Chef Boyardee Canned Rat

fishmongerfunkfishmongerfunk 4,154 Posts
edited April 2010 in Strut Central
i just threw out the two cans of mini ravioli i was keeping in case of an emergency. i promise you will never eat anything by that company after you see that video (warning the video is extremely unappetizing).
An Ohio women who opened a can of Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs for her daughter claims to have found not spaghetti and meatballs: "I opened it up and my face was very close to it and immediately you could tell there was a dead rodent on top, in fact you couldn't even see the spaghetti and meatballs at all," said Jennifer Aker.Jennifer contacted ConAgra, the manufacturer of the product, who asked for a photo of the tainted goods. Instead, Aker's nephew shot a video of the can and its contents and put it on YouTube. The video is below.ConAgra, who is reportedly sending a courier to retrieve the product to conduct tests on it, has asked Aker to freeze the contents of the can in the meantime.Con Agra has released the following statement in response to the potential time bomb of a dead rodent in its canned food: "We take all consumer inquires seriously, and when a consumer has a bad experience, we work with them to determine the source of the problem and correct it. We also work with them to make up for their experience as best as we are able." Said Jennifer Aker: "I'm not looking for money, I'm just looking to let people be aware of this. It's just really gross."



  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    i really dont think i can watch that at this hour. i was just about to eat.

  • yeah, you know i couldn;t make it through that video either i started to retch. sorry should have warned y'all...

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Chef Boyardee is gross without or without vermin. Talmbout sodium, processed food, and added chemicals like whoa. I bet that raw rat meat was the healthiest thing in that can.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Wait......canned Italian food is disgusting.....the Olive Garden will be pleased to know this.

  • olive garden serves italian food now?

  • FrankFrank 2,372 Posts
    If you break it down in nutritional value, that rat probably was the best thing ever to be found in such a can.

  • ZING! Well played.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    olive garden serves italian food now?

    C'mon never saw that TV commercial where the family brings their grandfather from Italy to Olive Garden and he says it's better than the food back in the "old country"?

    Unfortunately they never aired the follow-up ad where Grandpa goes back to Sicily and puts a hit out on his whole damn family with some dude named "Joe Bag Of Donuts" for feeding him that swill.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I grew up eating my 100% Italian grandmother's awesome 100% Italian food on the regular...and I've always liked Olive Garden.

  • ZEN2ZEN2 1,540 Posts
    that raw rat meat was the healthiest thing in that can.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I grew up eating my 100% Italian grandmother's awesome 100% Italian food on the regular...and I've always liked Olive Garden.

    Was she from Northern Italy??

    My second generation Italian wife thinks it's the most disgusting "Italian" food around.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I grew up eating my 100% Italian grandmother's awesome 100% Italian food on the regular...and I've always liked Olive Garden.

    Was she from Northern Italy??

    My second generation Italian wife thinks it's the most disgusting "Italian" food around.

    Nope, she's from da souf.

    And for me, all-you-can-eat salad and breadsticks alone =

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    i just threw out the two cans of mini ravioli i was keeping in case of an emergency. i promise you will never eat anything by that company after you see that video (warning the video is extremely unappetizing).

    That's gross, but you threw out two completely unrelated cans because of the video? So in the literally millions of cans this company makes one error occurs and somehow everything is tainted? What's that, an error rate of .000000000001%?

    If that's the case, you might as well stop eating at restaurants as well - I'm sure you've ingested non-food matter there too. Or fruits and vegetables (you know those grow in the open outside, right?) - etc.

    I've had mice eating food in my own kitchen, and I can assure you I have not hit the million mark for articles of food passing through it.

    Use your noggin, dude.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    I worked for a time in a salmon cannery in Seward, Alaska. It consistently won awards for the being the cleanest, best run cannery in Alaska.

    Not a single person who worked their would even consider eating that canned salmon.

    Over the years I've noticed that anyone who works in a processed food plant will refuse to eat that product.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    A friend of mine used to work on the computer systems for maintaining vats at food plants and refuses to eat coleslaw to this day.

    People are far too prissy these days.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I worked for a time in a salmon cannery in Seward, Alaska. It consistently won awards for the being the cleanest, best run cannery in Alaska.

    Not a single person who worked their would even consider eating that canned salmon.

    Over the years I've noticed that anyone who works in a processed food plant will refuse to eat that product.

    Jurgis Rudkus would be laughing right now.

  • i just threw out the two cans of mini ravioli i was keeping in case of an emergency. i promise you will never eat anything by that company after you see that video (warning the video is extremely unappetizing).

