Is Lady GaGa a tranny?



  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I had a quick little discussion w/ an out of the loop ladyfriend.

    She tried to show me the Lady Gaga/ Beyonce song on you tube.

    I told her i wasnt feelin this chic and while i do understand why she gets media attention what makes u actually think her career is going be any longer than Gwen Stefani's.

    My co-worker was tryin to hit me over the head about Lady Gaga and tried to make me feel like Im so out of the loop. I told him to get the fusk outta here with that shit. dude is all up in Fire Island w/ that shit. 4 months later he said he was "over" her, after claiming she's the next Madonna (who has a 20+ year career).

    madonna had the 'presentation' and the songs. gaga has a strong team and her presentation is good, her songs are just
    i can't comprehend somebody listening[/b] to her music.

    I think Gaga actually writes and produces her own material though.

    Her music is all that bad. I don't listen to it, but it doesn't offend my ears as much as some of the viagrafied dirge that's sold as pop these days.

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    I'm not a fan personally but I can understand why people dig her so much. She's just entertaining, period!

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    I'm done here, AUDI 5000!!

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    I'm not a fan personally but I can understand why people dig her so much. She's just entertaining, period!

    I work this series of shitty pop-concerts on occasion, and her shit is just so different, and so much better than everyone else's it boggles the mind. Her performance, her costumes- that shit is OUT THERE.

    Yes, if you're bored of everything that Folkways has put out, then she's a bit pedestrian. But, when standing next to the Plain White-T's of the world, and writing her own music, and doing her own thing, she is a REVELATION.

    I don't ride; I do defend.

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    I'm not a fan personally but I can understand why people dig her so much. She's just entertaining, period!

    I work this series of shitty pop-concerts on occasion, and her shit is just so different, and so much better than everyone else's it boggles the mind. Her performance, her costumes- that shit is OUT THERE.

    Yes, if you're bored of everything that Folkways has put out, then she's a bit pedestrian. But, when standing next to the Plain White-T's of the world, and writing her own music, and doing her own thing, she is a REVELATION.

    I don't ride; I do defend.

    All the "Poker Face" covers and interpolations is what got me. That song did something to a lot of people, especially other artists.

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    Lady Gaga grew on me

  • Options
    I don't care much for her music, but I respect for her hustle.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I assume you've seen this?

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    Why is the tranny question still being asked? Her music would sound no different and her clothing would be no less outrageous if she turned out to be a transgendered individual. I don't get why so many people are still fixated on gender identity. Unless you're taking her to bed, it has absolutely nothing to do with you. How many more CNN specials will it take for Americans to understand that gender and sexuality are unconfined by the male/female binary?

    If you're still losing sleep over the Gaga-tranny question, then Google Stefani Germanotta (her given name--what's the next thread going to be? a poll on our reactions when we find out Gaga isn't her real name?). According to these "before" photos, she looks like any other teenage girl. And I'm pretty sure they don't offer sex changes to pre-pubescent boys.

    I'm personally not a big fan of the music, but I like that she's crazy and different. Half the people seem to love her, and the other half are either baffled or disgusted. You can't be a provocateur if everyone likes you. She can tone it down and be "cute," but then she'd be any other pop singer.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Yeah, what Almond said.

  • Lucious_FoxLucious_Fox 2,479 Posts
    Half the people seem to love her, and the other half are either baffled or disgusted. You can't be a provocateur if everyone likes you. She can tone it down and be "cute," but then she'd be any other pop singer.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts

  • JimsterJimster 6,937 Posts
    Don't we all agree she's a puppet of illuminati sent to brainwash you with her ill Monarch methods?

    The symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga is so blatant that one might wonder if it?s all a sick joke. Illuminati symbolism is becoming so clear that analyses like this one becomes a simple exercise of pointing out the obvious. Her whole persona (whether its an act or not) is a tribute to mind control, where being vacuous, incoherent and absent minded becomes a fashionable thing.


