatling gun in the opening scene i was fucking pissed when noone said "i aint got time to bleed"

    Larryance Fishburn 's Colonel Kurtz was pretty sweet but was over in the blink of an eye, and having to endure Adrien Brody's sweaty torso as he ran around being an action hero was too much to take.

    some decent effects, seriously bad acting, and no jesse Ventura.


    Yakuza weilding Samurai sword vs. Predator fight was shit too.

    There's always a little piece of me that denies the existence of any sequels to Predator. The original is pretty much the ultimate example to me of testosterone fuelled movie making with perfect casting, loads of quotables, maximum violence and, of course, the firing of a gatling gun after your arm has been blasted off by an alien.

    Predator 2 lost me as soon as I realised that it was trying to convince me that Danny Glover could do more damage to the intergalactic bounty hunters than Arnie and his team. No amount of Busey or Paxton could rescue it from this fact.

    The realisation that we had moved from Weathers to Brody in the course of two official sequels pretty much nulled this one at the point of hello.

  • Strider79itStrider79it 1,176 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Strider79it said:
    Duderonomy said:
    DocMcCoy said:
    and one of the baddies is called The Brit.

    I'd watch if The Brit was played by an American. Somebody like James Belushi.

    love James Belushi

    I think of that scene in Beverly Hills Cop, when Rosemont is reading some article about how "By the time the average American male is 45, he'll have ten pounds of undigested red meat in his bowels". The cigar-afficianado, ten-pounds-of-undigested-red-meat James Belushi living the mid-life crisis on his Harley complete with stars-and-stripes bandana is the guy I want to play 'The Brit', with all of the acting nuance of the Ultimate Warrior in the midst of a full-on 'roid-rage, gorilla-pressing an imaginary German Sheppard and cursing it for being a better actor in K9. I can't even imagine how awesome his faux-accent would be.

    I would love a movie with james belushi playing a retired Ultimate Warrior

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    This film was fookin weird.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Junior said:

    There's always a little piece of me that denies the existence of any sequels to Predator. The original is pretty much the ultimate example to me of testosterone fuelled movie making with perfect casting, loads of quotables, maximum violence and, of course, the firing of a gatling gun after your arm has been blasted off by an alien.

    Predator 2 lost me as soon as I realised that it was trying to convince me that Danny Glover could do more damage to the intergalactic bounty hunters than Arnie and his team. No amount of Busey or Paxton could rescue it from this fact.

    The realisation that we had moved from Weathers to Brody in the course of two official sequels pretty much nulled this one at the point of hello.

    Alien vs. Predator had a great premise, the Henriksen/Bishop tie-in was cool, but the acting was so bad that it felt like a made for TV episode.

    Im a sucker for the Predator, i think it is one of the more bad-ass creatures hollywood has come up with (and the Alien is in a league of its own), so i put up with the cardboard performances and toughed it out. Ill never get those two hours back.

    And i read on the IMDB that the penguin lurking in the abandoned Antarctic whaling station is a Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti), a species found in coastal Peru and Chile - not the Antarctic region.

    So i should have ejected the DVD in disgust at that point.

    I did hold some hope for this latest outing, spurred on by the inclusion of Danny Trejo only to watch him die by 1/2 way. what a joke.

    grumble grumble.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Predator is that rare movie that is both awesome sci-fi and awesome action. It's usually one or the other (or neither) these days. Predator rules.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    One of the things I like about it is that it's the only Arnie movie where he gets battered. Admittedly, the battering is being done by some hi-tech space reptile, rather than another human being (I mean, really - as if), but an ass-kicking is an ass-kicking. It was interesting to see Arnie prevail through the use of something other than superior firepower or muscle.

    Predator II has a few good moments, but otherwise it's pretty incoherent.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I've said it before but Predator is one of the holy trilogy of eighties action films along with Die Hard and Robocop. Between them they basically set the standard and, for better or worse, most of the rules (only T2 really added to it) for all big budget action movies to this day.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Mickey RourkeTom Berenger related?

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Junior said:
    I've said it before but Predator is one of the holy trilogy of eighties action films along with Die Hard and Robocop. Between them they basically set the standard and, for better or worse, most of the rules (only T2 really added to it) for all big budget action movies to this day.

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