Rapidshare Subscribers

jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
edited July 2010 in Strut Central
i know i bitch about rapidshare here all the time, but i know theres some other premium members that know whats up.

so what the fukkkk is up with rapidshare now!???
they create these terms and describe their new subscription offers using these words like rapidpoints and blah blah blah.
anyone have any idea wtf theyre doin now!!???


  • willie_fugalwillie_fugal 1,862 Posts
    i've been a subscriber for a few years now. got a couple emails recently but haven't read them. what's going on??

    will probably let my sub lapse this time anyway though--my e-diggin has declined significantly in the past year

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    i dont know. it makes no sense. like i said they create these words and terms like rapids and rapidpoints and then proceed to use these words to describe the changes.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts

  • Reynaldo said:

    I really love the US Government logos.

    Just got an e-mail from Rapid Share saying that they got very negative feedback on the new system and that they are going to change it to a much simpler one.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Reynaldo said:

    Wasn't this fake and just a rumour? I remember a few months ago a german court ruled that RapidShare could not be held accountable for the uploading of copyrighted content by users of something like that.

  • serch4beatzserch4beatz Switzerland 521 Posts
    to make it short:
    they were tired of getting accused of being a hotspot for movie/music/game/etc. pirating so they killed their premium points program (where you got a point if someone downloaded a file from you) and if you had a certain amount of points you could extend your account for "free" (10k points for 1month iirc). So now they made these packages with different saving space/download rata (but the point system was shut down) ..you really got to read it to understand it tho

  • http://rapid.org/board/index.php

    go here, go to the Filehost News & Discussion forum. Read your ass off. Stay confused, read some more.. download your ass off.

    Honestly i'd try to answer you but things are changing so fast i'm a bit confused.

    But know as of a few days ago, it doesn't matter if you have a one year subscription because they changed it to how much you use. And there is no carry over traffic. So if you had the 4 rapids a day program, they would be used up whether you use them or not. ONce you run out of total rapids your account is done. I think they're changing this again though. It does suck.
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