    Girl just wants to have fun.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Don't we all agree she's a puppet of illuminati sent to brainwash you with her ill Monarch methods?

    The symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga is so blatant that one might wonder if it?s all a sick joke. Illuminati symbolism is becoming so clear that analyses like this one becomes a simple exercise of pointing out the obvious. Her whole persona (whether its an act or not) is a tribute to mind control, where being vacuous, incoherent and absent minded becomes a fashionable thing.

    Yes, she is obviously a witch, and should be taken to Salem, bound & gagged, and thrown into a river. If she drowns she is innocent. It's so blatant.

  • JimsterJimster 6,937 Posts

    She looks hotter here ^^^^ than she does now.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

    I keed obviously.

  • i ride for gaga. i like "the fame monster" e.p. a lot. not so keen on "the fame" album. a co-worker just put an still-wrapped copy of "the fame monster" album on her desk.

  • highschemehighscheme 784 Posts
    does she release on vinyl

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    awwww this is a thread my 9 yr old niece would looove!

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts

    She looks hotter here ^^^^ than she does now.


    she looks surprisingly non-tranny-like in these photos.

    Personally I hold nothing against tranny's.

    until after a few drinks that is! then i hold somethin' against 'em!

    seriously though, I'm contemplating her tranny-ness in the most passive, non judgemental way possible.

  • I was just reading an interview with Joanna Newsom where she made some good comments about Lady Gaga:

    "I'm mystified by the laziness of people looking at how she presents herself, and somehow assuming that implies there's a high level of intelligence in the songwriting. Her approach to image is really interesting, but you listen to the music, and you just hear glow sticks. Smart outlets for musical journalism give her all this credit, like she's the new Madonna ?" She breaks off and laughs. "Although I'm coming from a perspective of also thinking Madonna is not great at all. I'm like, fair enough: she is the new Madonna, but Madonna's a dumb-ass!"

    Later, she emails to clarify what she describes as her "late-afternoon dopiness" on this subject: "I may have contradicted myself. My problem isn't actually with Lady Gaga. But there's not much in her music to distinguish it from other glossy, formulaic pop. She just happens to wear slightly weirder outfits than Britney Spears. But they're not that weird ? they're mostly just skimpy. She's fully marketing her body/sexuality; she's just doing it while wearing, like, a 'fierce' telephone hair-hat. Her sexuality has no scuzziness, no frank raunchiness, in the way that, say, Peaches, or even Grace Jones, have ? she's Arty Spice! And, meanwhile, she seems to take herself so oddly seriously, the way she talks about her music in the third person, like she's Brecht or something. She just makes me miss Cyndi Lauper." And on the subject of Madonna: "I shouldn't have called Madonna a dumb-ass. Her music and she have just gotten so boring to me, this last decade. I think maybe she doesn't hold her money very gracefully, the way some people can't hold their drink. But one thing she is surely not is dumb."

  • JimsterJimster 6,937 Posts
    In this day and age "Pop" artists are given massive props for actually being able to write tunes and play an instrument. It's a novelty when many other acts are just avatars for other, less photogenic, people's "Talent".

    Her ability is therefore currently valued in the same way Bach's talent was valued, it would seem.

    Ooh la lah.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I was just reading an interview with Joanna Newsom where she made some good comments about Lady Gaga:

    "I'm mystified by the laziness of people looking at how she presents herself, and somehow assuming that implies there's a high level of intelligence in the songwriting. Her approach to image is really interesting, but you listen to the music, and you just hear glow sticks. Smart outlets for musical journalism give her all this credit, like she's the new Madonna ?" She breaks off and laughs. "Although I'm coming from a perspective of also thinking Madonna is not great at all. I'm like, fair enough: she is the new Madonna, but Madonna's a dumb-ass!"

