Mike2600 Appreciation Thread.



  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts
    we killed a lilac together. just one of the amazing things that happen when you appreciate mike.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Mike Davis is the shit.

  • Whatever! Does this guy even listen to rapps? He's been an arrogant stuck-up jerkfaced jerk every time I've ever met him. Also, he once robbed me for my lunch money.

    (Hi, Mike! Lots of love from your San Francisco friends.)

  • 2600 king is the man. Love the artwork, and the mixes. I have the "About to run up on you and do a rambo mix" and the nintendo break remix's. Castlevania, contra, megaman, and Punchout >>>>> PunchThatShitOut.mp3 - 5.28MB

  • too bad this is sold out; hilarious...

  • YNOTYNOT in a studio apt mixing tuna with the ramen 417 Posts
    Did yall check the latest issue of Juxtapoz? There is a great article on Burlesque Design in the latest issue. Good to read about a collective bucking the corporate model and making it work. I don't know Mike but am always checking mixes, edits, and art keep it coming. Defiantly plan on copping some prints soon to hang in my new spot soon.

  • dirtydirty 93 Posts
    Very nice indeed.

  • JUDJUD 82 Posts
    One of the best graphic designers of our time, IMO. Dude bridges the gap between Seymour Chwast and Biz Markie. A few years back I noticed that two of my favorite covers (not favorite records) from the year had been designed by him, and have been checking for his work since.

    I appreciate how the quality has grown since.

    Also, speaking of the Dunny being bitten by Disney, the Burlesque moustache bandanas were bitten to the point of being eaten by the arts and crafts community. Influential as fuck!

  • The cover for part two was simply amazing. not just saying to say but that cover and the way they made it, always blew my mind.

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    Great, now I had to go and buy a bunch of Burlesque shit!

  • day said:
    Mike Davis is the shit.

    yessssssir ! the 26 hundred DUDE

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    Grandfather said:

    The cover for part two was simply amazing. not just saying to say but that cover and the way they made it, always blew my mind.

    One of the real benefits to me of producing the Si, Para Usted CDs was the chance to work with Mike. He managed to find the pitch-perfect aesthetic for the comps. I can't imagine anybody else doing half as good a job. Thanks Mike!

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts

  • day said:
    Mike Davis is the shit.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Herm said:
    Plus he didn't design this but the website says it was his idea (file under: copped):

    Seriously, who dreams up crazy dope ideas like this?! Mike The 2600 King, that's who.

    No article of clothing I've ever owned has gotten me as many comments as this shirt. I can't wear it for a day without getting 2-5 people complimenting me on it, and I try to always let dudes know they need to look up burlesque. Props to Mike and co..
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