    That's gross, but you threw out two completely unrelated cans because of the video? So in the literally millions of cans this company makes one error occurs and somehow everything is tainted? What's that, an error rate of .000000000001%?

    If that's the case, you might as well stop eating at restaurants as well - I'm sure you've ingested non-food matter there too. Or fruits and vegetables (you know those grow in the open outside, right?) - etc.

    I've had mice eating food in my own kitchen, and I can assure you I have not hit the million mark for articles of food passing through it.

    Use your noggin, dude.

    my noggin and my stomache tell me i never want to ever eat anything coming out of can that company produces. i have had mice before, i think i know where food comes from (we wash it before eating it) and i am no germophobe but a moist dead rat packed inside a can of prepared food is pretty darn revolting.

    btw, the jungle by upton sinclair is fantastic. the meat packing plant description is harrowing. incidentally, it is because of that book and the attendant outcry it produced that the federal government adopted laws in relation to health and safety standards for food etc...

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    People are far too prissy these days.

    My German grandmother used to have a saying about picking up food from the floor and eating it......maybe Frank can help out on the translation but it supposedly meant something like "dirt equals fat"???....something like "Dreck mon speck"??

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    i just threw out the two cans of mini ravioli i was keeping in case of an emergency. i promise you will never eat anything by that company after you see that video (warning the video is extremely unappetizing).

    That's gross, but you threw out two completely unrelated cans because of the video? So in the literally millions of cans this company makes one error occurs and somehow everything is tainted? What's that, an error rate of .000000000001%?

    If that's the case, you might as well stop eating at restaurants as well - I'm sure you've ingested non-food matter there too. Or fruits and vegetables (you know those grow in the open outside, right?) - etc.

    I've had mice eating food in my own kitchen, and I can assure you I have not hit the million mark for articles of food passing through it.

    Use your noggin, dude.

    my noggin and my stomache tell me i never want to ever eat anything coming out of can that company produces. i have had mice before, i think i know where food comes from (we wash it before eating it) and i am no germophobe but a moist dead rat packed inside a can of prepared food is pretty darn revolting.

    btw, the jungle by upton sinclair is fantastic. the meat packing plant description is harrowing. incidentally, it is because of that book and the attendant outcry it produced that the federal government adopted laws in relation to health and safety standards for food etc...

    For sure. But all I'm saying is that in large processed food plants eventually some error will occur. You pitch the offending can and move on.

    I'm fairly certain there is some sort of allowable threshold for stuff like that - like in processed cereal isn't there a certain expectation of rodent droppings and bugs because it is impossible to eradicate there entirely from huge lots of grain?

    The more amusing part of The Jungle is that Upton Sinclair wasn't even shooting for food regulation; he wanted labor regulation. Whoops.

  • yeah, he said he was aiming at people's minds and instead hit their stomachs.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    I'm fairly certain there is some sort of allowable threshold for stuff like that - like in processed cereal isn't there a certain expectation of rodent droppings and bugs because it is impossible to eradicate there entirely from huge lots of grain?

    "In case you?re curious: you?re probably ingesting one to two pounds of flies, maggots and mites each year without knowing it, a quantity of insects that clearly does not cut the mustard, even as insects may well be in the mustard."

  • Lucious_FoxLucious_Fox 2,479 Posts
    Who eats Chef Boyardee in 2010?

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I'm fairly certain there is some sort of allowable threshold for stuff like that - like in processed cereal isn't there a certain expectation of rodent droppings and bugs because it is impossible to eradicate there entirely from huge lots of grain?

    "In case you?re curious: you?re probably ingesting one to two pounds of flies, maggots and mites each year without knowing it, a quantity of insects that clearly does not cut the mustard, even as insects may well be in the mustard."

    In its (falsely) reassuringly subtitled booklet ?The Food Defect Action Levels: Levels of Natural or Unavoidable Defects in Foods That Present No Health Hazards for Humans,? the F.D.A.?s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition establishes acceptable levels of such ?defects? for a range of foods products, from allspice to peanut butter.

    Among the booklet?s list of allowable defects are ?insect filth,? ?rodent filth? (both hair and excreta pellets), ?mold,? ?insects,? ?mammalian excreta,? ?rot,? ?insects and larvae? (which is to say, maggots), ?insects and mites,? ?insects and insect eggs,? ?drosophila fly,? ?sand and grit,? ?parasites,? ?mildew? and ?foreign matter? (which includes ?objectionable? items like ?sticks, stones, burlap bagging, cigarette butts, etc.?).

    Cigarette butts... that I wouldn't have thought of.