    Later, she emails to clarify what she describes as her "late-afternoon dopiness" on this subject: "I may have contradicted myself. My problem isn't actually with Lady Gaga. But there's not much in her music to distinguish it from other glossy, formulaic pop. She just happens to wear slightly weirder outfits than Britney Spears. But they're not that weird ? they're mostly just skimpy. She's fully marketing her body/sexuality; she's just doing it while wearing, like, a 'fierce' telephone hair-hat. Her sexuality has no scuzziness, no frank raunchiness, in the way that, say, Peaches, or even Grace Jones, have ? she's Arty Spice! And, meanwhile, she seems to take herself so oddly seriously, the way she talks about her music in the third person, like she's Brecht or something. She just makes me miss Cyndi Lauper." And on the subject of Madonna: "I shouldn't have called Madonna a dumb-ass. Her music and she have just gotten so boring to me, this last decade. I think maybe she doesn't hold her money very gracefully, the way some people can't hold their drink. But one thing she is surely not is dumb."

    This is pretty pathetic by Newsom.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    no if find it pretty on point
    especially arty spice

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Well I'm a fan of Newsom but she's someone who, at the beginning at least, was promoted a lot on the "gimmicks" she brought with her (the voice, the harp) which got people to listen to and enjoy the music in the first place. IMO.

    I'm not a fan of GaGa's music but to dismiss it as just glow sticks is pretty stupid.

    "You listen to Newsom's music and all you hear are bearded hipsters"

  • I'm not a fan of GaGa's music but to dismiss it as just glow sticks is pretty stupid.

    I think it's pretty fair.

    I was aware of Lady GaGa and her whole media image for some time before I actually heard her music, so I was expecting something that at least had an element of the avant-garde and leftfield style her image suggested. But it doesn't. It is homogenous pop that could just as easily be sung by any number of current starlets. Glow sticks for days.

    The contrast with Peaches and Grace Jones is also on point.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    It's just good PR to diss the Gaga. If you got a new album coming out (Newsom), or if you're trying to make a comeback (Jones), dissing the biggest thing in pop [at the moment] is going to get you attention.

    That being said..

    This Newsom / Gaga beef is great. IT MUST BE ESCALATED!

    I want to hear a radio only, 20 minute long, Newson Gaga diss track 'Gaga was my bunny rabit'. A psychoanalytical look into Newsom's issues with Gaga, juxtaposed with the story of the loss of her favourite childhood pet.

    Gaga to respond by defecating on a harp in her next video, dressed as Lena Hyena (the ugly Jessica Rabbit imposter from WFRR)

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    So all pop music = glow sticks then?

    Maybe it's just because I don't know much about her beyond the videos on TV and the endless parade of pictures in the newspapers but it seems overly dismissive to me in that I've never seen any claims by her that she's breaking down walls. If this is what she's doing then maybe it's a valid point.

    I always just assumed that she was out to entertain and bring a bit of showbiz "glamour" back to the charts. Comparing any top forty pop act with either Peaches or Grace Jones is kind of missing the point really.

  • fishmongerfunkfishmongerfunk 4,154 Posts
    "I'm mystified by the laziness of people looking at how she presents herself, and somehow assuming that implies there's a high level of intelligence in the songwriting. Her approach to image is really interesting, but you listen to the music, and you just hear glow sticks. Smart outlets for musical journalism give her all this credit, like she's the new Madonna ?"


    But there's not much in her music to distinguish it from other glossy, formulaic pop. She just happens to wear slightly weirder outfits than Britney Spears. But they're not that weird ? they're mostly just skimpy. She's fully marketing her body/sexuality; she's just doing it while wearing, like, a 'fierce' telephone hair-hat. Her sexuality has no scuzziness, no frank raunchiness, in the way that, say, Peaches, or even Grace Jones, have ? she's Arty Spice! And, meanwhile, she seems to take herself so oddly seriously, the way she talks about her music in the third person, like she's Brecht or something. She just makes me miss Cyndi Lauper."

    i have no clue who joanna newsome is but she is hella perceptive.
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