  • arvidarvid 50 Posts

    "Dreck mon speck"??

    Probably "Dreck Am Stecken", which means something like:
    If you wipe off the dirt, it doesn't mean it's clean. Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't use my German every day.

  • FrankFrank 2,372 Posts

    People are far too prissy these days.

    My German grandmother used to have a saying about picking up food from the floor and eating it......maybe Frank can help out on the translation but it supposedly meant something like "dirt equals fat"???....something like "Dreck mon speck"??

    haha... my own grandmother used to love to say this. The OG is "Dreck macht Speck".
    Literally translated "dirt makes bacon" meaning "eating what others won't will put more fat on your ribs".

    People who had experienced times of real hunger would often be offended if you'd throw away food that had fallen off the table. Or if someone would discard a jar or preserves just because there was a bit of mold on top...

    People who'd be picky about food would often hear remarks like "You've never been to war, you've never experienced hunger".

    My nazi grandfather was a master at sayings like this and endlessly recount about his times in a Russian POW camp and how he had eaten leather from the shoes of the dead or made soup from grass... as hit my teens and started to know what's what, I couldn't help but think "that's what you got for being a nazi piece of shit".

    He would have picked out the rat particles and eaten the spaghetti, no doubt.

  • FrankFrank 2,372 Posts

    "Dreck mon speck"??

    Probably "Dreck Am Stecken", which means something like:
    If you wipe off the dirt, it doesn't mean it's clean. Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't use my German every day.

    "Dreck am Stecken" is something entirely different.
    To have "dreck am Stecken" means to have a skeleton in the closet or to be "dirty" as in having a dirty secret.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    i just threw out the two cans of mini ravioli i was keeping in case of an emergency. i promise you will never eat anything by that company after you see that video (warning the video is extremely unappetizing).

    That's gross, but you threw out two completely unrelated cans because of the video? So in the literally millions of cans this company makes one error occurs and somehow everything is tainted? What's that, an error rate of .000000000001%?

    If that's the case, you might as well stop eating at restaurants as well - I'm sure you've ingested non-food matter there too. Or fruits and vegetables (you know those grow in the open outside, right?) - etc.

    I've had mice eating food in my own kitchen, and I can assure you I have not hit the million mark for articles of food passing through it.

    Use your noggin, dude.

    my noggin and my stomache tell me i never want to ever eat anything coming out of can that company produces. i have had mice before, i think i know where food comes from (we wash it before eating it) and i am no germophobe but a moist dead rat packed inside a can of prepared food is pretty darn revolting.

    btw, the jungle by upton sinclair is fantastic. the meat packing plant description is harrowing. incidentally, it is because of that book and the attendant outcry it produced that the federal government adopted laws in relation to health and safety standards for food etc...

    It was more than just the 10+ pgs in The Jungle that led to the Pure Food and Drug Act. Patent meds, rancid army food rations, and the improving quality of chemical analysis made the calls for the P F&DA too much to ignore.

    Quality control is just that, it controls quality, it is not "zero tolerance." If it was "zero tolerance," no one would eat anything from a commercial food processing/packing business. There should be some quality control analyst inspecting cans before they get sealed up, at the very least visually, and that is on Chef Boyardee. One thing not mentioned in this discussion on here is fungal contaminants. The amounts of fungal contamination estimated to be ingested by populations that eat processed foods worldwide is astronomical.

    I have read somewhere that consuming a large amount of store bought truly whole wheat or rye bread in one sitting can be the equivalent to a tiny dose of lsd. Albert Hoffmann synthesized LSD from ergot alkaloids.

    The best question on here though that was posed is who the fusk still eats Chef Boyardee beyond the age of 5?

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts

    He would have picked out the rat particles and eaten the spaghetti, no doubt.

    what about "kostenlose Fleischzulage"?

  • arvidarvid 50 Posts

    "Dreck mon speck"??

    Probably "Dreck Am Stecken", which means something like:
    If you wipe off the dirt, it doesn't mean it's clean. Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't use my German every day.

    "Dreck am Stecken" is something entirely different.
    To have "dreck am Stecken" means to have a skeleton in the closet or to be "dirty" as in having a dirty secret.

    Vielen dank!

    It's time to pick up a German book again and start reading.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    I have read somewhere that consuming a large amount of store bought truly whole wheat or rye bread in one sitting can be the equivalent to a tiny dose of lsd. Albert Hoffmann synthesized LSD from ergot alkaloids.

    Ergot poisoning is also one of the proposed explanations for the hallucinations suffered by the Salem children that propelled the Salem witch trials forward.
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